


Washington Pension System Review, Peter S. Barth, Heather Grob, Henry George Harder, H. Allan Hunt, and Michael Silverstein
Publication: Upjohn Institute Technical Reports


Introduction and Overview [to A Future of Good Jobs?: America's Challenge in the Global Economy], Timothy J. Bartik, Editor and Susan N. Houseman, Editor
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


When Work is Not Enough: State and Federal Policies to Support Needy Workers by Robert P. Stoker and Laura A. Wilson, Timothy J. Bartik Reviewer
Publication: Reviews


A Future of Good Jobs?: America's Challenge in the Global Economy, Timothy J. Bartik , Editor and Susan N. Houseman , Editor
Publication: Upjohn Press


Design of Assistance Programs to Address Real Income Volatility, Robin W. Boadway, Katherine Cuff, and Nicolas Marceau
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


The Dynamics of Food Stamp Receipt After Welfare Reform Among Current and Former Welfare Recipients, Brian Cadena, Sandra K. Danziger, and Kristin S. Seefeldt
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Net Impact Evaluation of Michigan's JET (Jobs, Education, and Training) Program, Randall W. Eberts
Publication: Reports


Introduction [to Older and Out of Work], Randall W. Eberts Editor and Richard A. Hobbie Editor
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Older and Out of Work: Jobs and Social Insurance for a Changing Economy, Randall W. Eberts Editor and Richard A. Hobbie Editor
Publication: Upjohn Press


The Age Gradient in Food Stamp Program Participation: Does Income Volatility Matter?, Craig Gundersen and James Patrick Ziliak
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Differences in the Returns to Education for Males by Disability Status and Age of Disability Onset, Kevin Hollenbeck and Jean Kimmel
Publication: Journal Articles


Total Permanent Disability in Washington, H. Allan Hunt
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter


Income Volatility and Food Assistance in the United States, Dean Jolliffe Editor and James P. Ziliak Editor
Publication: Upjohn Press


Introduction [to Income Volatility and Food Assistance in the United States], Dean Jolliffe Editor and James P. Ziliak Editor
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Trends in Income and Consumption Volatility, 1970-2000, Benjamin J. Keys
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Variable Effects of Earnings Volatility on Food Stamp Participation, Robert Moffitt and David C. Ribar
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Income Volatility and Its Implications for School Lunch, Constance Newman
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Reemployment and Earnings Recovery among Older Unemployment Insurance Claimants, Christopher J. O'Leary and Randall W. Eberts Editor
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Statistical Targeting to Support Reemployment Services, Christopher J. O'Leary, Scott Gibbons, Cheryl Atkinson, and Gary Gonzalez
Publication: Conference Papers


UI as a Safety Net for Former TANF Recipients: Final Report, Christopher J. O'Leary and Kenneth J. Kline
Publication: Reports


Improving Job Quality: Policies Aimed at the Demand Side of the Low-Wage Labor Market, Paul Osterman
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Income Volatility and Certification Duration for WIC Children, Mark A. Prell
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Activation from Income Support in the US, Benno Quade, Christopher J. O'Leary, and Ockert Dupper
Publication: Book Chapters


Boosting the Earnings and Employment of Low-Skilled Workers in the United States: Making Work Pay and Removing Barriers to Employment and Social Mobility, Steven Raphael
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


The Fraction of Disability Caused at Work, Robert T. Reville and Robert Schoeni
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Earnings Volatility and the Reasons for Leaving the Food Stamp Program, David C. Ribar and Marilyn J. Edelhoch
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


The Consequences of Recent Job Growth on Older Low-Income Workers, William M. Rodgers
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Moving from Welfare to Work, Kristin S. Seefeldt
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Working After Welfare: How Women Balance Jobs and Family in the Wake of Welfare Reform, Kristin S. Seefeldt
Publication: Upjohn Press


Disability and Retirement Among Aging Baby Boomers, Ralph Ely Smith
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Strategies for Improving Economic Mobility of Workers, Maude Toussaint-Comeau
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter



Do Temporary Jobs Help Low-Skilled Workers? Surprising Data from Detroit, David H. Autor and Susan N. Houseman
Publication: Journal Articles


A Future of Good Jobs? America's Challenge in the Global Economy, Timothy J. Bartik and Susan N. Houseman
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter


Temporary Help Service Firms' Use of Employer Tax Credits: Implications for Disadvantaged Workers' Labor Market Outcomes, Sarah Hamersma and Carolyn J. Heinrich
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers


Reemployment and Earnings Recovery Among Older Unemployment Insurance Claimants, Christopher J. O'Leary and Randall W. Eberts
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers



