"Evaluation of the Battle Creek Jobs Fund" by George A. Erickcek , Principal Investigator


Evaluation of the Battle Creek Jobs Fund

Project Dates

12/01/2012 -


The Upjohn Institute will evaluate a W.K. Kellogg Foundation grant to the Battle Creek Jobs Fund that will provide wage subsidies of between $10,000 to $20,000 to firms hiring low-income individuals residing in the greater Battle Creek area. In addition to the wage subsidy, the program will offer support services for its participants including job readiness skills and assistance from a firm-provided “Employer Champion.” Program participants will be monitored for up to three years. The key questions to be answered include 1) how successful was the incentive fund in attracting new or existing employers to create jobs, 2) what works in creating a healthy work environment that prolongs retention, and 3) what are the strengths and weaknesses of the program’s support services.


Evaluation of the Battle Creek Jobs Fund, George Erickcek, James Robey, Claudette Robey, Brian Pittelko, Marie Holler, Don Edgerly (2017)


Battle Creek Unlimited

Subject Area

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT; Regional policy and planning; WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT; Job skills and standards
