Selected Public Workforce Development Programs in the United States: Lessons Learned for Older Workers, Stephen A. Wandner, David E. Balducchi, and Christopher J. O'Leary
Publication: External Papers and Reports
Selected Public Workforce Development Programs in the United States: Lessons Learned for Older Workers, Stephen A. Wandner, David E. Balducchi, and Christopher J. O'Leary
Publication: External Papers and Reports
The Road through the Rust Belt: From Preeminence to Decline to Prosperity, William M. Bowen Editor
Publication: Upjohn Press
Midwestern Urban and Regional Responses to Global Economic Transition, William M. Bowen and Kelly L. Kinahan
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Reasons for Misgivings about Local Economic Development Initiatives, William M. Bowen and Chang-Shik Song
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Can Tax Expenditures Stimulate Growth in Rust Belt Cities?, Benjamin Y. Clark
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Employment and Skills Strategies in the United States: OECD Reviews on Local Job Creation, Randall W. Eberts
Publication: External Papers and Reports
Stop Shovelling: A New Workforce Strategy to Promote Regional Prosperity, Joel A. Elvery
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Economic Development Recommendations That Focus on the "Working Poor": Lessons from Waco, George Erickcek, Don Edgerly, Brian Pittelko, Claudette Robey, Bridget F. Timmeney, and Jim Robey
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
Refining Workforce Education Supply and Demand Analysis: Final Report, Brad J. Hershbein and Kevin M. Hollenbeck
Publication: Upjohn Institute Technical Reports
Introduction [to The Road through the Rust Belt], Edward W. Hill
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
The Evolution of Clusters and Implications for the Revival of Old Industrial Cities, Haifeng Qian
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Mass Incarceration and Employment, Steven Raphael
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
The New Scarlet Letter? Negotiating the U.S. Labor Market with a Criminal Record, Steven Raphael
Publication: Upjohn Press
Public Workforce Programs during the Great Recession, Stephen A. Wandner and Randall W. Eberts
Publication: Journal Articles
Background, Purpose, and Methodology [Introduction to The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: The Role of Workforce Programs], Burt S. Barnow Editor
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
State Approaches to the Recovery Act's Workforce Development Provisions, Burt S. Barnow Editor
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: The Role of Workforce Programs, Burt S. Barnow Editor and Richard A. Hobbie Editor
Publication: Upjohn Press
Conceptual Basis for Identifying and Measuring Occupational Labor Shortages, Burt S. Barnow, John Trutko, and Jaclyn Schede Piatak
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
How Do We Know Occupational Labor Shortages Exist?, Burt S. Barnow, John Trutko, and Jaclyn Schede Piatak
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
Occupational Labor Shortages : Concepts, Causes, Consequences, and Cures, Burt S. Barnow, John Trutko, and Jaclyn Schede Piatak
Publication: Upjohn Press
Building More and Better Jobs: Lessons from the United States, Randall W. Eberts
Publication: Conference Papers
Demographics, Skills Gaps, and Market Dynamics, Randall W. Eberts
Publication: Conference Papers
How Local Workforce Investment Boards Can Help Support Job Creation, Randall W. Eberts
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
Data Analysis of the Implementation of the Recovery Act Workforce Development and Unemployment Insurance Provisions, Randall W. Eberts and Stephen A. Wandner
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Responding to the Needs of Workers during the Great Recession, Randall W. Eberts and Stephen A. Wandner
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
Talent 2025 Update Brief: Regional Workforce Demand and System Flows, George A. Erickcek, Brian Pittelko, Bridget F. Timmeney, and Brad R. Watts
Publication: Reports
A Comprehensive Analysis of the Current and Future Talent Needs for the TALENT 2025 Region, George Erickcek, Brian Pittelko, Claudette Robey, and Bridget F. Timmeney
Publication: Reports
Other Related Initiatives: Labor Market Information, Green Jobs, and Subsidized Employment, Joyce Kaiser
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Wagner-Peyser Employment Services, Joyce Kaiser
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
What Works for Whom in Public Employment Policy?, Christopher J. O'Leary, Randall W. Eberts, and Kevin M. Hollenbeck
Publication: Reports
Wagner-Peyser Act Reemployment Services, Tara C. Smith
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Challenges and Accomplishments: States' Views, John Trutko and Burt S. Barnow Editor
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs, John Trutko Editor and Burt S. Barnow Editor
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Trade Adjustment Assistance Program, Stephen A. Wandner
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Tackling Unemployment: The Legislative Dynamics of the Employment Act of 1946, Ruth Ellen Wasem
Publication: Upjohn Press
The Employment Act in Historical Perspective, Ruth Ellen Wasem
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
