


Taxes and Local Economic Development: What Do We Know and What Can We Know?, Timothy J. Bartik
Source: Proceedings of the Eighty-Seventh Annual Conference on Taxation (November 13-15, 1994), Washington, D.C.: National Tax Association, 1994. pp. 102-106
Publication: Book Chapters


The Effects of Metropolitan Job Growth on the Size Distribution of Family Income, Timothy J. Bartik
Source: Journal of Regional Science 34(4): 483-501
Publication: Journal Articles


What Should the Federal Government Be Doing About Urban Economic Development?, Timothy J. Bartik
Source: Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research 1(1): 267-291
Publication: Journal Articles


Employment Creation and Destruction: An Analytical Review, Randall W. Eberts and Edward Montgomery
Source: Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 30(3): 14-26
Publication: Journal Articles


Regional Wage Convergence and Divergence: Adjusting Wages for Cost-of-Living Differences, Randall W. Eberts and Mark E. Schweitzer
Source: Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 30(2): 26-37
Publication: Journal Articles

Teacher Unionization, Economics of [Entry in International Encyclopedia of Education], Randall W. Eberts and Joe Allan Stone
Source: The International Encyclopedia of Education, Second Edition, Vol. 10. Oxford: Elsevier Science Ltd.; Pergamon, 1994. pp. 6068-6073
Publication: Book Chapters


The Michigan Disability Prevention Study: Research Highlights, H. Allan Hunt and Rochelle Virginia Habeck
Source: Workers' Compensation Yearbook, 1995. Horsham, PA: LRP Publications, 1994. pp. I-114 - I-123
Publication: Book Chapters


Report and Recommendations: Transmitted to the President and Congress, U.S. Advisory Council on Unemployment Compensation
Publication: External Papers and Reports



Job Security and Work Force Adjustment: How Different are U.S. and Japanese Practices?, Katharine G. Abraham and Susan N. Houseman
Source: Dynamic Labor Demand and Adjustment Costs, Giorgio Galeazzi, and Daniel S. Hamermesh, eds. Brookfield, VT: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1993. pp. 280-301
Publication: Book Chapters


Job Security in America: A Better Approach, Katharine G. Abraham and Susan N. Houseman
Source: The Brookings Review 11(3): 34-35
Publication: Periodical Articles


Job Security in America: Lessons from Germany, Katharine G. Abraham and Susan N. Houseman
Publication: Books


Universities and the Startup of New Companies: Can We Generalize from Route 128 and Silicon Valley?, Neil Bania, Randall W. Eberts, and Michael S. Fogarty
Source: The Review of Economics and Statistics 75(4): 761-766
Publication: Journal Articles


Federal Policy Toward State and Local Economic Development in the 1990s, Timothy J. Bartik
Source: Structuring Direct Aid: People Versus Places, Robert D. Ebel, and R.D. Norton, eds. Research in Urban Economics, Vol 9. Stamford, CT: JAI Press, 1993. pp. 161-178
Publication: Book Chapters


Who Benefits from Local Job Growth: Migrants or the Original Residents?, Timothy J. Bartik
Source: Regional Studies 27(4): 297-311
Publication: Journal Articles


The Displacement Effect of Reemployment Bonus Programs, Carl Davidson and Stephen A. Woodbury
Source: Journal of Labor Economics 11(4): 575-605
Publication: Journal Articles


Successful Initiatives for Disability Prevention: Site Visits Provide Practical Suggestions for Employers, Rochelle Virginia Habeck and H. Allan Hunt
Source: On Workers' Compensation 3: 140-141, 150
Publication: Periodical Articles


From Welfare to Work by Judith M. Gueron, Edward Pauly with Cameran M. Lougy, Kevin M. Hollenbeck, Reviewer
Source: Evaluation Practice 14(2): 187-189
Publication: Reviews


Postsecondary Education as Triage: Returns to Academic and Technical Programs, Kevin M. Hollenbeck
Source: Economics of Education Review 12(3): 213-231
Publication: Journal Articles


Female Workers as a Buffer in the Japanese Economy, Susan N. Houseman and Katharine G. Abraham
Source: The American Economic Review 83(2): 45-51
Publication: Journal Articles


Firm Characteristics and Workers' Compensation Claims Incidence, H. Allan Hunt, Rochelle Virginia Habeck, and Michael J. Leahy
Source: Workers' Compensation Insurance: Claim Costs, Prices, and Regulation, David Durbin, and Philip S. Borba, eds. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993. pp. 243-292
Publication: Book Chapters


