Effects of Child-Care Vouchers on Price, Quantity, and Provider Turnover in Private-Care Markets, Won Fy Lee, Aaron Sojourner, Elizabeth E. Davis, and Jonathan Borowsky
Publication: Journal Articles
Talking Shop: The Way Forward on Child Care, Chloe Gibbs, Aaron Sojourner, and Kevin Rinz
Publication: Periodical Articles
Effects of Child Care Vouchers on Price, Quantity, and Provider Turnover in Private Care Markets, Won Fy Lee, Aaron Sojourner, Elizabeth E. Davis, and Jonathan Borowsky
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Effects of Subsidies on the Child Care Market: Large Increases in Capacity, Small Increases in Price, Won Fy Lee, Aaron Sojourner, Elizabeth E. Davis, and Jonathan Borowsky
Publication: Upjohn Institute Policy and Research Briefs
What Is the Value of the Child and Dependent Care Credit?, Gabrielle Pepin
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Financial Incentives for Adoption and Kin Guardianship Improve Achievement for Foster Children, David Simon, Aaron Sojourner, Jon Pedersen, and Heidi Ombisa Skallet
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Early Childhood Education and Development, Aaron Sojourner
Publication: Journal Articles
The CHIPS and Science Act is a Chance for Businesses and Local Leaders to Collaborate on a Stronger Child Care System, Timothy J. Bartik, Aaron Sojourner, and Kathleen Bolter
Publication: Periodical Articles
From Stimulus to Sustainability: Reckoning with Community Prosperity Post-ARPA, Kathleen Bolter, Timothy J. Bartik, Brad J. Hershbein, Michelle Miller-Adams, Bridget F. Timmeney, Kyle Huisman, and Alfonso Hernandez
Publication: Reports
Gender Gaps From Labor Market Shocks, Ria Ivandić and Anne Sophie Lassen
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Gender Gaps in Employment and Earnings after Job Loss, Ria Ivandić and Anne Sophie Lassen
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
Gender Gaps in Employment and Earnings after Job Loss, Ria Ivandić and Anne Sophie Lassen
Publication: Upjohn Institute Policy and Research Briefs
State Tax Strategies to Reduce Care Costs, Gabrielle Pepin
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
With Federal Child Care Legislation Abandoned, It’s Up to States to Help Working Families, Gabrielle Pepin and John C. Austin
Publication: Periodical Articles
Not Just for Kids: Child and Dependent Care Credit Benefits for Adult Care, Gabrielle Pepin and Yulya Truskinovsky
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
The Child and Dependent Care Credit: Unlike Trix, Not Just for Kids, Gabrielle Pepin and Yulya Truskinovsky
Publication: Upjohn Institute Policy and Research Briefs
Young Children, Families, and Our Economy Gain When We Invest in Early Childhood, Aaron Sojourner
Publication: Periodical Articles
The Economic and Business Case for Ensuring High-Quality Childcare and Preschool, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Presentations
Bridging Research and Practice to Achieve Community Prosperity, Kathleen Bolter, Michelle Miller-Adams, Timothy J. Bartik, Brad J. Hershbein, Kyle Huisman, Bridget F. Timmeney, Brian J. Asquith, Gabrielle Pepin, Lee Adams, Jessica Brown, Gerrit Anderson, and Allison Colosky
Publication: Reports
An Equilibrium Model of the Impact of Increased Public Investment in Early Childhood Education, Jonathan Borowsky, Jessica H. Brown, Elizabeth E. Davis, Chloe Gibbs, Chris M. Herbst, Aaron Sojourner, Erdal Tekin, and Matthew J. Wiswall
Publication: External Papers and Reports
Fixing Child Care: What Expanded Public Subsidies Could Mean for Children, Families, and Teachers, Jonathan Borowsky, Jessica H. Brown, Elizabeth E. Davis, Chloe Gibbs, Chris M. Herbst, Aaron Sojourner, Erdal Tekin, and Matthew J. Wiswall
Publication: Periodical Articles
How Would a Permanently Refundable Child and Dependent Care Credit Affect Eligibility, Benefits, and Incentives?, Gabrielle Pepin
Publication: Journal Articles
Child Care Tax Credit Can End No-Win Choice for Working Parents, Gabrielle Pepin
Publication: Periodical Articles
How Would a Permanently Refundable Child and Dependent Care Credit Affect Eligibility, Benefits, and Incentives?, Gabrielle Pepin
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Making the Child Care Tax Credit Permanently Refundable Could Benefit Low-Income Families, Gabrielle Pepin
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
Making the Child Care Tax Credit Permanently Refundable Could Benefit Low-Income Families, Gabrielle Pepin
Publication: Upjohn Institute Policy and Research Briefs
Tax Credits for Child Care Increase Take Up and May Help More Mothers Work, Gabrielle Pepin
Publication: Upjohn Institute Policy and Research Briefs
