"International Law of Economic Migration: Toward Market Access for Labo" by Joel P. Trachtman

International Law of Economic Migration: Toward Market Access for Labor

Publication Date


Grant Type

Research Grant


This study examines the welfare economics, political economy, and legal experience in international economic migration, and on the basis of its analysis, suggests the structure of a multilateral framework agreement on international economic migration. The first section examines the global and sectoral welfare effects of migration, including the potential gains to be made in welfare by liberalizing international economic migration. It also examines the determinants of supply and demand of international migration in the context of the new era of globalization. The second section details the existing regimes for migration, including international law and bilateral, regional, and plurilateral agreements. Finally, normative prescriptions on strengthening global institutional structures governing migration are offered along with detailed conjectural proposals for new international legal rules in this field.

Grant Product

The International Law of Economic Migration: Toward the Fourth Freedom Kalamazoo, MI: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 2009
