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King and Mueser examine changes in welfare participation and labor market involvement of welfare recipients in six major cities during the 1990s. By focusing on these six cities (Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, Fort Lauderdale, Houston, and Kansas City) they are able to glean the extent to which differences in state and local policy, administrative directives, and local labor market conditions contribute to the trends in caseloads, employment, and well-being observed among former recipients.


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  1. Welfare and Employment Transitions in the 1990s
  2. State and City Welfare and Employment Policies in the 1990s
  3. The Determinants of Welfare Exits and Employment
  4. Job Stability for Welfare Recipients: A Comparison of Matched Job Spells
  5. Explaining Job Stability for Welfare Recipients
  6. Conclusions and Implications for Welfare and Beyond


9780880993197 (cloth) ; 9780880993180 (pbk.) ; 9781417596348 (ebook)

Subject Areas

UNEMPLOYMENT, DISABILITY, and INCOME SUPPORT PROGRAMS; Poverty and income support; Income support programs; Low wage labor markets; EITC; WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT; Public training programs; Welfare to work

Welfare and Work: Experiences in Six Cities




King, Christopher T., and Peter R. Mueser. 2005. Welfare and Work: Experiences in Six Cities. Kalamazoo, MI: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.