"Establishment-Level Determinants of Job Quality and Wage Inequality" by Eliza C. Forsythe

Establishment-Level Determinants of Job Quality and Wage Inequality

Publication Date


Grant Type

Early Career Research Award


Over the past several decades, job polarization, technological change, and deunionization have contributed to deteriorating job quality for many workers. In this project, I will examine the extent to which organizational choices are associated with changing job quality at the establishment level. I will use restricted-access cross-sectional and panel data from the Occupational Employment Statistics survey to measure variation in organizational choices, including within-establishment polarization, management structure, and wage inequality. Results from this project will further understanding of how these trends play out at the establishment level, and will inform labor-market policies to improve prospects for all workers.

Grant Product

Careers within Firms: Occupational Mobility over the Life Cycle
Upjohn Institute Working Paper No. 18-286, 2018

Forsythe, Eliza. 2019. "Careers within Firms: Occupational Mobility Over the Lifecycle." Labour 33(3): 241-277. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/labr.12146

The Occupational Structures of Low- and High-Wage Service Sector Establishments
Upjohn Institute Working Paper No. 18-292, 2018

Forsythe, Eliza C. 2019. "The Occupational Structures of Low- and High-Wage Service Sector Establishments." Economic Development Quarterly 33(2): 76-91. https://doi.org/10.1177/0891242419838328
