Publication Date


Award Type

Honorable Mention

Dissertation Advisor

Olof Ǻslund and Per-Anders Eden


Essay 1: (co-written with Olof Åslund) We study the impact of family size on intermediate and long-term outcomes using twin births as an exogenous source of variation in family size in an unusually rich dataset.

Essay 2: This paper investigates the consequences of a series of Swedish policy changes beginning in 1989 where different regions started subsidizing the birth control pill. The reforms were significant and applied to all types of oral contraceptives.

Essay 3: (co-written with Olof Åslund, Per-Anders Edin and Peter Fredriksson) We study peer effects in compulsory school performance among immigrant youth in Sweden. The empirical analysis exploits a governmental refugee placement policy that provides exogenous variation in the initial place of residence in Sweden; and it is based on tightly defined neighborhoods.

Essay 4: This paper investigates the consequences of residential segregation for immigrants’ health. To this end, I make use of a rich dataset covering the entire Swedish population age 16–74 from 1987 to 2004.

Link to dissertation full text
