Mobility of Russian Workers Raises Productivity: New Research on Job Creation and Destruction, J. David Brown and John S. Earle
Source: Transition Newsletter 12(3): 42-43
Publication: Periodical Articles
Privatization, Competition and Reform Strategies: Theory and Evidence from Russian Enterprise Panel Data, J. David Brown and John S. Earle
Publication: External Papers and Reports
Can Commutes Be Used to Test the Spatial Mismatch Hypotheses?, Kelly DeRango
Source: Urban Studies 38(9): 1521-1529
Publication: Journal Articles
Comment on Corporate Governance and Restructuring: Lessons from Transition Economies, by Gérard Roland, John S. Earle
Source: Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 2000, Boris Pleskovic, and Nicholas Stern, eds. Washington, DC: The World Bank, 2001. pp. 353-360
Publication: Book Chapters
Privatization and the Structure of Enterprise Ownership, John S. Earle and Saul Estrin
Source: Russia's Post-Communist Economy, Brigitte Granville, and Peter Oppenheimer, eds. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. pp. 173-212
Publication: Book Chapters
Measuring Defense Conversion in Russian Industry, John S. Earle and Ivan Komarov
Source: Defence and Peace Economics 12(2): 103-144
Publication: Journal Articles
Privatization and Productivity in Romanian Industry: Evidence from a Comprehensive Enterprise Panel, John S. Earle and Álmos Telegdy
Publication: External Papers and Reports
The Nature and Determinants of Service Sector Growth in the United States, Randall W. Eberts and George A. Erickcek
Source: The Job Creation Potential of the Service Sector in Europe, Dominique Anxo, and Donald Storrie, eds. Luxembourg: European Communities, 2001. pp. 137-179
Publication: Book Chapters
The Role of Partnerships in Economic Development and Labour Markets in the United States, Randall W. Eberts and George A. Erickcek
Source: Local Partnerships for Better Governance. Paris: OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development), 2001. pp. 251-279
Publication: Book Chapters
Why Employers Use Flexible Staffing Arrangements: Evidence from an Establishment Survey, Susan N. Houseman
Source: Industrial and Labor Relations Review 55(1): 149-170
Publication: Journal Articles
Understanding the New Policy Environment, H. Allan Hunt
Source: Emerging Workforce Issues: W.I.A., Ticket to Work, and Partnerships: A Report on the 22nd Mary E. Switzer Memorial Seminar, L. Robert McConnell, ed. Alexandria, Virginia : National Rehabilitation Association, 2001, pp. 91-94
Publication: Book Chapters
Who Moonlights and Why? Evidence from the SIPP, Jean Kimmel and Karen Smith Conway
Source: Industrial Relations 40(1): 89-120
Publication: Journal Articles
Manual on Evaluation of Labour Market Policies in Transition Economies, Christopher J. O'Leary, Alena Nesporova, Alexander Samorodov, and International Labour Office
Publication: External Papers and Reports
Differences in Bank and Credit Union Capital Needs, David Marshall Smith and Stephen A. Woodbury
Publication: External Papers and Reports
An Analysis of Public Policy on Credit Union Select Employee Groups, Stephen A. Woodbury, William A. Kelly Jr., and David M. Smith
Publication: External Papers and Reports
Measuring the Impact of Organizational Behaviors on Work Disability Prevention and Management, Benjamin C. Amick, Rochelle Virginia Habeck, H. Allan Hunt, Anne H. Fossel, Alice Chapin, Robert B. Keller, and Jeffrey N. Katz
Source: Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation 10: 21-38
Publication: Journal Articles
Displacement and Wage Effects of Welfare Reform, Timothy J. Bartik
Source: Finding Jobs: Work and Welfare Reform, David E. Card, and Rebecca M. Blank, eds. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2000. pp. 72-122
Publication: Book Chapters
Generating Jobs: How to Increase Demand for Less-Skilled Workers, Richard B. Freeman, and Peter Gottschalk, eds., Timothy J. Bartik Reviewer
