"The Labor Market Effects of U.S. Shale Gas and Oil Development" by Grant Jacobsen

The Labor Market Effects of U.S. Shale Gas and Oil Development

Publication Date


Grant Type

Early Career Research Award


The United States is currently experiencing a boom in domestic gas and oil production, in part due to the availability of new technologies related to hydraulic fracturing (i.e. “fracking”). In the proposed research, I will evaluate how the energy boom has influenced labor markets in areas with shale oil and gas reserves. While previous studies have focused primarily on the effect of energy booms on job creation, I will focus primarily on compensation effects. This research will be valuable for evaluations of different policy options related to drilling, which often involve comparing the economic benefits to the potential environmental harm.

Grant Product

Who Wins in an Energy Boom? Evidence from Wage Rates and Housing
Upjohn Institute Working Paper No. 17-271, 2016
