Publication Date



At the core of issues in Lucas County and, in particular, the City of Toledo is poverty. While this does not necessarily provide an “Aha!” moment, current conditions that contribute to being economically disadvantaged in many areas of the city and county affect not only current residents but will also affect future residents—without meaningful and targeted interventions. It is beyond the scope of the Toledo Community Foundation, or any single institution for that matter, to unilaterally address the range of issues presented in this study. Remedying these issues must be accomplished through the coordination and leveraging of resources, including public, private, personal, and not-for-profit resources.

Issue Date

May 10, 2019


Upjohn project #35151


Toledo Community Foundation

Subject Areas

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT; Regional policy and planning; Regional collaboration




Robey, Jim, Stephen Biddle, Don Edgerly, Marie Holler, Brian Pittelko, Claudette Robey, Kathleen Bolter, and Tom Schorgl. 2019. "Assessing Community Needs: City of Toledo and Lucas County, Ohio." Prepared for the Toledo Community Foundation.