"Update of the Analysis of the Current and Future Talent Needs for the " by George Erickcek , Principal Investigator


Update of the Analysis of the Current and Future Talent Needs for the TALENT 2025 Region with a Special focus on the Emerging Workforce

Project Dates

02/03/2015 -


The Institute will develop a longitudinal database that tracks individual K-12 student performance by grade in the public school districts located in Kent, Ottawa, and Muskegon counties. The Institute will also identify the college-going trends of the region’s high school graduates through the National Student Clearinghouse. In addition, the Institute will examine the current and historical trends in financial and physical resources that are available for the region’s K-12 schools. Many have argued that long-term declines in school funding and enrollments have hindered the performance of the region’s schools.


West Michigan Talent Triangle

Subject Area

EDUCATION; K-12 Education
