"tnAchieves from a National Perspective" by Michelle Miller-Adams, Martha Kanter et al.

tnAchieves from a National Perspective

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Other communities and states have launched programs like the TN Promise scholarship! With more than a decade of experience leading a last-dollar scholarship program, tnAchieves has provided advice and consultation to many of these groups as they begin to plan their programs. Join former Under Secretary of Education Martha Kanter now of College Promise, Michelle Miller-Adams of the Upjohn Institute and Celeste Carruthers of the University of Tennessee's Boyd Center for Business and Economic Research as they discuss the impact tnAchieves has on the national college landscape.

Issue Date

October 9, 2020

Streaming Media

Subject Areas

EDUCATION; Postsecondary education; Promise scholarships




Miller-Adams, Michelle, Martha Kanter, Celeste Carruthers, Krissy DeAlejandro, and Graham Thomas. 2020. "tnAchieves from a National Perspective." Presentation prepared for a webinar, October 9, 2020.