Innovation in Planning Hungarian Labor Market Programs, Christopher J. O'Leary
Publication: External Papers and Reports


Culture and Human Capital: Theory and Evidence or Theory Versus Evidence?, Stephen A. Woodbury
Source: Labor Economics: Problems in Analyzing Labor Markets, William Darity, Jr., ed. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993. pp. 239-267
Publication: Book Chapters



The Effects of State and Local Taxes on Economic Development: A Review of Recent Research, Timothy J. Bartik
Source: Economic Development Quarterly 6(1): 102-111
Publication: Journal Articles


Maximum Score Estimates of the Determinants of Residential Mobility: Implications for the Value of Residential Attachment and Neighborhood Amenities, Timothy J. Bartik, J. S. Butler, and Jin-Tan Liu
Source: Journal of Urban Economics 32(2): 233-256
Publication: Journal Articles

Basic Skills Training at Harbor Industries, Kevin M. Hollenbeck and William Anderson
Source: Ahead of the Curve: Basic Skills Programs in Four Exceptional Firms. A Report of The Project on Corporate Decision-Making and Basic Skills Training in Small and Medium-Sized Firms. Southport, CT: The Southport Institute for Policy Analysis, 1992. pp. 40-46
Publication: Book Chapters


Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Disability Management, H. Allan Hunt
Source: The Annual Review of Disability Management 1992, Kathleen A. Kirchner, and Kristina A. Tanasichuk, eds. Washington, DC: Washington Business Group on Health, Institute for Rehabilitation and Disability Management, 1992. pp. 48-52
Publication: Book Chapters


New Technologies and the Employment of Disabled Persons, H. Allan Hunt and Monroe Berkowitz
Publication: External Papers and Reports


Comments on International Trade and Money Wage Growth in the 1980s by Susan Vroman and Wayne Vroman, Louis S. Jacobson
Source: Structural Changes in U.S. Labour Markets, Causes & Consequences, Randall W. Eberts, Erica L. Groshen, and Lee Hoskins, eds. London: Routledge, 1992. pp. 13-43
Publication: Book Chapters


The Washington Reemployment Bonus Experiment: Final Report, Robert G. Spiegelman, Christopher J. O'Leary, and Kenneth J. Kline
Publication: External Papers and Reports


Employer Training Needs in Hawaii: Analysis of the 1991 Survey, Stephen A. Woodbury
Publication: External Papers and Reports


The Decline of Fringe-Benefit Coverage in the 1980s, Stephen A. Woodbury and Douglas R. Bettinger
Source: Structural Changes in U.S. Labour Markets: Causes & Consequences, Randall W. Eberts, Erica L. Groshen, and Lee Hoskins, eds. London: Routledge, 1992. pp. 105-138
Publication: Book Chapters


Taxes, Fringe Benefits and Faculty, Stephen A. Woodbury and Daniel S. Hamermesh
Source: The Review of Economics and Statistics 74(2): 287-296
Publication: Journal Articles



The Effects of Property Taxes and Other Local Public Policies on the Intrametropolitan Pattern of Business Location, Timothy J. Bartik
Source: Industry Location and Public Policy, Henry W. Herzok, Jr., and Alan M. Schlottmann, eds. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 1991. pp 57-80
Publication: Book Chapters


An Analysis of Pooled Evidence from the Pennsylvania and Washington Reemployment Bonus Demonstrations, Paul T. Decker and Christopher J. O'Leary
Publication: External Papers and Reports


Employer Factors Related to Workers' Compensation Claims and Disability Management, Rochelle Virginia Habeck, Michael J. Leahy, H. Allan Hunt, Fong Chan, and Edward M. Welch
Source: Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin 34(3): 210-228
Publication: Journal Articles


The Stagnant Fringe, Daniel S. Hamermesh and Stephen A. Woodbury
Source: Academe 77(3): 13-17
Publication: Periodical Articles


Documentation for Microsimulation Models: A Review of TRIM2, MATH, and HITSM, Kevin M. Hollenbeck
Source: Improving Information for Social Policy Decisions: The Uses of Microsimulation Modeling, Volume II, Technical Papers, Constance F. Citro and Eric A. Hanushek, eds. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1991. pp. 333-351
Publication: Book Chapters


Industrial Restructuring with Job Security: The Case of European Steel, Susan N. Houseman
Publication: Books


