Publication Date



Lakeshore Advantage, a nonprofit economic development organization serving businesses in Allegan and Ottawa counties, teamed up with the W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research to better understand the long-term economic health of its region. The Upjohn Institute conducted an analysis of Allegan and Ottawa counties to hone in on the strengths of these communities and offer insights on where improvements are needed to grow the region and achieve Lakeshore Advantage’s 2030 goals which include ranking at or above selected comparative communities for median household income, average annual pay, total employment growth, and educational attainment. This study includes an examination of the region’s population, income, employment, mobility, and migration and examines how these factors interconnect in achieving Lakeshore Advantage’s 2030 goals. A literature review of features common to successful communities additionally reveals a needed special focus on industry diversification and specialization, educational attainment, and broadband services. The report also reveals several conclusions and key takeaways concerning the Lakeshore Advantage Region.

Issue Date

August 27, 2020


Upjohn project #35162


Grand Rapids Community College and Muskegon Community College

Subject Areas

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT; Local labor markets; Regional policy and planning; Michigan studies; Transportation and infrastructure

jr21afeo.pdf (10144 kB)
Appendix for Economic Outlook for Lakeshore Advantage: Getting to 2030




Robey, Jim, Kathleen Bolter, Gerrit Anderson, Emily Boyle, Claudette Robey, Brian Pittelko, Jennifer Nichols, and Minh Dang. 2020. "Economic Outlook for Lakeshore Advantage: Getting to 2030." Prepared for Lakeshore Advantage.