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Berkowitz and Burton provide a detailed examination of the adequacy and equity of permanent partial disability benefits, and the efficiency of the system delivering those benefits. A ten-state study is presented that examines states' criteria for awarding scheduled and nonscheduled benefits. Three of those states are then used for a wage-loss study illustrating the relationship among workers' disability ratings, the workers' WC benefits, and losses of earnings caused by work-related injuries.


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  1. Disability Among the Working-Age Population: A Conceptual Framework
  2. The Objectives of Workers' Compensation
  3. An Introduction to the Ten-State Study
  4. Procedures for Permanent Partial Benefits
  5. Scheduled Benefits
  6. Nonscheduled Benefits in Impairment (Category I) States
  7. Nonscheduled Benefits in Loss of Wage-Earning Capacity
  8. Nonscheduled Benefits in Wage-Loss (Category III) States
  9. The Transformation of Florida to a Wage-Loss State
  10. The Wage-Loss Study of California, Florida, and Wisconsin
  11. Evaluation of Permanent Disability Benefits
  12. Possible Reforms of Permanent Partial Disability Benefits


9780880990509 (pbk.) ; 9780880995894 (ebook)

Subject Areas

UNEMPLOYMENT, DISABILITY, and INCOME SUPPORT PROGRAMS; Workers compensation and disability; Benefits and financing; Disability

Permanent Disability Benefits in Workers' Compensation




Berkowitz, Monroe, and John F. Burton. 1987. Permanent Disability Benefits in Workers' Compensation. Kalamazoo, MI: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research.

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