"Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge Grants Evaluation (JIAC Eval" by Kevin Hollenbeck , Principal Investigator


Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge Grants Evaluation (JIAC Evaluation)

Project Dates

08/05/2013 -


A project team from Mathematica Policy Research and the Upjohn Institute will conduct an evaluation of the Jobs and Innovation Challenge (JIAC) Grants program. The purposes of the JIAC grants are to leverage public/private partnerships in key sectors to promote regional economic development, to support innovation and regional collaboration, to train workers to enter high-wage industries, and to support entrepreneurship and growth of small business. Through field work, collection and analysis of original data, and review and analysis of administrative data and documents, the project team will evaluate the effectiveness of the activities undertaken by grant recipients in the 30 regions that were funded as well as the effectiveness of the collaboration of multiple federal agencies in funding or providing assistance to the grant recipients.


Evaluation of the Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge Grants: Interim Findings on Multiagency Collaboration and Cluster Progress. Megan Hague Angus, Jeanne Bellotti, Kevin Hollenbeck, Brittany English, ; submitted by Mathematica Policy Research; issued as U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration. ETA Occasional Paper 2015-08 (2015)


Mathematica Policy Research


Subcontract No. 40260S03494

Subject Area

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT; Industry studies; Regional policy and planning; WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT; Labor exchange
