


Introduction [to Income Volatility and Food Assistance in the United States], Dean Jolliffe Editor and James P. Ziliak Editor
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Trends in Income and Consumption Volatility, 1970-2000, Benjamin J. Keys
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Variable Effects of Earnings Volatility on Food Stamp Participation, Robert Moffitt and David C. Ribar
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Income Volatility and Its Implications for School Lunch, Constance Newman
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Statistical Targeting to Support Reemployment Services, Christopher J. O'Leary, Scott Gibbons, Cheryl Atkinson, and Gary Gonzalez
Publication: Conference Papers


UI as a Safety Net for Former TANF Recipients: Final Report, Christopher J. O'Leary and Kenneth J. Kline
Publication: Reports


Improving Job Quality: Policies Aimed at the Demand Side of the Low-Wage Labor Market, Paul Osterman
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Income Volatility and Certification Duration for WIC Children, Mark A. Prell
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Activation from Income Support in the US, Benno Quade, Christopher J. O'Leary, and Ockert Dupper
Publication: Book Chapters


Boosting the Earnings and Employment of Low-Skilled Workers in the United States: Making Work Pay and Removing Barriers to Employment and Social Mobility, Steven Raphael
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Earnings Volatility and the Reasons for Leaving the Food Stamp Program, David C. Ribar and Marilyn J. Edelhoch
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


The Consequences of Recent Job Growth on Older Low-Income Workers, William M. Rodgers
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Moving from Welfare to Work, Kristin S. Seefeldt
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Working After Welfare: How Women Balance Jobs and Family in the Wake of Welfare Reform, Kristin S. Seefeldt
Publication: Upjohn Press


Strategies for Improving Economic Mobility of Workers, Maude Toussaint-Comeau
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter



Do Temporary Jobs Help Low-Skilled Workers? Surprising Data from Detroit, David H. Autor and Susan N. Houseman
Publication: Journal Articles


Temporary Help Service Firms' Use of Employer Tax Credits: Implications for Disadvantaged Workers' Labor Market Outcomes, Sarah Hamersma and Carolyn J. Heinrich
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers



Temporary Agency Employment: A Way Out of Poverty?, David H. Autor and Susan N. Houseman
Publication: Book Chapters


Moving Up or Moving On: Who Advances in the Low-Wage Labor Market? by Fredrik Andersson, Harry J. Holzer, and Julia I. Lane, Timothy J. Bartik Reviewer
Publication: Reviews


Bad Service Jobs: Can Unions Save Them? Can They Save Unions?, Laura Dresser and Annette D. Bernhardt
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Initiatives Sectorielles pour la Formation de Travailleurs Faiblement Qualifiés aux États-Unis: Deux études de Cas, Randall W. Eberts
Publication: Book Chapters


Sectoral Initiatives to Train Low-Qualified Incumbent Workers in the United States: Two Case Studies, Randall W. Eberts
Publication: Book Chapters


Does Temporary Agency Employment Offer a Way Out of Poverty?, Susan N. Houseman and David H. Autor
Publication: Periodical Articles


Low-Skilled Jobs: The Reality behind the Popular Perceptions, Nan L. Maxwell
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


The Working Life: The Labor Market for Workers in Low-Skilled Jobs, Nan L. Maxwell
Publication: Upjohn Press


Spatial Concentration of American Poverty: Should We Care, and What Are the Options?, Mark D. Partridge and Dan S. Rickman
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


The Geography of American Poverty: Is There a Need for Place-Based Policies?, Mark D. Partridge and Dan S. Rickman
Publication: Upjohn Press



Does "Work First" Work? The Long-Term Consequences of Temporary Agency and Direct-Hire Job Placements, David H. Autor and Susan N. Houseman
Publication: Reports


Do Temporary Help Jobs Improve Labor Market Outcomes for Low-Skilled Workers? Evidence from Random Assignments, David H. Autor and Susan N. Houseman
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers


Do Temporary Help Jobs Improve Labor Market Outcomes for Low-Skilled Workers? Evidence from 'Work First', David H. Autor and Susan N. Houseman
Publication: External Papers and Reports


Temporary Agency Employment as a Way out of Poverty?, David H. Autor and Susan N. Houseman
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers


Temporary Agency Employment as a Way Out of Poverty?, David H. Autor and Susan N. Houseman
Publication: External Papers and Reports


Designing Inclusion: Tools to Raise Low-end Pay and Employment in Private Enterprise by Edmund S. Phelps, Timothy J. Bartik, Reviewer
Publication: Reviews


