Urban/Rural Divide: A Call for Action
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If the post COVID-19 recovery is to be truly inclusive, then it is critical to understand the geographical distribution of growth, an issue which still receives less attention than other dimensions of inequality. Economists, international financial institutions, governments, and think tanks all need to devote more resources to identifying policies that lift the fortunes of “forgotten” places. Our panelists will discuss policy options to address this critical global issue.
Issue Date
July 9, 2021
Streaming Media
Atlantic Council GeoEconomics Center and the International Monetary Fund
Subject Areas
Bartik, Timothy J., Era Dabla-Norris, Martin Mühleisen, Andrés Rodriguez-Pose, and Dr. Nicole Goldin. 2021. "Urban/Rural Divide: A Call for Action." Presentation prepared for Atlantic Council GeoEconomics Center panel discussion, July 9, 2021.