A Structural Dynamic Analysis of Over-Education and Mismatch
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Grant Type
Early Career Research Award
More than half of American and European workers have a level of education that does not match the level of education required for their job. A majority of these has more schooling than necessary to perform their job, and is deemed overeducated in the economics. A key motivation for this project is to go beyond stylized facts and understand the determinants and implications of over-education. The goal of this research is threefold. First, we will investigate the effect of educational mismatch on wages using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79). Second, we will attempt to disentangle the different mechanisms contributing to over-education. Quantifying the importance of job search inefficiencies, versus other factors such as unobserved ability, non-pecuniary job benefits or career mobility prospects is crucial from a policy viewpoint. The third objective of our analysis will be to consider gender, race and socioeconomic heterogeneity in the risk of overeducation
Grant Product
Clark, Brian, Joubert, Clément, and Maurel, Aranud. 2017. "The career prospects of overeducated Americans." IZA Journal of Labor Economics 6(3). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40172-017-0053-4
Clark, Brian, Clément Joubert, and Arnaud Maurel. 2014. "The Career Prospects of Overeducated Americans." NBER Working Paper No. 20167. https://doi.org/10.3386/w20167
Clark, Brian, Joubert, Clement Jean Edouard and Maurel, Arnaud. 2014. "The Career Prospects of Overeducated Americans." Economic Research Initiatives at Duke (ERID) Working Paper No. 176. http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2513329
The Career Prospects of Overeducated Americans
IZA Discussion Paper No. 8313, 2014.