
Cost Estimate for Lansing Promise

Project Dates

11/29/2012 - 12/29/2011


The Upjohn Institute prepared a cost estimate of a first-dollar and middle-dollar Lansing Promise Scholarship Program. In the first dollar scenario, being eligible for the scholarship would not require the completion of the FAFSA for possible federal scholarship assistance. In the second scenario, it would be a requirement. For both scenarios, researchers prepared a 10-year forecast of the program costs. Finally, the Institute provided cost estimates for the following three variations under both scenarios:
1) A universal scholarship for students who reside within the City of Lansing and attend Lansing public schools.
2) A universal scholarship for the above population plus students who reside within the City of Lansing and attend public charter schools located within city boundaries.
3) A universal scholarship for the above population plus students who reside within the City of Lansing and attend private schools located within city boundaries.


City of Lansing, Michigan

Subject Area

EDUCATION; Promise scholarships
