"Food Stamps and the Working Poor" by David C. Ribar, Peter R. Mueser et al.

Food Stamps and the Working Poor

Publication Date


Grant Type

Research grant


Despite the growing importance of the Food Stamp Program for the working poor, few evaluations have examined the effects of recent policy changes on program administration and on food stamp recipients. This study examines recent legislation, assesses the low level of take up, and recommends policies to strengthen the Food Stamp program. It assesses how non-economic barriers affect recipient eligibility including time limits for able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs), income reporting rules, frequency and manner of recertification, and vehicle rules. The study uses administrative data covering the years 2000-2007 from three states: Georgia, Missouri, and South Carolina.

Grant Product

Food Stamp Participation among Adult-Only Households
Upjohn Institute Working Paper No. 09-159, 2009

Food Stamps and the Working Poor
Kalamazoo, MI: Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 2019
