Veterans in Workforce Development: Participation and Labor Market Outcomes

Publication Date


Grant Type

Early Career Research Award


This research compares employment and earnings among veterans and non-veterans following their receipt of workforce development services in Washington State. The author also describes workforce program participation patterns for veterans and non-veterans to determine if veterans have equal or prioritized access to key programs, where prioritization is required by law. Based on tabulations of administrative data and with a plan to implement propensity score weighted regressions, the preliminary results indicate slightly lower levels of participation by veterans than non-veterans in two major workforce programs (Wagner-Peyser and the Workforce Investment Act Adult program), and high participation in veteran-specific programs (Disabled Veterans Outreach Program and Local Veterans Employment Representative). Employment rates of veterans after program receipt appear substantially lower than those for non-veterans. Meanwhile, average earnings appear higher, conditional on employment. Additional analysis is needed to verify these preliminary findings and generate policy recommendations for the workforce development system in terms of veterans’ employment outcomes.

Grant Product

Veterans in Workforce Development: Participation and Labor Market Outcomes
Upjohn Institute Working Paper No. 17-274, 2017
