Resident Participation Survey, Regional and Economic Planning Services, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
Publication: Reports
Broadly Shared Local Economic Success: New Measures and New Lessons for Communities, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Presentations
Training Needs and Costs in Kalamazoo's Core Neighborhoods, Timothy J. Bartik, Bridget F. Timmeney, Zachary Brown, Gerrit Anderson, Kathleen Bolter, Nicholas Martens, and Brian Pittelko
Publication: Reports
The Kalamazoo Promise: A Piece in the Puzzle of Housing Preferences, Kathleen Bolter and Alfonso Hernandez
Publication: Reports
Housing Instability’s Toll on Students: Insights from Kalamazoo Public Schools District Renters, Kathleen Bolter, Val Klomparens, and Bridget F. Timmeney
Publication: Reports
Projecting the Demand for Workers in the Production of Lithium-Ion Batteries in the United States, Erik Vasilauskas, Dakota McCracken, and Michael Horrigan
Publication: Reports
Economic Vitality Index: Mapping Michigan’s 83 Counties, Sevrin Williams and Iryna V. Lendel
Publication: Reports
Scoring SOAR, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Upjohn Institute Policy Papers
Home Ownership in City Core Neighborhoods, Val Gipper
Publication: Reports
Employment, Income, and Poverty in Kalamazoo City Core Neighborhoods, Val Klomparens
Publication: Reports
Neighborhoods of Kalamazoo: Summary of Land Parcels, Val Klomparens
Publication: Presentations
Southwest Michigan Wage and Benefits Survey: Van Buren, Kalamazoo, Calhoun, Berrien, Cass, St. Joseph, and Branch Counties, Dakota McCracken, Val Gipper, and Michael Horrigan
Publication: Reports
Michigan Unemployment Insurance: Background for Planning Analysis, Christopher J. O'Leary
Publication: Presentations
Applying Behavioral Insights to Inform Job Search: Evaluating Effects of a Behaviorally Informed Intervention on Job Search Online in West Michigan, Ariella Spitzer, Erin Welch, Greg Chojnacki, William J. Congdon, and Christopher J. O'Leary
Publication: External Papers and Reports
Aligning KRESA EFE/CTE Course Offerings with Local Business Needs: Results of Two Studies, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
Publication: Reports
Kalamazoo County Housing Plan, Emily Petz, Lee Adams, Gerrit Anderson, Dakota McCracken, and Brian Pittelko
Publication: Reports
Montcalm and Ionia Counties Housing Plan, Emily Petz, Lee Adams, Gerrit Anderson, Dakota McCracken, and Brian Pittelko
Publication: Reports
Housing Profiles, Emily Petz, Lee Adams, Gerrit Anderson, Brian Pittelko, and Kathleen Bolter
Publication: Reports
Economic Impact of the Montcalm County Wind Energy Project, Jim Robey
Publication: Reports
Economic Impact of Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine, Jim Robey and Kathleen Bolter
Publication: Reports
South Haven Community Health Assessment, Jim Robey, George Erickcek, Kathleen Bolter, Gerrit Anderson, and Emily Boyle
Publication: Reports
St. Joseph County 2021 Housing Plan, Molly Trueblood, Lee Adams, and Gerrit Anderson
Publication: Reports
An Assessment of the Economic Conditions in the City of Battle Creek, Kathleen Bolter, Jim Robey, and Gerrit Anderson
Publication: Reports
Community Health Assessment: Kalamazoo, Kathleen Bolter, Jim Robey, and Gerrit Anderson
Publication: Reports
Community Health Assessment: Van Buren County, Kathleen Bolter, Jim Robey, and Gerrit Anderson
Publication: Reports
Impact Estimates for Fort Custer Multi-Tenant Industrial Space, Jim Robey
Publication: Reports
Impact Estimates for the Freshwater Center, Jim Robey
Publication: Reports
McCamly Plaza Economic Impact Report, Jim Robey
Publication: Reports
Workforce and Demographic Profile of Berrien, Cass, and Van Buren Counties, Jim Robey
Publication: Reports
Economic Outlook for Lakeshore Advantage: Getting to 2030, Jim Robey, Kathleen Bolter, Gerrit Anderson, Emily Boyle, Claudette Robey, Brian Pittelko, Jennifer Nichols, and Minh Dang
Publication: Reports
Socioeconomic Indicators and Economic Impact Analysis of Firekeepers Casino and Hotel, Jim Robey
Publication: Reports
Estimating the Economic Impacts of Gull Lake View Golf Club and Resort, Jim Robey, Stephen Biddle, Claudette Robey, Marie Holler, Brian Pittelko, and Kathleen Bolter
Publication: Reports
Estimating the Impacts of PlazaCorp Investments Related to the Acquisition of the Arcadia Ramp in Downtown Kalamazoo on the Region, Jim Robey, Randall W. Eberts, Claudette Robey, and Kathleen Bolter
Publication: Reports
An Assessment of the Economic Impact of the Proposed Stoneco Gravel Mine Operation on Richland Township, George Erickcek
Publication: Reports
Economic and Fiscal Impact of the Proposed South Haven Community Event Center, George A. Erickcek
