Short-Run Economic Effects of Michigan's State-Funded Preschool Programs, Timothy J. Bartik
Race and the Manufacturing Workforce: Opportunities to Expand Growth and Equity in a Rebounding Industry Sector, Benjamin Armstrong, Matthew D. Wilson, and Nichola J. Lowe
Scoring SOAR, Timothy J. Bartik
Unemployment Insurance: Fix It and Fund It, Christopher J. O'Leary, David E. Balducchi, and Ralph E. Smith
A Benefit-Cost Analysis of Tulsa Pre-K, Based on Effects on High School Graduation and College Attendance, Timothy J. Bartik, William T. Gormley, Sara Amadon, Douglas Hummel-Price, and James Fuller
Seize the Time: Needed Research on Local Economic Development in an Era of Increased Attention to Problems of Place, Timothy J. Bartik
How Federal Pandemic Relief Helped Replenish State Unemployment Reserves, Christopher J. O'Leary and Kenneth J. Kline
Equity in Unemployment Insurance Benefit Access, Christopher J. O'Leary, William E. Spriggs, and Stephen A. Wandner
How College Enrollment Changed for Kalamazoo Promise Students Between Fall 2019 and Fall 2020, Daniel Collier, Isabel McMullen, and Brad J. Hershbein
Broadening Place-Based Jobs Policies: How to Both Target Job Creation and Broaden its Reach, Timothy J. Bartik
Bringing Jobs To People: Improving Local Economic Development Policies, Timothy J. Bartik
What Can We Learn from the 1918 Pandemic? Careful Economics and Policy Lessons from Influenza, Brian J. Asquith
Place-Based Policy: An Essay in Two Parts, Timothy J. Bartik
Options for Unemployment Insurance Structural and Administrative Reform: Proposals and Analysis, Stephen A. Wandner
Promise Scholarship Programs and Local Prosperity, Michelle Miller-Adams and Edward Smith
The Role of Sectoral Initiatives in Solving the Employment Problems of Opportunity Youth, Kevin M. Hollenbeck
Preschool and Prosperity, Timothy J. Bartik
The Kalamazoo Promise and Changing Perceptions of the Kalamazoo Public Schools, Michelle Miller-Adams and Jenna Fiore
Say Pays! Shareholder Voice and Firm Performance, Maria Guadalupe, Vicente Cuñat, and Mireia Gine
The Impact of the Kalamazoo Promise on College Choice: An Analysis of Kalamazoo Area Math and Science Center Graduates, Michelle Miller-Adams and Bridget F. Timmeney
Public Pension Crisis and Investment Risk Taking: Underfunding, Fiscal Constraints, Public Accounting, and Policy Implications, Nancy Mohan and Ting Zhang
Work Hours in Retail: Room for Improvement, Françoise J. Carré and Chris Tilly
Resolving America's Human Capital Paradox: A Jobs Compact for the Future, Thomas A. Kochan
Options for Addressing Long-Term Unemployment as the Economy Recovers, Ralph E. Smith
Occupational Licensing: Protecting the Public Interest or Protectionism?, Morris M. Kleiner
The Lack of Persistence of Employee Contributions to Their 401(k) Plans May Lead to Insufficient Retirement Savings, Leslie A. Muller and John A. Turner
Unemployment Insurance and Low-Educated Single Working Mothers Before and After Welfare Reform, H. Luke Shaefer, Liyun Wu, and Elizabeth Phillips
Estimated State and Local Fiscal Effects of the Nurse Family Partnership Program, Timothy J. Bartik
Lessons Learned from a State-Funded Workplace Literacy Program, Kevin M. Hollenbeck and Bridget F. Timmeney
The U.S. Economic Crisis and a Revised New Jobs Tax Credit, Timothy J. Bartik
Is There a Role for Public Support of Incumbent Worker On-the-Job Training?, Kevin Hollenbeck
How Do the Effects of Local Growth on Employment Rates Vary With Initial Labor Market Conditions?, Timothy J. Bartik