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The chapters explore the proposition that the benefits of either the German coordinating institutions or the United States' more decentralized political economy each entail trade-offs that may be necessary but politically unpleasant. The authors also offer comparisons of sectoral and firm-level adjustment processes for change.


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Download 1. Mutual Learning with Trade-Offs / Kirsten Wever (142 KB)

Download 2. Deregulation and Restructuring in Telecommunications Services in the United States and Germany / Rosemary Batt and Owen Darbishire (170 KB)

Download 3. Institutional Effects on Skill Creation and Management Development in the United States and Germany / David Finegold and Brent Keltner (174 KB)

Download 4. National Institutional Frameworks and Innovative Industrial Organization / Steven Casper (149 KB)

Download 5. Perils of the High and Low Roads / Lowell Turner, Kirsten Wever, and Michael Fichter (161 KB)


9780880992169 (cloth) ; 9780880992152 (pbk.) ; 9780880994170 (ebook)

Subject Areas

LABOR MARKET ISSUES; Employment relationships; Unions and collective bargaining; INTERNATIONAL ISSUES; International labor comparisons; Transition economies

Labor, Business, and Change in Germany and the United States




Wever, Kirsten, ed. 2001. Labor, Business, and Change in Germany and the United States. Kalamazoo, MI: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research.

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