Edited Transcript of Living Wage Conference Call, February 11, 2004, Timothy J. Bartik, Editor; David Neumark; Robert Pollin; David Reynolds; Aaron Yelowitz; Mark D. Brenner; Richard Henry Sander; and Richard Toikka
Publication: Journal Articles


Single Mothers, Social Capital, and Work-Family Conflict, Teresa Ciabattari
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers


Urban Welfare and Work Experiences: Implications for Welfare Reform, Christopher T. King and Peter R. Mueser
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter


Welfare and Employment Transitions in the 1990s, Christopher T. King and Peter R. Mueser
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Welfare and Work: Experiences in Six Cities, Christopher T. King and Peter R. Mueser
Publication: Upjohn Press


Welfare Reform, Saving, and Vehicle Ownership: Do Asset Limits and Vehicle Exemptions Matter?, James X. Sullivan
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers



Introduction [to Leaving Welfare], Gregory Acs and Pamela Loprest
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Leaving Welfare: Challenges in a New Economy, Gregory Acs and Pamela Loprest
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter


Leaving Welfare: Employment and Well-Being of Families that Left Welfare in the Post-Entitlement Era, Gregory Acs and Pamela Loprest
Publication: Upjohn Press


Thinking about Local Living Wage Requirements, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Journal Articles


Benefit-Cost Analysis of the Southwest Organizations Unifying Resources for Our Community and Employers (SOURCE), George A. Erickcek, Bridget F. Timmeney, and Brad R. Watts
Publication: Reports


Gap Analysis of the Current Financial Services Network in Calhoun County, George A. Erickcek, Bridget F. Timmeney, and Brad R. Watts
Publication: Reports


Innovators Under Duress: Community Colleges in New York's Workfare Setting, Lynn McCormick
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Community Colleges, Welfare Reform, and Workforce Development, Edwin Meléndez, Luis M. Falcón, Carlos Suárez-Boulangger, Lynn McCormick, and Alexandra de Montrichard
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Addressing the Employment Challenge for the Formerly Homeless: Supportive Housing in New York City, Alex Schwartz, Edwin Meléndez, and Sarah Gallagher
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Single Mothers Working at Night: Standard Work, Child Care Subsidies, and Implications for Welfare Reform, Erdal Tekin
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers



The Effects of Temporary Services and Contracting Out on Low-Skilled Workers: Evidence from Auto Suppliers, Hospitals, and Public Schools, George A. Erickcek, Susan N. Houseman, and Arne L. Kalleberg
Publication: Book Chapters


Helping Working Families: The Earned Income Tax Credit, Saul D. Hoffman and Laurence S. Seidman
Publication: Upjohn Press


Then and Now: The Earned Income Tax Credit, Saul D. Hoffman and Laurence S. Seidman
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter


Income Replacement and Reemployment Programs in Michigan, Stephen A. Woodbury
Publication: Book Chapters



Do Temporary Help Jobs Improve Labor Market Outcomes? A Pilot Analysis with Welfare Clients, David H. Autor and Susan N. Houseman
Publication: Reports


Instrumental Variable Estimates of the Labor Market Spillover Effects of Welfare Reform, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers


Living Wages and Local Governments, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter


Poverty, Jobs, and Subsidized Employment, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Periodical Articles


Spillover Effects of Welfare Reforms in State Labor Markets, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Journal Articles


Thinking about Local Living Wage Requirements, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers


Seasonal Employment Dynamics and Welfare Use in Agricultural and Rural California Counties, Henry E. Brady, Mary Sprague, Fredric C. Gey, and Michael Wiseman
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Approaching the Limit: Early National Lessons from Welfare Reform, Sheldon Danziger
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Lessons Learned: Welfare Reform and Food Assistance in Rural America, Greg J. Duncan Editor, Leslie A. Whitener Editor, and Bruce A. Weber Editor
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Using Statistical Assessment Tools to Target Services to Work First Participants, Randall W. Eberts
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Public Employment Policy in the New Economic Environment: The United States Experience, Randall W. Eberts and Christopher J. O'Leary
Publication: Book Chapters


Temporary Employment in Auto Supply, George A. Erickcek, Susan N. Houseman, and Arne L. Kalleberg
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter


The Effects of Temporary Services and Contracting Out on Low-Skilled Workers: Evidence from Auto Suppliers, Hospitals, and Public Schools, George A. Erickcek, Susan N. Houseman, and Arne L. Kalleberg
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers


Small Towns and Welfare Reform: Iowa Case Studies of Families and Communities, Cynthia Needles Fletcher, Jan L. Flora, Barbara J. Gaddis, Mary Winter, and Jacquelyn S. Litt
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Welfare Reform in Rural Minnesota: Experimental Findings from the Minnesota Family Investment Program, Lisa A. Gennetian, Cindy Redcross, and Cynthia Miller
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Rural Labor Markets in an Era of Welfare Reform, Robert M. Gibbs
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


The Short-Term Impacts of Welfare Reform in Persistently Poor Rural Areas, Mark Harvey, Gene F. Summers, Kathleen Ann Pickering, and Patricia O. Richards
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Reducing Food Stamp and Welfare Caseloads in the South: Are Rural Areas Less Likely to Succeed Than Urban Centers?, Mark Henry, Lynn L. Reinschmiedt, Willis Lewis, and Darren Hudson
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Introduction [to Helping Working Families], Saul D. Hoffman and Laurence S. Seidman
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


The Role of Postsecondary Education in Welfare Reform: Ohio's JOBS Student Retention Program, Kevin M. Hollenbeck and Jean Kimmel
Publication: Journal Articles


The Role of Temporary Employment Agencies in Welfare to Work: Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution?, Susan N. Houseman and David H. Autor
Publication: Periodical Articles


Temporary Services and Contracting Out: Effects on Low-Skilled Workers, Susan N. Houseman and George A. Erickcek
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter


Will Attainable Jobs Be Available for TANF Recipients in Local Labor Markets? Evidence from Mississippi on Prospects for "Job-Skill Matching" of TANF adults, Frank M. Howell
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Location and the Low-Income Experience: Analyses of Program Dynamics in the Iowa Family Investment Program, Helen H. Jensen, Shao-Hsun Keng, and Steven Garasky
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Rural America in Transition: Poverty and Welfare at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century, Daniel T. Lichter and Leif Jensen
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Food Stamps in Rural America: Special Issues and Common Themes, Sheena M. McConnell and James Ohls
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


The Impact of Welfare Policy on the Employment of Single Mothers Living in Rural and Urban Areas, Signe-Mary McKernan, Robert I. Lerman, Nancy Pindus, and Jesse Valente
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


The Decline in Food Stamp Use by Rural Low-Income Households: Less Need or Less Access?, Mark Nord
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Targeting Job Retention Services for Welfare Recipients, Anu Rangarajan, Peter Z. Schochet, Dexter Chu, Timothy J. Bartik, and Donald Oellerich
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Whose Job Is It? Employers' Views on Welfare Reform, Ellen Shelton, Greg Owen, Amy Bush Stevens, Justine Nelson-Christinedaughter, Corinna Roy, and June A. Heineman
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Where All the Counties Are Above Average: Human Service Agency Directors' Perspectives on Welfare Reform, Ann Tickamyer, Julie Anne White, Barry L. Tadlock, and Debra Henderson
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Rural Dimensions of Welfare Reform, Bruce A. Weber Editor, Greg J. Duncan Editor, and Leslie A. Whitener Editor
Publication: Upjohn Press


As the Dust Settles: Welfare Reform and Rural America, Leslie A. Whitener, Bruce A. Weber, and Greg J. Duncan
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter


Introduction: As the Dust Settles: Welfare Reform and Rural America, Leslie A. Whitener Editor, Bruce A. Weber Editor, and Greg J. Duncan Editor
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Income Replacement and Reemployment Programs in Michigan and Neighboring States, Stephen A. Woodbury
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers



Fighting Poverty with Labor Demand Policies, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter


Jobs for the Poor: Can Labor Demand Policies Help?, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Books


Labor Demand Policies, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Periodical Articles


The Effect of Child Care Costs on the Labor Force Participation and Welfare Recipiency of Single Mothers: Implications for Welfare Reform, Rachel Connelly and Jean Kimmel
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers


Covering the Uninsured: Incremental Policy Options for the United States, Jonathan Gruber
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


The Child Care Problem for Low-income Working Families, Jean Kimmel
Publication: Reports


Introduction [to The Political Economy of Health Care Reforms], Huizhong Zhou
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters



Displacement and Wage Effects of Welfare Reform, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Book Chapters


Employment as a "Solution" to Welfare: Challenges over the Next Ten Years, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter


Generating Jobs: How to Increase Demand for Less-Skilled Workers, Richard B. Freeman, and Peter Gottschalk, eds., Timothy J. Bartik Reviewer
Publication: Reviews


Solving the Many Problems with Inner City Jobs, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers


Low-Wage Labor Markets: Changes over the Business Cycle and Differences across Region and Location, David Marshall Smith and Stephen A. Woodbury
Publication: Book Chapters