Publication Date



The net impacts and private and social benefits and costs of workforce development programs were estimated in three separate studies; two of them in Washington and one in Virginia. The programs included the public job training system, programs at community and technical colleges, adult basic education, private career schools, high school career and technical education, and vocational rehabilitation for disabled individuals and for blind or visually impaired individuals. The net impact analyses were conducted using a nonexperimental methodology. Individuals who had encountered the workforce development programs were statistically matched to individuals who had not. Administrative data with information from the universe of program participants and Labor Exchange data for registrants (who served as the comparison group pool) were used for the analyses. These data included several years of pre-program and outcome information including demographics, employment and earnings information from the Unemployment Insurance wage record system, and transfer income information such as Food Stamps and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipiency and benefits.

Issue Date

November 7, 2008


Support from the Workforce Education and Training Board of the State of Washington and the Senior Advisor's Office of the Commonwealth of Virginia

Subject Areas

EDUCATION; Postsecondary education; WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT; Labor exchange; On the job training; Apprenticeship training

kh08suow2.pdf (79 kB)
State Use of Workforce System (PowerPoint slides)




Hollenbeck, Kevin. 2008. "State Use of Workforce System Net Impact Estimates and Rates of Return." Presented at the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) Conference, Los Angeles, CA.