Office Ergonomics Intervention Study Panel, Benjamin C. Amick, Michelle Robertson, Lianna Bazzani, Cammie Chaumont Menéndez, Kelly DeRango, and Anne Moore
Publication: Book Chapters


Temporary Agency Employment: A Way Out of Poverty?, David H. Autor and Susan N. Houseman
Publication: Book Chapters


Moving Up or Moving On: Who Advances in the Low-Wage Labor Market? by Fredrik Andersson, Harry J. Holzer, and Julia I. Lane, Timothy J. Bartik Reviewer
Publication: Reviews


Bad Service Jobs: Can Unions Save Them? Can They Save Unions?, Laura Dresser and Annette D. Bernhardt
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Initiatives Sectorielles pour la Formation de Travailleurs Faiblement Qualifiés aux États-Unis: Deux études de Cas, Randall W. Eberts
Publication: Book Chapters


Sectoral Initiatives to Train Low-Qualified Incumbent Workers in the United States: Two Case Studies, Randall W. Eberts
Publication: Book Chapters


Does Temporary Agency Employment Offer a Way Out of Poverty?, Susan N. Houseman and David H. Autor
Publication: Periodical Articles


Earnings Losses for Injured Workers, H. Allan Hunt, Kelly DeRango, and Eva Madly
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter


Low-Skilled Jobs: The Reality behind the Popular Perceptions, Nan L. Maxwell
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


The Working Life: The Labor Market for Workers in Low-Skilled Jobs, Nan L. Maxwell
Publication: Upjohn Press


State UI Job Search Rules and Reemployment Services, Christopher J. O'Leary
Publication: Journal Articles


Unemployment Insurance and Reemployment among Older Workers, Christopher J. O'Leary and U.S. Dept. of Labor, Employment and Training Administration
Publication: External Papers and Reports


Profiling for Public Workforce Investment Programs in the United States, Christopher J. O'Leary, Stephen A. Wandner, and Randall W. Eberts
Publication: Reports


Spatial Concentration of American Poverty: Should We Care, and What Are the Options?, Mark D. Partridge and Dan S. Rickman
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


The Geography of American Poverty: Is There a Need for Place-Based Policies?, Mark D. Partridge and Dan S. Rickman
Publication: Upjohn Press


The Effect of Two Office Ergonomics Field Interventions and Their Replication on Visual Symptoms, Michelle Robertson, Benjamin C. Amick, Lianna Bazzani, Kelly DeRango, Anne Moore, Cammie Chaumont Menéndez, and Ron Harrist
Publication: Book Chapters



Management and Employee Agreement on Reports of Organizational Policies and Practices Important in Return to Work Following Carpal Tunnel Surgery, Benjamin C. Amick, H. Allan Hunt, Jeffrey N. Katz, Rochelle Virginia Habeck, Janet Ossmann, Gopika Ramamurthy, and Valerie Soucie
Publication: Journal Articles


Does "Work First" Work? The Long-Term Consequences of Temporary Agency and Direct-Hire Job Placements, David H. Autor and Susan N. Houseman
Publication: Reports


Do Temporary Help Jobs Improve Labor Market Outcomes for Low-Skilled Workers? Evidence from Random Assignments, David H. Autor and Susan N. Houseman
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers


Do Temporary Help Jobs Improve Labor Market Outcomes for Low-Skilled Workers? Evidence from 'Work First', David H. Autor and Susan N. Houseman
Publication: External Papers and Reports


Temporary Agency Employment as a Way out of Poverty?, David H. Autor and Susan N. Houseman
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers


Temporary Agency Employment as a Way Out of Poverty?, David H. Autor and Susan N. Houseman
Publication: External Papers and Reports


Revisiting Black Lung: Can the Feds Deliver Workers' Compensation for Occupational Disease?, Peter S. Barth
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Designing Inclusion: Tools to Raise Low-end Pay and Employment in Private Enterprise by Edmund S. Phelps, Timothy J. Bartik, Reviewer
Publication: Reviews


Edited Transcript of Living Wage Conference Call, February 11, 2004, Timothy J. Bartik, Editor; David Neumark; Robert Pollin; David Reynolds; Aaron Yelowitz; Mark D. Brenner; Richard Henry Sander; and Richard Toikka
Publication: Journal Articles


The Adequacy of Workers' Compensation Cash Benefits, Leslie I. Boden, Robert T. Reville, and Jeff Biddle
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Permanent Partial Disability Benefits, John F. Burton
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Human Resource Management and Safety: Technical Efficiency and Economic Incentives, Richard J. Butler and Yong-Seung Park
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Safety Practices, Firm Culture, and Workplace Injuries, Richard J. Butler and Yong-Seung Park
Publication: Upjohn Press


Workers' Compensation in Rhode Island: Reform through Business/Labor Cooperation, Matthew Carey
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Single Mothers, Social Capital, and Work-Family Conflict, Teresa Ciabattari
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers


After the Doors Close: Assisting Laid-Off Workers to Find Jobs, Randall W. Eberts
Publication: Journal Articles


Development and Evaluation of the Public Employment Service in the United States, Randall W. Eberts
Publication: Book Chapters


Benefit Adequacy in U.S. Workers' Compensation Programs, H. Allan Hunt
Publication: Periodical Articles


Benefit Adequacy in U.S. Workers' Compensation Programs, H. Allan Hunt
Publication: Book Chapters


Performance Management in Workers' Compensation Systems, H. Allan Hunt
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter


Performance Measurement in Workers' Compensation Systems, H. Allan Hunt
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Issues in Workers' Compensation Appeals System Reform, Douglas Hyatt
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Urban Welfare and Work Experiences: Implications for Welfare Reform, Christopher T. King and Peter R. Mueser
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter


Welfare and Employment Transitions in the 1990s, Christopher T. King and Peter R. Mueser
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Welfare and Work: Experiences in Six Cities, Christopher T. King and Peter R. Mueser
Publication: Upjohn Press


Health Care and Workers' Compensation, Cameron Mustard and Sandra Sinclair
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Current Policy Themes for Unemployment Insurance in the United States, Christopher J. O'Leary
Publication: Book Chapters


Cost-Effectiveness of Targeted Reemployment Bonuses, Christopher J. O'Leary, Paul T. Decker, and Stephen A. Wandner
Publication: Journal Articles


Do Job Search Rules and Reemployment Services Reduce Insured Unemployment?, Christopher J. O'Leary and Stephen A. Wandner
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers


How Can Behavioral Economics Inform Research on Workplace Injuries?, Robert T. Reville, Leslie I. Boden, Seth A. Seabury, and Hilary J. Rhodes
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Introduction [to Workplace Injuries and Diseases], Karen Roberts
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


The Structure of and Incentives from Workers' Compensation Pricing, Karen Roberts
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Workplace Injuries and Diseases: Prevention and Compensation - Essays in Honor of Terry Thomason, Karen Roberts Editor, John F. Burton Editor, and Matthew M. Bodah Editor
Publication: Upjohn Press


Health, Wealth and Workforce Exit: Disability Insurance and Individual Accounts, Jason S. Seligman
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers


Welfare Reform, Saving, and Vehicle Ownership: Do Asset Limits and Vehicle Exemptions Matter?, James X. Sullivan
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers


Economic Incentives and Workplace Safety, Terry Thomason
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Introduction [to Unemployment Compensation Throughout the World], Wayne Vroman and Vera Brusentsev
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Unemployment Compensation Throughout the World: A Comparative Analysis, Wayne Vroman and Vera Brusentsev
Publication: Upjohn Press



Introduction [to Leaving Welfare], Gregory Acs and Pamela Loprest
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters


Leaving Welfare: Challenges in a New Economy, Gregory Acs and Pamela Loprest
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter


Leaving Welfare: Employment and Well-Being of Families that Left Welfare in the Post-Entitlement Era, Gregory Acs and Pamela Loprest
Publication: Upjohn Press


The Impact of Two Office Ergonomics Interventions on Visual Symptoms, Benjamin C. Amick, Lianna Bazzani, Michelle Robertson, Kelly DeRango, Ted Rooney, Anne Moore, Cammie Chaumont Menéndez, and Ron Harrist
Publication: Book Chapters


Thinking about Local Living Wage Requirements, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Journal Articles


Benefit-Cost Analysis of the Southwest Organizations Unifying Resources for Our Community and Employers (SOURCE), George A. Erickcek, Bridget F. Timmeney, and Brad R. Watts
Publication: Reports


Gap Analysis of the Current Financial Services Network in Calhoun County, George A. Erickcek, Bridget F. Timmeney, and Brad R. Watts
Publication: Reports


Testimony of H. Allan Hunt, Ph.D.: [Hearing on "Examining the Federal Employees' Compensation Act and its Benefits for Workers"], H. Allan Hunt
Publication: Testimonies


The Adequacy and Equity of WC Benefits, H. Allan Hunt
Publication: Book Chapters


Adequacy of Earnings Replacement in Workers' Compensation Programs: A Report of the Study Panel on Benefit Adequacy of the Workers' Compensation Steering Committee, National Academy of Social Insurance, H. Allan Hunt and National Academy of Social Insurance
Publication: Upjohn Press


Introduction [to Adequacy of Earnings Replacement in Workers' Compensation Programs], H. Allan Hunt and National Academy of Social Insurance
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters