"New Technologies and the Employment of Disabled Persons" by H. Allan Hunt and Monroe Berkowitz

New Technologies and the Employment of Disabled Persons

Publication Date



International Labour Office

Issue Date



Pt. I. Introduction. 1. The task before us / Monroe Berkowitz and H. Allan Hunt -- 2. The background and setting / H. Allan Hunt and Monroe Berkowitz -- Pt. II. New technology training programmes for disabled persons. 3. New technology training programmes for disabled persons in Great Britain / Paul Cornes, Michael Floyd and Georg Boeckenfoerde -- 4. The effect of new technology on the employment of blind and visually impaired persons in four western European countries / Lawrence A. Scadden -- 5. Factors associated with the traditional rehabilitation centre's ability to train disabled persons for advanced technology occupations / Michael J. Leahy and Robert Leneway -- Pt. III. New access technology and the employment of disabled persons. 6. Computer-based technology for disabled persons in working life : a holistic approach / Jan Breeding and Ulf Keijer -- 7. The contribution of new access technology to the employment of disabled persons in Japan / Shinichi Okada and Takeshi Yatougo -- 8. New technologies and the employment of disabled persons in Israel / Emanuel Chigier -- Pt. IV. Placement and employment of disabled persons trained in new technologies. 9. New technologies and the employment of disabled persons in four developed countries / Jacques Dawans -- 10. New technology in rehabilitation : a Hungarian perspective / Gyorgy Konczei -- Pt. V. What we have learnt. 11. Conclusions and recommendations / Monroe Berkowitz and H. Allan Hunt.


International Labour Office

Subject Areas

UNEMPLOYMENT, DISABILITY, and INCOME SUPPORT PROGRAMS; Workers compensation and disability; Disability




Hunt, H. Allan and Monroe Berkowitz, eds. 1992. "New Technologies and the Employment of Disabled Persons." Geneva: International Labour Office.