"Research for Equity in Recovery II: Place-Based Strategies" by Timothy J. Bartik, Simon Johnson et al.

Research for Equity in Recovery II: Place-Based Strategies

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How can place-based initiatives be part of a strategy for an equitable recovery? COVID-19 and its economic fallout have worsened economic inequalities across the country and across demographic groups. Before the pandemic, regional growth was to a large extent concentrated in a small number of prosperous metro areas, mostly on the coasts. This growth has caused a housing crisis in these communities. At the same time, distressed areas have fallen into deeper decline. Early indications are that the pandemic is likely to worsen these trends. The panelists discuss what policies might hasten and deepen the recovery of distressed areas. They also discuss how to help spread both overall growth and high-tech growth more broadly across America’s communities as we recover from the pandemic.

Issue Date

July 16, 2020

Streaming Media


W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, Penn Institute for Urban Research, and Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

Subject Areas

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT; Local labor markets; Regional policy and planning; Urban issues




Bartik, Timothy J., Simon Johnson, Mark Muro, and Susan Wachter. 2020. "Research for Equity in Recovery II: Place-Based Strategies." Presentation prepared for webinar, July 16, 2020.