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Ihlanfeldt presents data that strongly support the "spatial mismatch hypothesis" for the high unemployment rate of disadvantaged teens. This theory, which the author thoroughly outlines in this work, asserts that the suburbanization of low-skill jobs and continued housing market segregation have reduced the job opportunities of inner-city dwelling minorities. This book extends Ihlanfeldt's earlier work on spatial mismatch by incorporating school enrollment decisions and other urban factors into his analysis. Thus, he also demonstrates empirically that job access is related to the high school dropout problem and concludes that poor access to jobs is useful in explaining the relatively low economic welfare of urban blacks.


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  1. Introduction
  2. Review and Assessment of the Job Access Literature
  3. Empirical Evidence on the Effect of Intraurban Job Accessibility on Youth Employment
  4. The Impact of Intraurban Job Accessibility on the School Enrollment and Employment Decisions of Teenagers: A Multinomial Logit Analysis
  5. Policy Conclusions


9780880991261 (pbk.) ; 9780585183459 (ebook)

Subject Areas

EDUCATION; K-12 Education; ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT; Regional policy and planning; Urban issues; Transportation and infrastructure

Job Accessibility and the Employment and School Enrollment of Teenagers




Ihlanfeldt, Keith R. 1992. Job Accessibility and the Employment and School Enrollment of Teenagers. Kalamazoo, MI: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research.

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