This exhibit features works of art that are available for adoption from the W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research Archives. To adopt a work please fill out and submit this form. Thank you!

Work by Michael Waskowsky entitled Dancer Resting.

Title: Dancer Resting
Artist: Michael Waskowsky
Size: 23 inches (W) by 29 inches (H)

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Work by Charles Culver entitled Young Deer.

Title: Young Deer
Artist: Charles Culver
Size: 25 3/4 inches (W) by 29 1/2 inches (H)

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This work is by Charles Culver and it depicts a boat.

Title: Unknown; work depicts a boat.
Artist: Norman Howard Brumm
Size: 29 inches (W) by 25 1/4 inches (H)

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Work by an unknown artist depicting a landscape.

Title: Unknown; work depicts a landscape.
Artist: Unknown
Size: 32 inches (W) by 25 1/4 inches (H)

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Work by Nora Drapce depicting a fountain.

Title: Unknown; work depicts a fountain.
Artist: Nora Drapce
Size: 31 1/4 inches (W) by 41 inches (H)

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Work by Letterman depicting an abstract image.

Title: Unknown; work is abstract.
Artist: Letterman
Size: 37 1/4 inches (W) by 37 inches (H)

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