Are There Returns to Experience at Low-Skill Jobs? Evidence from Single Mothers in the United States over the 1990s, Adam Looney and Dayanand S. Manoli
The Effects of Increasing the Minimum Wage on Prices: Analyzing the Incidence of Policy Design and Context, Daniel MacDonald and Eric Nilsson
Investing in Schools: Capital Spending, Facility Conditions, and Student Achievement (Revised and Edited), Paco Martorell, Kevin Stange, and Isaac McFarlin Jr.
Income-Tested College Financial Aid and Labor Disincentives, Rajeev Darolia
Trade Reform and Regional Dynamics: Evidence From 25 Years of Brazilian Matched Employer-Employee Data, Rafael Dix-Carneiro and Brian K. Kovak
Intergovernmental (Dis)incentives, Free-Riding, Teacher Salaries and Teacher Pensions, Maria D. Fitzpatrick
Performance Standards and Employee Effort: Evidence from Teacher Absences, Seth Gershenson
The Rise of Domestic Outsourcing and the Evolution of the German Wage Structure, Deborah Goldschmidt and Johannes Schmieder
Optimal Social Assistance and Unemployment Insurance in a Life-Cycle Model of Family Labor Supply and Savings, Peter Haan and Victoria Prowse
The Effect of the Earned Income Tax Credit in the District of Columbia on Poverty and Income Dynamics, Bradley L. Hardy, Daniel Muhammad, and Rhucha Samudra
Military Retention Incentives: Evidence from the Air Force Selective Reenlistment Bonus, Justin Joffrion and Nathan Wozny
Mothers' Long-Term Employment Patterns, Alexandra Killewald and Xiaolin Zhuo
Mandate-Based Health Reform and the Labor Market: Evidence from the Massachusetts Reform, Jonathan T. Kolstad and Amanda E. Kowalski
Who Benefits from a Minimum Wage Increase?, John W. Lopresti and Kevin J. Mumford
Estimating Hispanic-White Wage Gaps among Women: The Importance of Controlling for Cost of Living, Peter McHenry and Melissa McInerney
Effects of the Minimum Wage on Employment Dynamics, Jonathan Meer and Jeremy West
Using Linked Survey and Administrative Data to Better Measure Income: Implications for Poverty, Program Effectiveness and Holes in the Safety Net, Bruce D. Meyer and Nikolas Mittag
Jobless Capital? The Role of Capital Subsidies, Carlianne E. Patrick
The Pros and Cons of Sick Pay Schemes: Testing for Contagious Presenteeism and Shirking Behavior, Stefan Pichler and Nicolas R. Ziebarth
The Production and Stock of College Graduates for U.S. States, John V. Winters
Testing the Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek Theory with a Natural Experiment, Assaf Zimring
The Effect of Public Insurance Coverage for Childless Adults on Labor Supply, Laura Dague, Thomas C. DeLeire, and Lindsey Leininger
Legal Status and the Criminal Activity of Immigrants, Giovanni Mastrobuoni and Paolo Pinotti
Aggregate Demand, Idle Time, and Unemployment, Pascal Michaillat and Emmanuel Saez
The Job Search Intensity Supply Curve: How Labor Market Conditions Affect Job Search Effort, Jeremy Schwartz
The Ups and Downs in Women's Employment — Shifting Composition or Behavior from 1970 to 2010?, Kristin E. Smith
Partial Disability System and Labor Market Adjustment: The Case of Spain, Jose I. Silva and Judit Vall-Castello
Discrimination and the Effects of Drug Testing on Black Employment, Abigail Wozniak
Health Insurance Availability and Entrepreneurship, Philip DeCicca
Women's Work after War, Meredith A. Kleykamp