"Case Studies on Individual Learning Accounts" by Randall W. Eberts , Principal Investigator


Case Studies on Individual Learning Accounts

Project Dates

05/15/2018 -


The scope of this project is to write a paper for OECD on individual training accounts (ITAs) in two states, as they are currently implemented under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The paper provides a brief overview of WIOA, describes the role of training within WIOA, describes the structure of ITAs, examines the implementation of ITAs in two states (Michigan and Washington), and summarizes an evaluation that specifically focuses on the effectiveness of different approaches to providing Individual Training Accounts. The paper will also examine to what extent individuals in non-standard forms of work access ITAs.



Subject Area

WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT; Public training programs; WIA, JTPA, and CETA
