The Parenthood Gap: Firms and Earnings Inequality after Kids, Rebecca Jack, Daniel Tannenbaum, and Brenden Timpe
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
The Long-Run Impacts of Public Industrial Investment on Local Development and Economic Mobility: Evidence from World War II, Andrew Garin and Jonathan Rothbaum
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Employer Market Power in Silicon Valley, Matthew Gibson
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
How Major Tech Firms Used Illegal “No-Poach” Agreements to Control Workers’ Salaries, Matthew Gibson
Publication: Upjohn Institute Policy and Research Briefs
How Major Tech Firms Used Illegal “No-Poach” Agreements to Control Workers’ Salaries, Matthew Gibson
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
Effects of Peer Groups on the Gender-Wage Gap and Life After the MBA: Evidence from the Random Assignment of MBA Peers, Mallika Thomas
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Labor Market Effects of Paid Sick Leave: The Case of Seattle, Hilary Wething and Meredith Slopen
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Seattle’s Paid Sick Leave Law Increased Work Hours without Affecting Job Attachment, Hilary Wething and Meredith Slopen
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
Seattle’s Paid Sick Leave Law Increased Work Hours without Affecting Job Attachment, Hilary Wething and Meredith Slopen
Publication: Upjohn Institute Policy and Research Briefs
How Can We Strengthen the Direct Care Workforce?, Gopi Shah Goda and Aaron Sojourner
Publication: Periodical Articles
Southwest Michigan Wage and Benefits Survey: Van Buren, Kalamazoo, Calhoun, Berrien, Cass, St. Joseph, and Branch Counties, Dakota McCracken, Val Gipper, and Michael Horrigan
Publication: Reports
State Tax Strategies to Reduce Care Costs, Gabrielle Pepin
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
Not Just for Kids: Child and Dependent Care Credit Benefits for Adult Care, Gabrielle Pepin and Yulya Truskinovsky
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
The Child and Dependent Care Credit: Unlike Trix, Not Just for Kids, Gabrielle Pepin and Yulya Truskinovsky
Publication: Upjohn Institute Policy and Research Briefs
Job Characteristics and Early Experiences at Work Subpanels, Aaron Sojourner, Susan N. Houseman, Chandra Muller, Lindsey Cameron, Michael J. Handel, Erin Kelly, Jennifer Kemp, Karen Kosanovich, Daniel Kreisman, Alexandre Mas, Andreas I. Mueller, David Pedulla, Cassandra Robertson, William Rodgers, Daniel Schneider, and Jeffrey Smith
Publication: External Papers and Reports
Protecting High-Risk Individuals Means Considering the Economic Cost of COVID-19, Julia Raifman and Aaron Sojourner
Publication: Periodical Articles
The Pros and Cons of Sick Pay Schemes: Testing for Contagious Presenteeism and Shirking Behavior, Stefan Pichler and Nicolas R. Ziebarth
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
The Efficiency of a Group-Specific Mandated Benefit Revisited: The Effect of Infertility Mandates, Joanna N. Lahey
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Introduction: Policy Issues and Research Questions [to Kids at Work], Rachel Connelly, Deborah S. DeGraff, and Rachel A. Willis
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Kids at Work: The Value of Employer-Sponsored On-Site Child Care Centers, Rachel Connelly, Deborah S. DeGraff, and Rachel A. Willis
Publication: Upjohn Press
The Drive for Flexibility and the Growth of "Flexible" Staffing Arrangements, Susan N. Houseman
Publication: Book Chapters
The Benefits Implications of Recent Trends in Flexible Staffing Arrangements, Susan N. Houseman
Publication: Book Chapters
The Benefits Implications of Recent Trends in Flexible Staff Arrangements, Susan N. Houseman
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Why Employers Use Flexible Staffing Arrangements: Evidence from an Establishment Survey, Susan N. Houseman
Publication: Journal Articles
An Analysis of Public Policy on Credit Union Select Employee Groups, Stephen A. Woodbury, William A. Kelly Jr., and David M. Smith
Publication: External Papers and Reports
Introduction [to Employee Benefits and Labor Markets in Canada and the United States], William T. Alpert, Editor and Stephen A. Woodbury, Editor
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Employee Benefits and Labor Markets in Canada and the United States, William T. Alpert Editor and Stephen A. Woodbury Editor
Publication: Upjohn Press
Family Health Benefits and Worker Turnover, Dan A. Black
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
An Economic Model of Employee Benefits and Labor Supply, Paul Fronstin
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Payroll Taxation, Employer Mandates, and the Labor Market, Jonathan Gruber
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Fringe Benefits and Employment, Masanori Hashimoto
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Why Employers Use Flexible Staffing Arrangements: Evidence from an Establishment Survey, Susan N. Houseman
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Employer-Provided versus Publicly Provided Health Insurance, Janet Hunt-McCool, Thomas Joseph McCool, and Avi Dor
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Employee Benefits and the Distribution of Income and Wealth, Daniel Jonathan Slottje, Stephen A. Woodbury, and Rod W. Anderson
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
The Economics of Family and Medical Leave in Canada and the United States, Eileen Trzcinski and William T. Alpert
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Labor Standards in Alternative Work Arrangements, Susan N. Houseman
Publication: Journal Articles
A State and Regional Analysis: Effects of Public Policy on Credit Union Select Employee Groups, Stephen A. Woodbury, David Marshall Smith, and William A. Kelly
Publication: External Papers and Reports
Introduction [to The Tax Treatment of Fringe Benefits], Stephen A. Woodbury and Wei-Jang Huang
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
The Tax Treatment of Fringe Benefits, Stephen A. Woodbury and Wei-Jang Huang
Publication: Upjohn Press
Trends in Non-Wage Labour Costs and their Effects on Employment: Final Report, Robert A. Hart, David N.F. Bell, Rudolf Frees, Seiichi Kawasaki, and Stephen A. Woodbury
Publication: Books
The Economics of Non-Wage Labour Costs by Robert A. Hart, Stephen A. Woodbury Reviewer
Publication: Reviews
Statement [for] Distribution and Economics of Employer Provided Fringe Benefits: Hearings before the Subcommittee on Social Security and Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures of the Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives, Stephen A. Woodbury
Publication: Testimonies