Tax Credits for Child Care Increase Take-Up and May Help More Mothers Work, Gabrielle Pepin
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
The Effects of Child Care Subsidies on Paid Child Care Participation and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from the Child and Dependent Care Credit, Gabrielle Pepin
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Introduction [to The Time Use of Mothers in the United States at the Beginning of the 21st Century], Rachel Connelly and Jean Kimmel
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
The Time Use of Mothers in the United States at the Beginning of the 21st Century, Rachel Connelly and Jean Kimmel
Publication: Upjohn Press
Against the Tide: Household Structure, Opportunities, and Outcomes among White and Minority Youth, Carolyn J. Hill, Harry J. Holzer, and Henry Chen
Publication: Upjohn Press
Introduction [to Against the Tide: Household Structure, Opportunities, and Outcomes among White and Minority Youth], Carolyn J. Hill, Harry J. Holzer, and Henry Chen
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Women, Work, and Welfare Reform, Kristin S. Seefeldt
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
The Value of Unpaid Child Care in the United States in 2003, Nancy Folbre and Jayoung Yoon
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Moving from Welfare to Work, Kristin S. Seefeldt
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Working After Welfare: How Women Balance Jobs and Family in the Wake of Welfare Reform, Kristin S. Seefeldt
Publication: Upjohn Press
Introduction: Policy Issues and Research Questions [to Kids at Work], Rachel Connelly, Deborah S. DeGraff, and Rachel A. Willis
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Kids at Work: The Value of Employer-Sponsored On-Site Child Care Centers, Rachel Connelly, Deborah S. DeGraff, and Rachel A. Willis
Publication: Upjohn Press
An Overview of the U.S. Child Care Industry, Marcy Whitebook and Laura Sakai
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
By a Thread: How Child Care Centers Hold On to Teachers, How Teachers Build Lasting Careers, Marcy Whitebook and Laura Sakai
Publication: Upjohn Press
Fertility, Public Policy, and Mothers in the Labor Force, Susan Averett
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Thinking about Child Care Policy, Barbara R. Bergmann
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Federal Child Care Policy, David Blau
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
How Family Structure Affects Labor Market Outcomes, Joyce P. Jacobsen
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Introduction [to The Economics of Work and Family], Jean Kimmel, Editor
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
The Economics of Work and Family, Jean Kimmel Editor and Emily P. Hoffman Editor
Publication: Upjohn Press
Working for All Families? Family Leave Policies in the United States, Katherin Ross Phillips
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Parents' Work Time and the Family, Cordelia W. Reimers
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
The Effect of Child Care Costs on the Labor Force Participation and Welfare Recipiency of Single Mothers: Implications for Welfare Reform, Rachel Connelly and Jean Kimmel
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
The Child Care Problem for Low-income Working Families, Jean Kimmel
Publication: Reports
Nonstandard Work and Child Care Choices of Married Mothers, Jean Kimmel and Lisa M. Powell
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Marital Status and Full-Time/Part-Time Work Status in Child Care Choices, Rachel Connelly and Jean Kimmel
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Employment-Related Child Care Issues: What We Know and What We Do Not, Jean Kimmel
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
Child Care and the Supply of Labor in Canada and the United States, Charles Michalopoulos and Philip K. Robins
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Child Care and Federal Policy, Jean Kimmel
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
Child Care Costs as a Barrier to Employment for Single and Married Mothers, Jean Kimmel
Publication: Journal Articles
The Effectiveness of Child-Care Subsidies in Encouraging the Welfare-to-Work Transition of Low-Income Single Mothers, Jean Kimmel
Publication: Journal Articles
The Role of Child Care Assistance in Welfare Reform, Jean Kimmel
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
Child Care and the Employment Behavior of Single and Married Mothers, Jean Kimmel
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers