Tuition-Free College Plan is Smart Investment in Michigan’s Future, Michelle Miller-Adams
Source: Bridge Michigan, May 1, 2020
We Need Tuition-Free College. For Adults., Michelle Miller-Adams
Source: The New York Times, May 14, 2020
Building Shared Prosperity: How Communities Can Create Good Jobs for All, Michelle Miller-Adams, Brad J. Hershbein, Timothy J. Bartik, Bridget Timmeney, Amy Meyers, and Lee Adams
tnAchieves from a National Perspective, Michelle Miller-Adams, Martha Kanter, Celeste Carruthers, Krissy DeAlejandro, and Graham Thomas
Nudges to Increase Completion of Welfare Applications, Christopher J. O'Leary, Dallas Oberlee, and Gabrielle Pepin
Effects of Welfare Time Limits, Gabrielle Pepin
Tax Credits for Child Care Increase Take Up and May Help More Mothers Work, Gabrielle Pepin
Tax Credits for Child Care Increase Take-Up and May Help More Mothers Work, Gabrielle Pepin
The Effects of Child Care Subsidies on Paid Child Care Participation and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from the Child and Dependent Care Credit, Gabrielle Pepin
The Effects of Welfare Time Limits on Access to Financial Resources: Evidence from the 2010s, Gabrielle Pepin
Assessing Community Needs: City of Toledo and Lucas County, Ohio, Jim Robey, Stephen Biddle, Don Edgerly, Marie Holler, Brian Pittelko, Claudette Robey, Kathleen Bolter, and Tom Schorgl
Evaluation of Per Scholas as an Employee Recruiting Tool for Businesses, Lee Adams, Jing Cai, Janelle Grant, Brad J. Hershbein, and Bridget F. Timmeney
Can Antipoverty Policies Change Neighborhood Outcomes in the Long Run?, Brian J. Asquith
Do Rent Increases Reduce the Housing Supply under Rent Control? Evidence from Evictions in San Francisco, Brian J. Asquith
Housing Supply Dynamics under Rent Control: What Can Evictions Tell Us?, Brian J. Asquith
Rent Control - Is the Cure Worse Than the Disease?, Brian J. Asquith
Rent Control‒Is the Cure Worse Than the Disease?, Brian J. Asquith
Supply Shock Versus Demand Shock: The Local Effects of New Housing in Low-Income Areas, Brian J. Asquith, Evan Mast, and Davin Reed
Place-Based Jobs Policies, Timothy J. Bartik
Rethinking State Economic Development Strategies: Or, How to Maximize Benefits for State Residents’ Earnings Per Capita, Timothy J. Bartik
Costs and Benefits of a Revised Foxconn Project, Timothy J. Bartik
Making Sense of Incentives: Taming Business Incentives to Promote Prosperity, Timothy J. Bartik
Should Place-Based Jobs Policies Be Used to Help Distressed Communities?, Timothy J. Bartik
Should Place-Based Jobs Policies Be Used to Help Distressed Communities? Yes, but Current Policies Need Reforms, Timothy J. Bartik
Should We Target Jobs at Distressed Places, and If So, How?, Timothy J. Bartik
What Should States Do about Incentives?, Timothy J. Bartik
Michigan Business Development Program Effectiveness Study, Timothy J. Bartik, Jim Robey, Claudette Robey, Brian Pittelko, Nathan Sotherland, Kenneth E. Poole Project Principal, Ellen Harpel Project Manager, Cathy Katona, Jaleel Reed, Mereb Hagos, Lee Winkler, and Allison Forbes
Realistic Local Job Multipliers, Timothy J. Bartik and Nathan Sotherland
Local Job Multipliers in the United States: Variation with Local Characteristics and with High-Tech Shocks, Timothy J. Bartik and Nathan Sotherland
Realistic Local Job Multipliers, Timothy J. Bartik and Nathan Sotherland
What the Free College Movement Can Learn from Kalamazoo, Michelle Miller-Adams
Source: Washington Monthly, August 23, 2019
How Promise Programs Can Help Former Industrial Communities, Michelle Miller-Adams and John C. Austin
Source: The Avenue, July 18, 2019
Longer-Run Effects of Antipoverty Policies on Disadvantaged Neighborhoods, David Neumark, Brian J. Asquith, and Brittany Bass
Evaluating the Kansas City Scholars College Scholarship Program: Year Two Report, Bridget F. Timmeney, Kevin M. Hollenbeck, and Brad J. Hershbein
Kansas City Scholars Program: Year 2 Evaluation: Executive Summary, Bridget F. Timmeney, Kevin M. Hollenbeck, and Brad J. Hershbein
"But For" Percentages for Economic Development Incentives: What Percentage Estimates are Plausible Based on the Research Literature?, Timothy J. Bartik
Have We Reached Foxconn Level 5?, Timothy J. Bartik
Source: Site Selection magazine, November 2018
Helping Manufacturing-Intensive Communities: What Works?, Timothy J. Bartik
Improving Economic Development Incentives, Timothy J. Bartik
Incentive Benefits and Costs, Timothy J. Bartik
Incentives and Local Job Creation, Timothy J. Bartik
Rethinking Tax Incentives, Timothy J. Bartik
Source: Perspectives on Work 22: 62-64
What Works to Help Manufacturing-Intensive Local Economies?, Timothy J. Bartik
Pre-K Effectiveness at a Large Scale, Timothy J. Bartik and Brad J. Hershbein
Pre-K Effectiveness at a Large Scale, Timothy J. Bartik and Brad J. Hershbein
Pre-K in the Public Schools: Evidence from Within U.S. States, Timothy J. Bartik and Brad J. Hershbein
Don’t Dismiss the Value of Free-College Programs. They Do Help Low-Income Students., Sara Goldrick-Rab and Michelle Miller-Adams
Source: The Chronicle of Higher Education, September 7, 2018
Promise Programs, Emergency Aid, and Strategies for College Retention, Brad J. Hershbein
Promise Scholarship Programs and Local Prosperity, Michelle Miller-Adams and Edward Smith
Promise Scholarship Programs and Local Prosperity, Michelle Miller-Adams and Edward Smith
Longer-Run Effects of Anti-Poverty Policies on Disadvantaged Neighborhoods, David Neumark, Brian J. Asquith, and Brittany Bass
Urban Growth Initiative for Greater Downtown Kalamazoo, Jim Robey, Randall W. Eberts, Lee Adams, Kathleen Bolter, Don Edgerly, Marie Holler, Brian Pittelko, and Claudette Robey
Cost Estimate of a Promise Scholarship Program for the Evart (Michigan) Public Schools, Bridget Timmeney, Brian Pittelko, and Michelle Miller-Adams
A New Panel Database on Business Incentives for Economic Development Offered by State and Local Governments in the United States, Timothy J. Bartik
The Effects of the Kalamazoo Promise Scholarship on College Enrollment, Persistence, and Completion, Timothy J. Bartik, Brad J. Hershbein, and Marta Lachowska
Learning from a Decade of College Promise Scholarships, Michelle Miller-Adams and Brad J. Hershbein
Kansas City Scholars Program: Year One Report, Bridget F. Timmeney, Brad J. Hershbein, Kevin M. Hollenbeck, Michelle Miller-Adams, and Nathan Sotherland
Labor-Demand-Side Economic Development Incentives and Urban Opportunity, Timothy J. Bartik
Source: Shared Prosperity in America's Communities, Susan M. Wachter and Lei Ding, eds. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016. pp. 129-150
The Merits of Universal Scholarships: Benefit-Cost Evidence from the Kalamazoo Promise, Timothy J. Bartik, Brad J. Hershbein, and Marta Lachowska
Promise Nation: Transforming Communities through Place-Based Scholarships, Michelle Miller-Adams
The Power of a Promise: Education and Economic Renewal in Kalamazoo, Michelle Miller-Adams