"Introduction: As the Dust Settles: Welfare Reform and Rural America" by Leslie A. Whitener Editor, Bruce A. Weber Editor et al.

Introduction: As the Dust Settles: Welfare Reform and Rural America

Publication Date




Subject Areas

UNEMPLOYMENT, DISABILITY, and INCOME SUPPORT PROGRAMS; Poverty and income support; Income support programs; Low wage labor markets; WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT; Public training programs; Welfare to work




Whitener, Leslie A., Bruce A. Weber, and Greg Duncan. 2002. "Introduction: As the Dust Settles: Welfare Reform and Rural America." In Rural Dimensions of Welfare Reform, Bruce A. Weber, Greg J. Duncan, and Leslie A. Whitener, eds. Kalamazoo, MI: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, pp. 1–21. https://doi.org/10.17848/9781417508884.intro

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