
Support to Shared Prosperity Kalamazoo

Project Dates

12/13/2018 -


The Upjohn Institute will extend support to the City of Kalamazoo's Shared Prosperity Kalamazoo (SPK) initiative through three sets of activities:

1) Development of a community data system. This includes a comprehensive scan of opportunities and challenges facing children in Kalamazoo; outreach to and convening of community partners around data sharing; and development of a data system that compiles public and private data along the life course from prenatal care to employment, along with the development of related indexes and aggregation of data to create a community scorecard.

2) Scan of the work of large community nonprofits. The Institute will carry out an assessment of the work of nonprofit organizations with budgets in excess of $1 million to complement the community data system and assess the availability of resources within Kalamazoo.

3) Best practices research and guidance around site visits. Working with city staff, the Institute will serve as a supportive resource by researching, identifying, and vetting potential best practices and site visit locales to inform the work of SPK.


City of Kalamazoo

Subject Area

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT; Regional policy and planning