Publication: Reports
Accelerate: Economic Development Strategy and Prosperity Plan for the I-69 Thumb Region, George Erickcek, Bryan Bommersbach, Don Edgerly, Brian Pittelko, Claudette Robey, and Jim Robey
Publication: Reports
Southcentral Michigan Five-Year Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy: Final Report, George Erickcek, Don Edgerly, Brian Pittelko, Claudette Robey, and Bridget Timmeney
Publication: Reports
Occupational Outlook for the Construction Industry in the Greater Grand Rapids-Holland-Muskegon Region, Brian Pittelko and George A. Erickcek
Publication: Reports
Simulating the Effects of the Tax Credit Program of the Michigan Economic Growth Authority on Job Creation and Fiscal Benefits, Timothy J. Bartik and George Erickcek
Publication: Journal Articles
Economic Impact of Northwestern Michigan College: Final Report, George Erickcek
Publication: Reports
Report on Scoping the Feasibility of Constructing an Economic Impact Model for Recreational and Conservation Projects in the State of Michigan, George A. Erickcek
Publication: Reports
Breaking the Poverty Cycle with Education and Jobs in Kalamazoo, Randall W. Eberts
Publication: Presentations
Michigan's Auto Workers: Tracking their Transition during Significant Industry Restructuring, Randall W. Eberts
Publication: Conference Papers
Michigan's Displaced Auto Workers: Using Administrative Data to Track Their Transition during Significant Industry Restructuring, Randall W. Eberts
Publication: Conference Papers
Tracking the Transition of Michigan's Displaced Auto Workers During Significant Restructuring in the Auto Industry, Randall W. Eberts and Kenneth J. Kline
Publication: Reports
Development of an Economic and Social Dashboard for Berrien County, George A. Erickcek
Publication: Reports
Economic and Fiscal Impact of the Proposed South Haven Community Event Center, George A. Erickcek
Publication: Reports
The Impacts of Macomb Community College on the Economy of Macomb County, George A. Erickcek and Kevin M. Hollenbeck
Publication: Reports
Talent 2025 Update Brief: Regional Workforce Demand and System Flows, George A. Erickcek, Brian Pittelko, Bridget F. Timmeney, and Brad R. Watts
Publication: Reports
Identification of the Common Salient Characteristics of Successful Intergovernmental Cooperation and Consolidation of Governmental Services in Kent County, George A. Erickcek and Brad R. Watts
Publication: Reports
A Comprehensive Analysis of the Current and Future Talent Needs for the TALENT 2025 Region, George Erickcek, Brian Pittelko, Claudette Robey, and Bridget F. Timmeney
Publication: Reports
A Second Look at Enrollment Changes after the Kalamazoo Promise, Brad J. Hershbein
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
A Second Look at Enrollment Changes after the Kalamazoo Promise, Brad J. Hershbein
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
The Kalamazoo Promise and Changing Perceptions of the Kalamazoo Public Schools, Michelle Miller-Adams and Jenna Fiore
Publication: Upjohn Institute Policy Papers
Simulating the Effects of Michigan's MEGA Tax Credit Program on Job Creation and Fiscal Benefits, Timothy J. Bartik and George A. Erickcek
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Ten-Year Cost Estimation of a Proposed Lansing Promise Scholarship, George A. Erickcek
Publication: Reports
What Works in Forming a Successful Employer Resource Network?, Bridget F. Timmeney and Kevin M. Hollenbeck
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
Employer Resource Networks: What Works in Forming a Successful ERN?, Bridget Timmeney and Kevin M. Hollenbeck
Publication: Reports
Why Michigan (and Other States) Should Invest in Preschool, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Presentations
Economic Impact of Various Budgetary Policy Options for the State of Michigan to Resolve its Budget Deficit for FY 2004, Timothy J. Bartik and George A. Erickcek
Publication: Reports
Results and Recommendations of Water and Wastewater Affordability Study, Ryan A. Breisach, George A. Erickcek, and Brad R. Watts
Publication: Reports
An Assessment of the BC CAREERS Employer Resource Network: Its Contributions to the ERN Model, Kevin M. Hollenbeck, George A. Erickcek, and Bridget Timmeney
Publication: Reports
Economic Impact of Kalamazoo College, Brad R. Watts
Publication: Reports
Michigan Budget Reform: Why Reform is Needed, and Key Ideas for Reform, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Testimonies
The Employment and Fiscal Effects of Michigan's MEGA Tax Credit Program, Timothy J. Bartik and George A. Erickcek
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Industrial and Occupational Strengths and Potential in Michigan’s Economic Regions: A Description and Presentation of a New Database, Timothy J. Bartik, George A. Erickcek, and Wei-Jang Huang
Publication: Reports
The Economic Impact of Oaklawn Hospital on the Marshall Area, George A. Erickcek
Publication: Reports
Economic Impact of Pharmacia on Kalamazoo County in 2000, George A. Erickcek and Brad R. Watts
Publication: Reports
The Economic Impact of Oaklawn Hospital on the Marshall Area, George A. Erickcek and Brad R. Watts
Publication: Reports
Talent 2025: Assessment of the West Michigan Talent Development System, George Erickcek, Brian Pittelko, Bridget F. Timmeney, and Brad R. Watts
Publication: Reports
Can Universal, Place-Based Scholarships Reduce Inequality? Lessons from Kalamazoo, Michigan, Michelle Miller-Adams
Publication: Conference Papers
Design and Economic Growth in West Michigan: Survey Findings, Brad R. Watts and George A. Erickcek
Publication: Reports
Boosting Michigan's Economy Through Educational Improvements, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Testimonies
What Should Michigan Be Doing to Promote Long-Run Economic Development?, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Where Have All the Michigan Auto Jobs Gone?, Randall W. Eberts and George A. Erickcek
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
Michigan Regional Skills Alliances: A Statewide Initiative to Address Local Workforce Needs, Randall W. Eberts and Kevin M. Hollenbeck
Publication: Book Chapters
Social and Economic Indicators Typifying the Community's Health, George A. Erickcek, Bridget F. Timmeney, Brad R. Watts, and Brian Pittelko
Publication: Reports
A Not-So-Simple Gift, Michelle Miller-Adams
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
The Power of a Promise: Education and Economic Renewal in Kalamazoo, Michelle Miller-Adams
Publication: Upjohn Press
Toledo Promise Scholarship Concept Study, Michelle Miller-Adams, George A. Erickcek, and Bridget F. Timmeney
Publication: Reports
Economic Development Benefits of Preschool Expansion in Kalamazoo County, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Michigan's Fiscal Future, Timothy J. Bartik, George A. Erickcek, Citizens Research Council of Michigan, and W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
Publication: External Papers and Reports
Albion College Study: Exploring Economic Development Opportunities, George A. Erickcek and Ben Copeland
Publication: Reports
Economic Impact of Businesses Assisted by Southwest Michigan First, George A. Erickcek and Randall W. Eberts
Publication: Reports
Calhoun County Casino Baseline Study Committee: Recommended Indicators and Baseline Data Report, George A. Erickcek, Bridget F. Timmeney, and Brad R. Watts
Publication: Reports
Economic Impact of Kalamazoo-Battle Creek International Airport, George A. Erickcek and Brad R. Watts
Publication: Reports
Economic Impact of Proposed Harbor Shores Development, George A. Erickcek and Brad R. Watts
Publication: Reports
Labor Market Profile of the Central Area Michigan Works Region, Brad R. Watts and George A. Erickcek
Publication: Reports
Economic Impact of Grand Valley State University: Final Report, George A. Erickcek and Brad R. Watts
Publication: Reports
Emerging Industries: Looking Beyond the Usual Suspects: A Report to WIRED, George A. Erickcek and Brad R. Watts
Publication: Reports
Market Gap Analysis for the Greater Grand Rapids Area, George A. Erickcek and Brad R. Watts
Publication: Reports
Process and Net Impact Evaluations of the Focus: HOPE Adult Training Programs and Student Loan Fund, Kevin M. Hollenbeck
Publication: Upjohn Institute Technical Reports
Michigan Socioeconomic Conditions and Trends: West Michigan Compared to East Michigan, Brad R. Watts
Publication: Reports
Economic Scan and Workforce Development Profile: Barry, Branch, Calhoun, Kalamazoo, and St. Joseph Counties, Brad R. Watts, George A. Erickcek, Bridget F. Timmeney, and Suprotik Stotz-Ghosh
Publication: Reports
Preschool and Economic Development, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
Michigan's Economic Competitiveness and Public Policy, Timothy J. Bartik, George A. Erickcek, Wei-Jang Huang, and Brad R. Watts
Publication: Reports
Michigan's Economic Competitiveness and Public Policy, Timothy J. Bartik, George A. Erickcek, Wei-Jang Huang, and Brad R. Watts
Publication: Periodical Articles
The Economic Impact of Saint Mary's Hauenstein Center on the Greater Grand Rapids Area, George A. Erickcek
Publication: Reports
Berrien County 2005 to 2015 Economic Forecast: Final Report, George A. Erickcek and Brad R. Watts
Publication: Reports
A Simple Gift? The Impact of the Kalamazoo Promise on Economic Revitalization, Michelle Miller-Adams
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter