The Parenthood Gap: Firms and Earnings Inequality after Kids, Rebecca Jack, Daniel Tannenbaum, and Brenden Timpe
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Broadly Shared Local Economic Success Since 2000: New Measures and New Lessons for Communities, Timothy J. Bartik, Brad J. Hershbein, Kathleen Bolter, Kyle Huisman, and W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
Publication: Reports
Minimum Wage Increases Reduce Racial Disparities during Hiring, Alec Brandon, Justin E. Holz, Andrew Simon, and Haruka Uchida
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
Work Organization and High-Paying Jobs, Dylan Nelson, Nathan Wilmers, and Letian Zhang
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Minimum Wage Increases Reduce Racial Disparities during Hiring, Alec Brandon, Justin E. Holz, Andrew Simon, and Haruka Uchida
Publication: Upjohn Institute Policy and Research Briefs
Minimum Wages and Racial Discrimination in Hiring: Evidence from a Field Experiment, Alec Brandon, Justin E. Holz, Andrew Simon, and Haruka Uchida
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
The False Promises of Working Longer, Teresa Ghilarducci and Beth C. Truesdale
Publication: Journal Articles
Longer-Run Effects of Anti-Poverty Policies on Disadvantaged Neighborhoods, David Neumark, Brian J. Asquith, and Brittany Bass
Publication: Journal Articles
Can Antipoverty Policies Change Neighborhood Outcomes in the Long Run?, Brian J. Asquith
Publication: Upjohn Institute Policy and Research Briefs
Payroll, Revenue, and Labor Demand Effects of the Minimum Wage, Ekaterina (Roshchina) Jardim and Emma van Inwegen
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Longer-Run Effects of Antipoverty Policies on Disadvantaged Neighborhoods, David Neumark, Brian J. Asquith, and Brittany Bass
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Longer-Run Effects of Anti-Poverty Policies on Disadvantaged Neighborhoods, David Neumark, Brian J. Asquith, and Brittany Bass
Publication: External Papers and Reports
Charles Ballard Interview, Justin Carinci
Publication: External Papers and Reports
Wage Shocks and the Technological Substitution of Low-Wage Jobs, Daniel Aaronson and Brian Phelan
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
New Research on the Price Pass-Through Effects of the Minimum Wage, Daniel MacDonald
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
The Effects of Increasing the Minimum Wage on Prices: Analyzing the Incidence of Policy Design and Context, Daniel MacDonald and Eric Nilsson
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Who Benefits from a Minimum Wage Increase?, John W. Lopresti and Kevin J. Mumford
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Effects of the Minimum Wage on Employment Dynamics, Jonathan Meer and Jeremy West
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
The New Minimum Wage Research, Dale Belman and Paul J. Wolfson
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
What Does the Minimum Wage Do?, Dale Belman and Paul J. Wolfson
Publication: Upjohn Press
Do Minimum Wage Laws Affect People Who Are Not Covered? Evidence from Documented and Undocumented, Hourly and Piece Rate Workers in U.S. Agriculture, Anita Alves Pena
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Edited Transcript of Living Wage Conference Call, February 11, 2004, Timothy J. Bartik, Editor; David Neumark; Robert Pollin; David Reynolds; Aaron Yelowitz; Mark D. Brenner; Richard Henry Sander; and Richard Toikka
Publication: Journal Articles
The Effect of Minimum Wages on the Employment and Earnings of South Africa's Domestic Service Workers, Tom Hertz
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Thinking about Local Living Wage Requirements, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Journal Articles
Raise the Floor: Wages and Policies that Work for All of Us by Holly Sklar, Laryssa Mykyta, and Susan Wefald, Timothy J. Bartik Reviewer
Publication: Reviews
Labor Standards in the United States and Canada, Richard N. Block, Ronald O. Clarke, and Karen Roberts
Publication: Upjohn Press
Introduction [to Labor Standards in the United States and Canada], Richard N. Block, Karen Roberts, and R. Oliver Clarke
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Living Wages and Local Governments, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
Thinking about Local Living Wage Requirements, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
The Effects of Employer Mandates, Susan N. Houseman
Publication: Book Chapters
Minimum Wage Policy and Research: What's a Person to Believe?, Stephen E. Baldwin and Robert S. Goldfarb
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters