"Net Impact and Cost-Benefit Evaluation of Washington State’s Workforce" by Kevin Hollenbeck , Principal Investigator


Net Impact and Cost-Benefit Evaluation of Washington State’s Workforce Training System

Project Dates

07/05/2005 - 03/31/2006


Using a quasi-experimental statistical matching technique, Upjohn Institute staff estimated the net impacts and costs and benefits of thirteen workforce training programs. Outcomes of interest included employment, hours, wage rates, earnings, unemployment insurance (UI) benefits, and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Food Stamp, and Medicaid benefits. Two cohorts of program participants were examined—individuals who exited in 2005-2006 program year and in 2007-2008 program year.


Net Impact and Benefit-Cost Estimates of the Workforce Development System in Washington State, Kevin M. Hollenbeck, Wei-Jang Huang, Upjohn Institute Technical Report No. 06-020 (September 2006)

State Use of Workforce System Net Impact Estimates and Rates of Return, Kevin Hollenbeck. Presented at the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) Conference, Los Angeles, CA. (November 2008)

Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Net Impact Estimates and Rates of Return, Kevin Hollenbeck. Presented at European Commission-sponsored meeting, "What the European Social Fund Can Learn from the WIA Experience," Washington, DC. (November 2009)


Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board, Washington state

Subject Area

EDUCATION; Postsecondary education; WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT; Labor exchange; Public training programs; On the job training