Source: Industrial and Labor Relations Review 53(2): 343-344
Publication: Reviews
Jobs, Productivity, and Local Economic Development: What Implications Does Economic Research Have for the Role of Government?, Timothy J. Bartik
Source: Readings in Urban Economics: Issues and Public Policy, Robert W. Wassmer, ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 2000. pp. 153-168
Publication: Book Chapters
Long-Term Unemployment and Reemployment Policies, Laurie J. Bassi and Stephen A. Woodbury
Publication: Books
Crowding-out Effects of the Public Labor Exchange in Washington State, Carl Davidson and Stephen A. Woodbury
Source: Measuring the Effect of Public Labor Exchange (PLX): Referrals and Placements in Washington and Oregon. Unemployment Insurance Occasional Paper 2000-06. Washington, DC: Dept. of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Office of Workforce Security, 2000. pp. 6/1-6/20
Publication: Book Chapters
Wage-Rate Subsidies for Dislocated Workers, Carl Davidson and Stephen A. Woodbury
Source: Long-term Unemployment and Reemployment Policies, Laurie J. Bassi, and Stephen A. Woodbury, eds. Series: Research in Employment Policy, Vol. 2. Stamford, CT: JAI Press, 2000. pp. 141-184
Publication: Book Chapters
How Levels of Transportation Investment Affect Economic Health, Randall W. Eberts
Source: Conference Proceedings 21: Information Requirements for Transportation Economic Analysis, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2000. pp. 38-40 (presentation), 97-113 (resource paper)
Publication: Book Chapters
The Implications of Flexible Staffing Arrangements for Job Stability, Susan N. Houseman and Anne E. Polivka
Source: On the Job: Is Long-Term Employment a Thing of the Past?, David Neumark, ed. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2000. pp. 427-462
Publication: Book Chapters
Low-Wage Labor Markets: Changes over the Business Cycle and Differences across Region and Location, David Marshall Smith and Stephen A. Woodbury
Source: The Low-Wage Labor Market Challenges and Opportunities for Economic Self-Sufficiency, Kelleen Kaye, and Demetra Smith Nightingale, eds. Washington, DC: Urban Institute Press, 2000. pp. 41-61
Publication: Book Chapters
Economics, Economists, and Public Policy, Stephen A. Woodbury
Source: The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 40(4): 417-430
Publication: Journal Articles
Federal Policy Toward State and Local Economic Development in the 1990s, Timothy J. Bartik
Source: The Millennial City: Classic Readings on U.S. Urban Policy, R.D. Norton, series ed. Research in Urban Economics, Vol. 12. Stamford, Conn.: JAI Press, Inc., 1999. pp. 235-251
Publication: Book Chapters
Growing State Economies: How Taxes and Public Services Affect Private-Sector Performance, Timothy J. Bartik
Source: The End of Welfare?: Consequences of Federal Devolution for the Nation, Max B. Sawicky, ed. London: Routledge, 1999. pp. 95-126
Publication: Book Chapters
Jobs, Productivity, and Local Economic Development: What Implications Does Economic Research Have for the Role of Government?, Timothy J. Bartik
Source: Tax Policy in the Real World, Joel Slemrod, ed. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999. pp. 269-283
Publication: Book Chapters
L'expérience américaine le profilage, Randall W. Eberts
Source: Les transformations du marché du travail [Conference: Entretiens de l'emploi (1st : 1999 : Paris, France)]. Noisy-le-Grand, France : Agence nationale pour l'emploi, 1999. pp. 57-61
Publication: Book Chapters
The Use of Profiling in the United States for Early Identification and Referral of Less Employable Unemployment Insurance Recipients, Randall W. Eberts
Source: Employability: Concepts and Policies: Report 1998, Bernard Gazier, ed. Berlin: Institute for Applied Socio-Economics, 1999. pp. 121-146
Publication: Book Chapters
Agglomeration Economies and Urban Public Infrastructure, Randall W. Eberts and Daniel P. McMillen
Source: Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, Vol. 3, Applied Urban Economics, Paul Cheshire, and Edwin S. Mills, eds. Amsterdam: ScienceDirect, 1999. pp. 1455-1495
Publication: Book Chapters
The Impact of Economic Development Policy on Black-Owned Enterprises, Randall W. Eberts and Edward Montgomery
Source: Job Creation: Prospects & Strategies, Wilhelmina A. Leigh, and Margaret C. Simms, eds. Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1999. pp. 151-[168]
Publication: Book Chapters
Evaluating the Impact of Active Labor Programs: Results of Cross Country Studies in Europe and Central Asia, David H. Fretwell, Jacob M. Benus, Christopher J. O'Leary, and World Bank. Human Development Network. Social Protection Team
Publication: External Papers and Reports
Disability Management Perspectives: Developing Accommodating Work Environments through Disability Management, Rochelle Virginia Habeck and H. Allan Hunt
Source: American Rehabilitation 25(1): 18-25
Publication: Periodical Articles
Employability: An Overview of Concepts and Programmes in the United States, Susan N. Houseman and Lillian Vesic-Petrovic
Source: Employability: Concepts and Policies: Report 1998, Bernard Gazier, ed. Berlin: Institute for Applied Socio-Economics, 1999. pp. 244-267
Publication: Book Chapters
Moonlighting Trends and Related Policy Issues in Canada and the United States, Jean Kimmel and Lisa M. Powell
Source: Canadian Public Policy-Analyse de Politiques XXV(2): 207-231
Publication: Journal Articles
Evaluating Business Development Incentives, Kenneth E. Poole, George A. Erickcek, Donald T. Iannone, Nancy McCrea, and Pofen Lin Salem
Publication: Books
Issues Raised by Welfare Reform in the United States, Robert A. Straits
Source: In The Local Dimension of Welfare-To-Work: An International Survey. Paris, France: OECD Publications, 1999. pp. 177-196
Publication: Book Chapters
New Ways of Evaluating State Unemployment Insurance, Robert Tannenwald, Christopher J. O'Leary, and Wei-Jang Huang
Source: New England Economic Review: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (March/April 1999): 15-40
Publication: Journal Articles
Sports, Jobs and Taxes: The Economic Impact of Sports Teams and Stadiums, Roger G. Noll, and Andrew Zimbalist, eds., Timothy J. Bartik Reviewer
Source: National Tax Journal 51(2): 411-414
Publication: Reviews
The Market Failure Approach to Regional Economic Development Policy, Timothy J. Bartik
Source: Approaches to Economic Development: Readings from Economic Development Quarterly, John P. Blair, and Laura A. Reese, eds. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc., 1998. pp. 14-24
Publication: Book Chapters
Reform of the Unemployment Insurance System, Laurie J. Bassi and Stephen A. Woodbury
Publication: Books
Seniority, External Labor Markets, and Faculty Pay, Byron W. Brown and Stephen A. Woodbury
Source: The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 38(4): 771-798
Publication: Journal Articles
Male Labor Supply Estimates and the Decision to Moonlight, Karen Smith Conway and Jean Kimmel
Source: Labour Economics 5(2): 135-166
Publication: Journal Articles
Principles for Government Involvement in Freight Infrastructure, Randall W. Eberts
Source: Special Report 252: Policy Options for Intermodal Freight Transportation, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences, 1998. pp. 117-152
Publication: Book Chapters
Workplace Factors Associated with Preventing and Managing Work Disability, Rochelle Virginia Habeck, H. Allan Hunt, and Brett VanTol
Source: Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin 42(2): 98-143
Publication: Journal Articles
Successful Employer Strategies for Preventing and Managing Disability, Rochelle Virginia Habeck, Susan M. Scully, Brett VanTol, and H. Allan Hunt
Source: Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin 42(2): 144-161
Publication: Journal Articles
Labor Standards in Alternative Work Arrangements, Susan N. Houseman
Source: Labor Law Journal 49(7): 1135-1142
Publication: Journal Articles
The Effects of Employer Mandates, Susan N. Houseman
Source: Generating Jobs: How to Increase Demand for Less-Skilled Workers, Richard B. Freeman, and Peter Gottschalk, eds. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1998. pp. 154-191
Publication: Book Chapters
What is the Nature of Part-Time Work in the United States and Japan?, Susan N. Houseman and Machiko Osawa
Source: Part-Time Prospects: An International Comparison of Part-time Work in Europe, North America and the Pacific Rim, Colette Fagan and Jacqueline O'Reilly, eds. London: Routledge, 1998. pp. 232-251
Publication: Book Chapters
Child Care Costs as a Barrier to Employment for Single and Married Mothers, Jean Kimmel
Source: The Review of Economics and Statistics 80(2): 287-299
Publication: Journal Articles
New Evidence on Labor Supply: Employment versus Hours Elasticities by Sex and Marital Status, Jean Kimmel and Thomas J. Kniesner
Source: Journal of Monetary Economics 42(2): 289-301
Publication: Journal Articles
The Adequacy of Unemployment Insurance Benefits, Christopher J. O'Leary
Source: Reform of the Unemployment Insurance System, Laurie J. Bassi, and Stephen A. Woodbury, eds. Research in Employment Policy, Vol. 1. Stamford, CT: JAI Press, 1998. pp. 63-110
Publication: Book Chapters
L'impact des mesures pour l'emploi en Hongrie et en Pologne, Christopher J. O'Leary, Piotr Kolodziejczyk, and György Lázár
Source: Revue internationale du Travail 137: 343-371
Publication: Journal Articles
Rendimiento neto de los programas de fomento del empleo de Hungria y Polonia, Christopher J. O'Leary, Piotr Kolodziejczyk, and György Lázár
Source: Revista Internacional del Trabajo 117(3): 341-370
Publication: Journal Articles
The Net Impact of Active Labour Programmes in Hungary and Poland, Christopher J. O'Leary, Piotr Kolodziejczyk, and György Lázár
Source: International Labour Review 137(3): 321-346
Publication: Journal Articles
Discussion [of The Effects of State and Local Public Services on Economic Development by Ronald C. Fisher], Timothy J. Bartik
Source: New England Economic Review (March/April 1997): 67-71
Publication: Journal Articles
State Government and Economic Performance by Paul Brace, Timothy J. Bartik Reviewer
Source: Environment and Planning C-Government and Policy 15(1): 122-123
Publication: Reviews
Can Economic Development Programs be Evaluated?, Timothy J. Bartik and Richard D. Bingham
Source: Dilemmas of Urban Economic Development: Issues in Theory and Practice, Richard D. Bingham, and Robert Mier, eds. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1997. pp. 246-290
Publication: Book Chapters
Optimal Unemployment Insurance, Carl Davidson and Stephen A. Woodbury
Source: Journal of Public Economics 64(3): 359-387
Publication: Journal Articles
Highway Infrastructure: Policy Issues for Regions, Randall W. Eberts
Publication: External Papers and Reports
Comparative Analysis of Capital Stock Estimates, Randall W. Eberts and Douglas R. Dalenberg
Source: Macroeconomic Analysis of the Linkages between Transportation Investments and Economic Performance. Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board, National Research Council: National Academy Press, 1997. 29-40
Publication: Book Chapters
Profiling and Referral to Services of the Long-Term Unemployed: Experiences and Lessons from Several Countries, Randall W. Eberts and Christopher J. O'Leary
Source: Employment Observatory, MISEP Policies 60 (Winter 1997): 32-39
Publication: Periodical Articles
Economic Incentives and Disincentives in Vocational Rehabilitation, Rochelle V. Habeck, H. Allan Hunt, and Jodi Saunders
Source: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America 8(2): 263-282
Publication: Journal Articles
External and Internal Labor Market Flexibility: An International Comparison, Susan N. Houseman
Source: The Human Resource Management Handbook, Part II, David Lewin, Daniel J.B. Mitchell, and Mahmood A. Zaidi, eds. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1997. pp. 21-43
Publication: Book Chapters
Disability Prevention and Management of Occupational Trauma and Disease: A North American Perspective, H. Allan Hunt
Source: Safety Science Monitor 1(2) (1997): 1-17
Publication: Periodical Articles
Discussion [of State Regulatory Policy and Economic Development by Robert Tannenwald], H. Allan Hunt
Source: New England Economic Review (March/April 1997): 104-107
Publication: Journal Articles
Reducing the Welfare Dependence of Unmarried Mothers: Health-Related Employment Barriers and Policy Responses, Jean Kimmel
Source: Eastern Economic Journal 23(2): 151-163
Publication: Journal Articles
Rural Wages and Returns to Education: Differences Between Whites, Blacks, and American Indians, Jean Kimmel
Source: Economics of Education Review 16(1): 81-96
Publication: Journal Articles
A Net Impact Analysis of Active Labour Programmes in Hungary, Christopher J. O'Leary
Source: Economics of Transition and Institutional Change 5(2): 453-484
Publication: Journal Articles
Unemployment Insurance Policy in New England: Background and Issues, Robert Tannenwald and Christopher J. O'Leary
Source: New England Economic Review: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (May/June 1997): 3-22
Publication: Journal Articles
Employee Benefits and Tax Reform, Stephen A. Woodbury
Source: Tax Reform: Implications for Economic Security and Employee Benefits, Dallas L. Salisbury, ed. Washington, DC: Employee Benefit Research Institute, 1997. pp. 27-34
Publication: Book Chapters
A State and Regional Analysis: Effects of Public Policy on Credit Union Select Employee Groups, Stephen A. Woodbury, David Marshall Smith, and William A. Kelly
Publication: External Papers and Reports
Eight Issues for Policy Toward Economic Development Incentives, Timothy J. Bartik
Source: The Region [special issue entitled The Economic War Among the States] 10 (June 1996): 43-46
Publication: Periodical Articles
Growing State Economies: How Taxes and Public Services Affect Private-Sector Performance, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Books
Local Economic Development: Analysis and Practice by John P. Blair, Timothy J. Bartik Reviewer
Source: Regional Science and Urban Economics 26(5): 557-559
Publication: Reviews
Strategies for Economic Development, Timothy J. Bartik
Source: Management Policies in Local Government Finance, 4th ed., J. Richard Aronson, and Eli Schwartz, eds. Washington, DC: International City/County Management Association, 1996. pp. [287]-311
Publication: Book Chapters
The Distributional Effects of Local Labor Demand and Industrial Mix: Estimates Using Individual Panel Data, Timothy J. Bartik
Source: Journal of Urban Economics 40(2): 150-178
Publication: Journal Articles
Urban Amenities and Public Policy, Timothy J. Bartik and V. Kerry Smith
Source: Estimating Economic Values for Nature: Methods for Non-Market Valuation, V. Kerry Smith. Brookfield, VT: Edward Elgar Publishing Company, 1996. pp. 271-318
Publication: Book Chapters
Further Aspects of Optimal Unemployment Insurance, Carl Davidson and Stephen A. Woodbury
Source: Advisory Council on Unemployment Compensation: Background Papers. Washington, DC: The Council, 1995-1996, Vol. 3, 1996. pp. [CC1]-CC71
Publication: Book Chapters
Public Infrastructure and Regional Economic Development: A Simultaneous Equations Approach, Kevin T. Duffy-Deno and Randall W. Eberts
Source: Regional Policy and Regional Integration, Niles Hansen, Kenneth J. Button, and Peter Nijkamp, eds. Brookfield, VT: Edward Elgar Publishing Company, 1996. pp. 295-309
Publication: Book Chapters
Urban Labor Markets, Randall W. Eberts
Source: National Urban Policy: Problems and Prospects, Harold L. Wolman, and Elizabeth J. Agius, eds. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1996. pp. 52-73