Estimating Labour Supply Functions under the Rationing Constraints of Over- and Under-Employment, Christopher J. O'Leary
Source: Applied Economics 23(4): 675-684
Publication: Journal Articles


Discussion [in response to conference paper "The Effect of Collective Bargaining on Faculty Salaries at Public Colleges" by Javed Ashraf], Stephen A. Woodbury
Source: Industrial Relations Research Association Series, Proceedings of the Forty-Third Annual Meeting, December 28-30, 1990, Washington, DC, John F. Burton, Jr., ed. Madison, WI: Industrial Relations Research Association, 1991. pp. 132-134
Publication: Book Chapters


Earnings of Black Immigrants: Implications for Racial Discrimination, Stephen A. Woodbury
Source: New Approaches to Economic and Social Analyses of Discrimination, Richard R. Cornwall, and Phanindra V. Wunnava, eds. New York: Praeger, 1991. pp. 295-330
Publication: Book Chapters



The Market Failure Approach to Regional Economic Development Policy, Timothy J. Bartik
Source: Economic Development Quarterly 4(4): 361-370
Publication: Journal Articles


The Rise of the Entrepreneurial State: State and Local Development Policy in the United States by Peter K. Eisinger, Timothy J. Bartik Reviewer
Source: Journal of Regional Science 30(1): 141-142
Publication: Reviews


Taxes, Fringe Benefits and Faculty, Daniel S. Hamermesh and Stephen A. Woodbury
Publication: External Papers and Reports


Implementation of the Jobs Program in Ohio: A Process Study: First Annual Report, Kevin M. Hollenbeck, Paula Kurth, and John Hufnagle
Publication: External Papers and Reports


The Equity and Efficiency of Job Security: Contrasting Perspectives on Collective Dismissal Laws in Western Europe, Susan N. Houseman
Source: New Developments in the Labor Market: Toward a New Institutional Paradigm, Katharine G. Abraham, and Robert B. McKersie, eds. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1990, pp. 185-211
Publication: Book Chapters


Earnings Inequality and Job Turnover, Jonathan S. Leonard and Louis S. Jacobson
Source: The American Economic Review 80(2): 298-302
Publication: Journal Articles


Controlled Experiments and the Unemployment Insurance System, Robert G. Spiegelman and Stephen A. Woodbury
Source: Unemployment Insurance: The Second Half-Century, W. Lee Hansen, and James F. Byers, with the assistance of Jan Levine Thal, eds. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1990. pp. 355-392
Publication: Book Chapters


Economic Issues in Employee Benefits, Stephen A. Woodbury
Source: Research in Labor Economics, Vol. 11, Laurie J. Bassi, David L. Crawford, and Ronald G. Ehrenberg, eds. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press Inc., 1990. pp. 271-296
Publication: Book Chapters



Job Security and Work Force Adjustment: How Different are U.S. and Japanese Practices?, Katharine G. Abraham and Susan N. Houseman
Source: Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 3(4): 500-521
Publication: Journal Articles


Job Security and Work Force Adjustment: How Different are U.S. and Japanese Practices?, Katharine G. Abraham and Susan N. Houseman
Publication: External Papers and Reports


Forum [discussion of "Product Development Corporations and State Economic Development: The Importance of R & D Spillovers" by Peter S. Fisher], Timothy J. Bartik
Source: Economic Development Quarterly 3(4): 327-330
Publication: Journal Articles


Small Business Start-Ups in the United States: Estimates of the Effects of Characteristics of States, Timothy J. Bartik
Source: Southern Economic Journal 55(4): 1004-1018
Publication: Journal Articles


Private Sector Participation with Postsecondary Institutions, Linda Eberst Dorsten and Kevin M. Hollenbeck
Publication: External Papers and Reports


Differences in Workers' Compensation Experience among Michigan Employers, Rochelle V. Habeck, H. Allan Hunt, Michael J. Leahy, and Edward M. Welch
Source: IAIABC Journal (Summer 1989): 13-17
Publication: Periodical Articles


Private Sector Participation with Postsecondary Occupational Education Programs: Study Summary and Policy Recommendations, Kevin M. Hollenbeck
Publication: External Papers and Reports


Differences in Workers' Compensation Costs, H. Allan Hunt
Source: Workers' Compensation: Strategies for Lowering Costs and Reducing Workers' Suffering, Edward M. Welch, ed. Fort Washington, PA: LRP Publications, 1989. pp. 107-115
Publication: Book Chapters


Workers' Compensation in Michigan: Administrative Inventory, H. Allan Hunt and Stacey M. Eccleston
Publication: Books


Current Economic Issues in Employee Benefits, Stephen A. Woodbury
Source: Investing in People: A Strategy to Address America's Workforce Crisis, Background Papers, Vol. II, Commission on Workforce Quality and Labor Market Efficiency. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Labor, September, 1989. pp. [2131]-2229
Publication: Book Chapters



Trends in Non-Wage Labour Costs and their Effects on Employment: Final Report, Robert A. Hart, David N.F. Bell, Rudolf Frees, Seiichi Kawasaki, and Stephen A. Woodbury
Publication: Books


The Impact of Open Competition in Michigan on the Employers' Costs of Workers' Compensation, H. Allan Hunt, Alan B. Krueger, and John F. Burton
Source: Workers' Compensation Insurance Pricing: Current Programs and Proposed Reform. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988. pp. 109-144
Publication: Book Chapters


Power in the Labor Market: Institutionalist Approaches to Labor Problems, Stephen A. Woodbury
Source: Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 2, Institutional Theory and Policy, Marc R. Tool, ed. London: Routledge, 1988. pp. 363-389
Publication: Book Chapters



Saturn and State Economic Development, Timothy J. Bartik, Charles Becker, Steve Lake, and John Bush
Source: Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy 2(1): 29-40
Publication: Journal Articles


Technological Change and Employment: Fears and Reality, H. Allan Hunt
Source: Looking Ahead X (Summer 1987): 1-5
Publication: Periodical Articles


Recent Trends in Clerical Employment: The Impact of Technological Change, H. Allan Hunt and Timothy L. Hunt
Source: Computer Chips and Paper Clips, Technology and Women's Employment, Volume II, Case Studies and Policy Perspectives, Heidi I. Hartmann, ed. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1987. pp. 223-267
Publication: Book Chapters


Comment [and reply] on Louis Jacobson's "A Tale of Employment Decline in Two Cities: How Bad Was the Worst of Times?", Louis S. Jacobson
Source: Industrial and Labor Relations Review 40(2): 284-287
Publication: Journal Articles


Labor Mobility and Structural Change in Pittsburgh, Louis S. Jacobson
Source: Journal of the American Planning Association 53(4): 438-448
Publication: Journal Articles


Power in the Labor Market: Institutionalist Approaches to Labor Problems, Stephen A. Woodbury
Source: Journal of Economic Issues XXI(4): 1781-1807
Publication: Journal Articles


Bonuses to Workers and Employers to Reduce Unemployment: Randomized Trials in Illinois, Stephen A. Woodbury and Robert G. Spiegelman
Source: The American Economic Review 77(4): 513-530
Publication: Journal Articles



The Recent Moderation in Workers' Compensation Costs in Michigan and the Nation, John F. Burton, H. Allan Hunt, and Alan B. Krueger
Source: The Economic Outlook for 1986: Papers Presented to the Economic and Social Outlook Conference at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, November 21 and 22, 1985. [S.l.]: Research Seminar in Quantitative Economics, 1986. pp. 163-195
Publication: Book Chapters


Youth Education and Employment: International Perspectives by Keith Watson with assistance from Tony Bates, Kate Berry and Gilian Beardsley, editors, Kevin M. Hollenbeck Reviewer
Source: Economics of Education Review 5(3): 347-348
Publication: Reviews

Trade Adjustment Assistance: An Assessment, Louis S. Jacobson
Source: The Internationalization of the U.S. Economy: Its Labor Market Policy Implications: Conference Proceedings of the National Council on Employment Policy, January 23, 1986, Washington, DC, Vernon M. Briggs, Jr., ed. National Council on Employment Policy, 1986. pp. 51-75
Publication: Book Chapters


Pensions, Social Security, and Asset Accumulation, Susan Pozo and Stephen A. Woodbury
Source: Eastern Economic Journal XII (July-September 1986): 273-281
Publication: Journal Articles


The Economics of Non-Wage Labour Costs by Robert A. Hart, Stephen A. Woodbury Reviewer
Source: Industrial and Labor Relations Review 40(1): 140-141
Publication: Reviews



State Unemployment Insurance Fund Adequacy: Past and Present Perspectives, Saul J. Blaustein
Source: Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting, Industrial Relations Research Association, December 28-30, 1984, Dallas, Texas, Barbara D. Dennis, ed. Madison, WI: Industrial Relations Research Association, 1985. pp. 162-172
Publication: Book Chapters


Implementation of the Job Training Partnership Act: Final Report, Robert F. Cook, Caricia J. Fisher, H. Allan Hunt, Sarah F. Liebschutz, Gretchen Maclachlan, Susan A. MacManus, Mark J. Morlock, Kenneth T. Palmer, Alex N. Pattakos, V. Lane Rawlins, Kalman Rupp, and Wayne Turnage
Publication: External Papers and Reports


Growth in the American South: Changing Regional Employment and Wage Patterns in the 1960s and 1970s by Robert J. Newman, Randall W. Eberts , Reviewer
Source: The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 479(1): 195-196
Publication: Reviews

Human Resource Implications of Robotics, H. Allan Hunt and Timothy L. Hunt
Source: Economic Impact 49(1): 22-30
Publication: Journal Articles


An Assessment of Data Sources to Study the Employment Effects of Technological Change, Timothy L. Hunt and H. Allan Hunt
Source: Technology and Employment Effects: Interim Report / Panel on Technology and Women's Employment, Committee on Women's Employment and Related Social Issues, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1985. pp. 1-116
Publication: Book Chapters


The Dilemma of American Immigration: A Review Article [review of The Dilemma of American Immigration by Pastora San Juan Cafferty, Barry R. Chiswick, Andrew M. Greeley, and Teresa A. Sullivan], Stephen A. Woodbury , Reviewer
Source: The Journal of Human Resources 20(1): 138-141
Publication: Reviews


The Scope of Bargaining and Bargaining Outcomes in the Public Schools, Stephen A. Woodbury
Source: Industrial and Labor Relations Review 38(2): 195-210
Publication: Journal Articles



Technology, Labor Interests and the Law: Some Fundamental Points and Problems, Warren J. Samuels, A. Allan Schmid, James D. Shaffer, Robert A. Solo, and Stephen A. Woodbury
Source: Nova Law Journal 8 (Spring 1984): 487-513
Publication: Journal Articles


Occupational Safety and Health Regulation and Economic Theory: Comment, Stephen A. Woodbury
Source: Labor Economics: Modern Views, William Darity, Jr., ed. Boston: Kluwer-Nijhoff Publishing, 1984. pp. 269-278
Publication: Book Chapters



Elasticities of Substitution in Regional Production Functions, Timothy L. Hunt and M. Jarvin Emerson
Source: Review of Regional Studies 13(3): 12-17
Publication: Journal Articles



New Directions for Unemployment Insurance, Saul J. Blaustein
Source: University of Detroit Journal of Urban Law 59 (Summer 1982): 545-568
Publication: Journal Articles


UI Fund Insolvency and Debt in Michigan, Saul J. Blaustein
Source: The Michigan Economy 1 (November 1982): 1-3, 6-8
Publication: Periodical Articles



Capitalization: Considerations for School Finance, Wayne R. Wendling
Source: Evaluation and Policy Analysis 3(2): 57-66
Publication: Journal Articles


The Cost of Education Index: Measurement of Price Differences of Education Personnel Among New York State School Districts, Wayne R. Wendling
Source: Journal of Education Finance 6(4): 485-504
Publication: Journal Articles


Education Resources and Student Achievement: Good News for Schools, Wayne R. Wendling and Judith Cohen
Source: Journal of Education Finance 7(1): 44-63
Publication: Journal Articles


Health Manpower Programs to Affect Physicians' Location: A Regional Analysis, Wayne R. Wendling, Jack L. Werner, and Norbert W. Budde
Source: Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 6(1): 120-135
Publication: Journal Articles



Workers' Compensation and Work-Related Illnesses and Diseases, Peter S. Barth and H. Allan Hunt
Publication: Books


A Proposal for a New Job Security System with Three Tiers of Unemployment Insurance, Saul J. Blaustein
Source: Unemployment Compensation: Studies and Research Vol. 1. Arlington, VA: United States National Commission on Unemployment Compensation, (July 1980). pp. 153-161
Publication: Book Chapters


Diverse Treatment of Claimants by States, Saul J. Blaustein
Source: Unemployment Compensation: Studies and Research, Vol. 1. Arlington, VA.: United States National Commission on Unemployment Compensation, July 1980. pp. 187-213
Publication: Book Chapters


Insured Unemployment Data, Saul J. Blaustein
Source: Counting the Labor Force, Appendix Volume II. Data Collection Processing and Presentation: National and Local / National Commission on Employment and Unemployment Statistics. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1980. pp. 197-258
Publication: Book Chapters