"Investigating the Workforce Outcomes of Place-Based Scholarship Progra" by Michelle Miller-Adams , Principal Investigator


Investigating the Workforce Outcomes of Place-Based Scholarship Programs

Project Dates

09/01/2017 -


Working with researchers in three other communities, W.E. Upjohn Institute staff will examine the workforce outcomes of place-based scholarship programs, with our focus on the Kalamazoo Promise. How do place-based scholarship programs affect employment, earnings, and a variety of other outcomes for scholarship recipients relative to a control group? Project goals include the completion of four research papers and a summary report, as well as the development of a framework for future research into workforce outcomes. The work, to be completed over a two-year period, will be disseminated to an audience of practitioners, policymakers, researchers, funders, and others.


Strada Education Network

Subject Area

EDUCATION; Promise scholarships; ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT; Regional policy and planning