The Effect of Work First Job Placements on the Distribution of Earnings: An Instrumental Variable Quantile Regression Approach, David H. Autor, Susan N. Houseman, and Sari Pekkala Kerr
Publication: External Papers and Reports
Implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: Workforce Development and Unemployment Insurance Provisions, Burt S. Barnow, Jing Cai, Yvette Chocolaad, Randall W. Eberts, Richard A. Hobbie, Joyce Kaiser, Tara Smith, John Trutko, Wayne Vroman, and Stephen A. Wandner
Publication: External Papers and Reports
Integrating Skills, Employment and Local Development, Randall W. Eberts
Publication: Book Chapters
A Methodology for Setting State and Local Regression-Adjusted Performance Targets for Workforce Investment Act Programs, Randall W. Eberts, Wei-Jang Huang, and Jing Cai
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Data Analysis of the Implementation of the Recovery Act: Workforce Development and Unemployment Insurance Provisions, Randall W. Eberts and Stephen A. Wandner
Publication: Book Chapters
The Role of the Workforce Development System in the Economic Development of Urban Areas, Kevin Hollenbeck
Publication: Book Chapters
Return on Investment in Workforce Development Programs, Kevin M. Hollenbeck
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Lessons from the WIA Performance Measures, Burt S. Barnow
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
The Workforce Investment Act: Implementation Experiences and Evaluation Findings, Douglas J. Besharov Editor and Phoebe H. Cottingham Editor
Publication: Upjohn Press
An Overview of WIA, Dianne Blank, Laura Heald, and Cynthia Fagnoni
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
The Challenge of Measuring Performance, William S. Borden
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Introduction [to The Workforce Investment Act], Phoebe H. Cottingham Editor and Douglas J. Besharov Editor
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Setting the Standards: Performance Targets and Benchmarks, Pascal Courty, Carolyn J. Heinrich, and Gerald Marschke
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
U.S. Employment and Training Programs and Performance Standards System Design, Pascal Courty, Carolyn J. Heinrich, Gerald Marschke, and Jeffrey Smith
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Measuring Government Performance: An Overview of Dysfunctional Responses, Pascal Courty and Gerald Marschke
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
The JTPA Incentive System: Implementing Performance Measurement and Funding, Pascal Courty and Gerald Marschke
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Ten Years of WIA Research, Paul T. Decker
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Individual Training Accounts Provided under the U.S. Workforce Investment Act, Randall W. Eberts
Publication: Conference Papers
Recent Advances in Performance Measurement of Federal Workforce Development Programs, Randall W. Eberts, Timothy J. Bartik, and Wei-Jang Huang
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Introduction [to What Works in Work-First Welfare], Andrew R. Feldman
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
What Works in Work-First Welfare: Designing and Managing Employment Programs in New York City, Andrew R. Feldman
Publication: Upjohn Press
One-Stop Management and the Private Sector, David Heaney
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
The Performance of Performance Standards, James J. Heckman Editor, Carolyn J. Heinrich Editor, Pascal Courty Editor, Gerald Marschke Editor, and Jeffrey A. Smith Editor
Publication: Upjohn Press
A Formal Model of a Performance Incentive System, James J. Heckman, Carolyn J. Heinrich, and Jeffrey Smith
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Do Short-Run Performance Measures Predict Long-Run Impacts?, James J. Heckman, Carolyn J. Heinrich, and Jeffrey Smith
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Lessons for Advancing Future Performance Standards Systems, James J. Heckman, Carolyn J. Heinrich, and Jeffrey Smith
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Performance Standards and the Potential to Improve Government Performance, James J. Heckman, Carolyn J. Heinrich, and Jeffrey Smith
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Do the Determinants of Program Participation Data Provide Evidence of Cream Skimming?, James J. Heckman and Jeffrey Smith
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Local Responses to Performance Incentives and Implications for Program Outcomes, Carolyn J. Heinrich
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
The Performance of Performance Standards, Carolyn J. Heinrich
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
A Nonexperimental Evaluation of WIA Programs, Carolyn J. Heinrich, Peter R. Mueser, Kenneth R. Troske, Kyung-Seong Jeon, and Daver C. Kahvecioglu
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Does the Workforce Investment Act Work?, Kevin Hollenbeck
Publication: Conference Papers
Evaluation Evidence about the Effectiveness of Public Training Programs for Incumbent Workers, Kevin Hollenbeck
Publication: Presentations
Is There a Role for Public Support of Incumbent Worker On-the-Job Training?, Kevin Hollenbeck
Publication: Presentations
Net Impacts of Workforce Development Programs on Individuals with Low Earnings, