New Employer Payroll Taxes and Entrepreneurship, Audrey Guo and Melanie Wallskog
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Why Are Unemployment Insurance Claims So Low?, Christopher J. O'Leary, Kenneth J. Kline, Thomas A. Stengle, and Stephen A. Wandner
Publication: Journal Articles
Michigan Unemployment Insurance: Background for Planning Analysis, Christopher J. O'Leary
Publication: Presentations
Unemployment Insurance: Fix It and Fund It, Christopher J. O'Leary, David E. Balducchi, and Ralph E. Smith
Publication: Upjohn Institute Policy Papers
Why Are Unemployment Insurance Claims So Low?, Christopher J. O'Leary, Kenneth J. Kline, Thomas A. Stengle, and Stephen A. Wandner
Publication: Upjohn Institute Policy and Research Briefs
Why Are Unemployment Insurance Claims So Low?, Christopher J. O'Leary, Kenneth J. Kline, Thomas A. Stengle, and Stephen A. Wandner
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
Why Are Unemployment Insurance Claims So Low?, Christopher J. O'Leary, Kenneth J. Kline, Thomas A. Stengle, and Stephen A. Wandner
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Transforming Unemployment Insurance for the Twenty-First Century: A Comprehensive Guide to Reform, Stephen A. Wandner
Publication: Upjohn Press
Poor Performance as a Predictable Outcome: Financing the Administration of Unemployment Insurance, Marta Lachowska, Alexandre Mas, and Stephen A. Woodbury
Publication: Journal Articles
How Federal Pandemic Relief Helped Replenish State Unemployment Reserves, Christopher J. O'Leary and Kenneth J. Kline
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
How Federal Pandemic Relief Helped Replenish State Unemployment Reserves, Christopher J. O'Leary and Kenneth J. Kline
Publication: Upjohn Institute Policy Papers
States Lack Adequate Unemployment Insurance Reserves, Christopher J. O'Leary
Publication: Upjohn Institute Policy and Research Briefs
Lessons from the American Federal-State Unemployment Insurance System for a European Unemployment Benefits System, Christopher J. O'Leary, Burt S. Barnow, and Karolien Lenaerts
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Lessons from the American Federal‐State Unemployment Insurance System for a European Unemployment Benefits System, Christopher J. O'Leary, Burt S. Barnow, and Karolien Lenaerts
Publication: Journal Articles
State Unemployment Insurance Reserves Are Not Adequate, Christopher J. O'Leary and Kenneth J. Kline
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Evaluating Public Employment Programs with Field Experiments: A Survey of American Evidence, Christopher J. O'Leary
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Restoring Unemployment Insurance as Social Insurance, Christopher J. O'Leary
Publication: Presentations
A Comparative Analysis of Unemployment Insurance Financing Methods, Wayne Vroman, Elaine Maag, Christopher J. O'Leary, and Stephen A. Woodbury
Publication: External Papers and Reports
Are State Unemployment Insurance Reserves Sufficient for the Next Recession?, Christopher J. O'Leary and Kenneth J. Kline
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Financing Unemployment Insurance, Wayne Vroman and Stephen A. Woodbury
Publication: Journal Articles
Financing Unemployment Insurance, Wayne Vroman and Stephen A. Woodbury
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Unemployment Insurance, Yvette Chocolaad, Wayne Vroman, and Richard A. Hobbie Editor
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
A Changing Federal-State Balance in Unemployment Insurance?, Christopher J. O'Leary
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
North Carolina's Unemployment Insurance System: A Simulation and Policy Analysis, Christopher J. O'Leary and James Van Erden
Publication: Reports
Unemployment Insurance, Stephen A. Woodbury
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Benefit Payment Costs of Unemployment Insurance Modernization: Estimates Based on Kentucky Administrative Data, Christopher J. O'Leary
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Introduction [to Unemployment Compensation Throughout the World], Wayne Vroman and Vera Brusentsev
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Unemployment Compensation Throughout the World: A Comparative Analysis, Wayne Vroman and Vera Brusentsev
Publication: Upjohn Press
Public Employment Policy in the New Economic Environment: The United States Experience, Randall W. Eberts and Christopher J. O'Leary
Publication: Book Chapters
Long-Term Unemployment and Reemployment Policies, Laurie J. Bassi and Stephen A. Woodbury
Publication: Books
Alternative Measures of State UI Systems, Christopher J. O'Leary, Robert Tannenwald, Wei-Jang Huang, and Pei Zhu
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
New Ways of Evaluating State Unemployment Insurance, Robert Tannenwald, Christopher J. O'Leary, and Wei-Jang Huang
Publication: Journal Articles
The History of State UI Financing, Wayne Vroman
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Topics in Unemployment Insurance Financing, Wayne Vroman
Publication: Upjohn Press
Policy Issues: An Overview, Saul J. Blaustein, Christopher J. O'Leary, and Stephen A. Wandner
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
An Evaluation of the Washington State Unemployment Insurance Earnings Deduction Experiment, Christopher J. O'Leary
Publication: Reports
Summing Up: Achievements, Problems and Prospects, Christopher J. O'Leary and Stephen A. Wandner
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Unemployment Insurance in the United States: Analysis of Policy Issues, Christopher J. O'Leary Editor and Stephen A. Wandner Editor
Publication: Upjohn Press
Unemployment Compensation in the Group of Seven Nations: An International Comparison, James R. Storey and Jennifer A. Neisner
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Unemployment Insurance Policy in New England: Background and Issues, Robert Tannenwald and Christopher J. O'Leary
Publication: Journal Articles
Unemployment Insurance Policy in New England: Background and Issues, Robert Tannenwald and Christopher J. O'Leary
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Federal-State Relations, Thomas E. West and Gerard Hildebrand
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Suggested Rules for an Unemployment Insurance Law for Poland, Christopher J. O'Leary
Publication: Upjohn Institute Technical Reports
Collected Findings and Recommendations, 1994-1996, U.S. Advisory Council on Unemployment Compensation
Publication: External Papers and Reports
Defining Federal and State Roles in Unemployment Insurance: A Report to the President and Congress, U.S. Advisory Council on Unemployment Compensation
Publication: External Papers and Reports
Unemployment Insurance in the United States, Benefits, Financing, and Coverage: A Report to the President and Congress, U.S. Advisory Council on Unemployment Compensation
Publication: External Papers and Reports
Report and Recommendations: Transmitted to the President and Congress, U.S. Advisory Council on Unemployment Compensation
Publication: External Papers and Reports
The Changing Unemployment Problem and Its Implications for Unemployment Insurance, Saul J. Blaustein
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Unemployment Insurance in the United States: The First Half Century, Saul J. Blaustein, Wilbur J. Cohen, and William Haber
Publication: Upjohn Press
Suggested Revisions to the Polish Employment Law, Christopher J. O'Leary
Publication: Reports
Background of the Financing Problem, Wayne Vroman
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund Adequacy in the 1990's, Wayne Vroman
Publication: Upjohn Press
Experience Rating of Unemployment Insurance in Michigan and Other States: A Microeconomic Comparison for 1988, Timothy L. Hunt and Christopher J. O'Leary
Publication: Reports
VAG Trust Fund Adequacy, Christopher J. O'Leary
Publication: Reports
An Incentives Approach to Improving the Unemployment Compensation System, Paul L. Burgess and Jerry L. Kingston
Publication: Upjohn Press
Introduction [to An Incentives Approach to Improving the Unemployment Compensation System], Paul L. Burgess and Jerry L. Kingston
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Introduction [to Nonmonetary Eligibility in State Unemployment Insurance Programs], Walter Corson, Alan Hershey, and Stuart Kerachsky
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Nonmonetary Eligibility in State Unemployment Insurance Programs: Law and Practice, Walter Corson, Alan M. Hershey, and Stuart Kerachsky
Publication: Upjohn Press
The Funding Crisis in State Unemployment Insurance, Wayne Vroman
Publication: Upjohn Press
The Funding Problem, Wayne Vroman
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Federal-State Relations in Unemployment Insurance: A Balance of Power, Murray Rubin
Publication: Upjohn Press
Introduction [to Federal-State Relations in Unemployment Insurance], Murray Rubin
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Introduction [to Unemployment Insurance Fund Insolvency and Debt in Michigan], Saul J. Blaustein
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
UI Fund Insolvency and Debt in Michigan, Saul J. Blaustein
Publication: Periodical Articles
Unemployment Insurance Fund Insolvency and Debt in Michigan, Saul J. Blaustein
Publication: Upjohn Press
Introduction and Summary [to The Federal Supplemental Benefits Program], Walter Corson and Walter Nicholson
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
The Federal Supplemental Benefits Program: An Appraisal of Emergency Extended Unemployment Insurance Benefits, Walter Corson and Walter Nicholson
Publication: Upjohn Press