Publication: Book Chapters
Design of the WPRS System and Evaluation in Michigan, Randall W. Eberts and Christopher J. O'Leary
Source: Worker Profiling and Reemployment Services (WPRS) National Colloquium, June 1996: Selected Papers and Materials, David E. Balducchi, ed. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, 1996, pp. 187-199
Publication: Book Chapters
Bridging the Gap, Kevin M. Hollenbeck
Source: Education Vital Signs, A Supplement to The American School Board Journal 183(12): 35
Publication: Periodical Articles
In Their Own Words: Student Perspectives on School-To-Work Opportunities, Kevin M. Hollenbeck
Publication: External Papers and Reports
School-To-Work Transition Programs, Kevin M. Hollenbeck and Bridget F. Timmeney
Source: School Social Work: Practice and Research Perspectives, 3rd ed., Robert Constable, John P. Flynn, Shirley McDonald, eds. Chicago, IL: Lyceum Books, 1996. pp. 237-252
Publication: Book Chapters
Discussion [of Employee Representation in Economies in Transition], Christopher J. O'Leary
Source: Proceedings of the Forty-Eighth Annual Meeting, Industrial Relations Research Association, January 5-7, 1996, San Francisco, California, Paula B. Voos, ed. Madison, WI: Industrial Relations Research Association, 1996. pp. 92-94
Publication: Book Chapters
Collected Findings and Recommendations, 1994-1996, U.S. Advisory Council on Unemployment Compensation
Publication: External Papers and Reports
Defining Federal and State Roles in Unemployment Insurance: A Report to the President and Congress, U.S. Advisory Council on Unemployment Compensation
Publication: External Papers and Reports
Optimal Unemployment Insurance, Carl Davidson and Stephen A. Woodbury
Source: Advisory Council on Unemployment Compensation: Background Papers. Washington, DC: The Council, 1995-1996, Vol. 3, 1995. pp. [BB1]-BB50
Publication: Book Chapters
Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment: Implications of the Reemployment Bonus Experiments, Carl Davidson and Stephen A. Woodbury
Source: Advisory Council on Unemployment Compensation: Background Papers. Washington, DC: The Council, 1995-1996, Vol. 3, 1995. pp. [KK1]-KK37
Publication: Book Chapters
Wage-Rate Subsidies for Dislocated Workers, Carl Davidson and Stephen A. Woodbury
Source: Advisory Council on Unemployment Compensation: Background Papers, Washington, DC: The Council, 1995-1996, Vol. 2, 1995. pp. [T1]-T61
Publication: Book Chapters
Evaluating Pooled Evidence from the Reemployment Bonus Experiments, Paul T. Decker and Christopher J. O'Leary
Source: The Journal of Human Resources 30(3): [534]-550
Publication: Journal Articles
Cyclical Versus Secular Movements in Employment Creation and Destruction, Randall W. Eberts and Edward Montgomery
Publication: External Papers and Reports
Job Growth and the Quality of Jobs in the U.S. Economy, Susan N. Houseman
Source: Labour (Special issue): S93-S124
Publication: Journal Articles
Part-Time Employment in Europe and Japan, Susan N. Houseman
Source: Journal of Labor Research 16: [249]-262
Publication: Journal Articles
Earnings Inequality in Germany, Susan N. Houseman and Katharine G. Abraham
Source: Differences and Changes in Wage Structures, Richard B. Freeman and Lawrence F. Katz, eds. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995. pp. 371-403
Publication: Book Chapters
Labor Adjustment under Different Institutional Structures: A Case Study of Germany and the United States, Susan N. Houseman and Katharine G. Abraham
Source: Institutional Frameworks and Labor Market Performance: Comparative Views on the U.S. and German Economies, Friedrich Buttler, Wolfgang Franz, Ronald Schettkat, and David Soskice, eds. London: Routledge, 1995. pp. 285-315
Publication: Book Chapters
Part-Time and Temporary Employment in Japan, Susan N. Houseman and Machiko Osawa
Source: Monthly Labor Review 118(10): 10-18
Publication: Journal Articles