Publication Date
This book examines the economic consequences of work disabilities, and public and private interventions that might enable disabled individuals to enter the work force for the first time, remain at work, or return to work. Three groups of papers are presented. The first group examines ways that labor market changes, policy interventions and individual choices shape the work force. The next analyzes both public and private return to work policies for the work disabled and for those with a severely disabling condition. The final group focuses on the specific needs of the disabled that affect their work force participation, including access to health care, personal assistance and assistive technologies.
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Download 1. Overview / Jerry L. Mashaw, Virginia P. Reno (2.0 MB)
Download 2. The Contemporary Labor Market and the Employment Prospects of Persons with Disabilities / Edward Yelin, Miriam Cisternas (1.3 MB)
Download 3. Employment and Economic Well-Being Following the Onset of a Disability / Richard V. Burkhauser, Mary C. Daly (2.3 MB)
Download 4. Employment and Benefits for People with Diverse Disabilities / Walter Y. Oi (1.5 MB)
Download 5. European Experiences with Disability Policy / Leo J.M. Aarts, Phillip R. de Jong (2.2 MB)
Download 6. Patterns of Return to Work in a Cohort of Disabled-Worker Beneficiaries / Martynas A. Yčas (1.2 MB)
Download 7. The Effectiveness of Financial Work Incentives in Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income / Hilary Williamson Hoynes, Robert Moffitt (2.1 MB)
Download 8. Lessons from the Vocational Rehabilitation/Social Security Administration Experience / Edward Berkowitz, David Dean (1.3 MB)
Download 9. Disability and Work: Lessons from the Private Sector / H. Allan Hunt, Rochelle V. Habeck, Patricia Owens, David Vandergoot (1.7 MB)
Download 10. Quantitative Outcomes of the Transitional Employment Training Demonstration / Aaron J. Prero (1.3 MB)
Download 11. Policies for People with Disabilities in U.S. Employment and Training Programs / Burt S. Barnow (1.9 MB)
Download 12. Improving the Return to Work of Social Security Disability Beneficiaries / Monroe Berkowitz (1.5 MB)
Download 13. People with Disabilities / Robert B. Friedland, Alison Evans (1.9 MB)
Download 14. Health Care, Personal Assistance and Assistive Technology / Andrew I. Batavia (1.5 MB)
Papers presented at a conference on disability, work, and cash benefits held December 8-10, 1994 in Santa Monica, California, jointly sponsored by National Academy of Social Insurance and the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research of the U.S. Department of Education
9780880991681 (cloth) ; 9780880991674 (pbk.) ; 9780585301563 (ebook)
Subject Areas
UNEMPLOYMENT, DISABILITY, and INCOME SUPPORT PROGRAMS; Workers compensation and disability; Benefits and financing; Disability
Mashaw, Jerry L., Virginia Reno, Richard V. Burkhauser, and Monroe Berkowitz, eds. 1996. Disability, Work and Cash Benefits. Kalamazoo, MI: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research.
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