"Private Pension Policies in Industrialized Countries: A Comparative An" by John A. Turner

Private Pension Policies in Industrialized Countries: A Comparative Analysis

Publication Date


Grant Type

Research Grant


The research focuses on current pension policy issues. It takes into account the major changes in the prevalence of pension plans of different types, in pension law, and in the economic analysis of pensions. The research approaches pension policy from different perspectives. One perspective is the international perspective, with a focus on lessons from international experience for U.S. pension policymakers. While attention is paid to the economic analysis of pensions, the research focuses on advancing the understanding of pension policy and improving pension policy. The project addresses options for increasing pension coverage, increasing defined benefit plans, increasing the annuitization in defined contribution plans, and adjusting pension policy to continuing increases in life expectancy.

Grant Product

Pension Policy: The Search for Better Solutions
Kalamazoo, MI: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 2010
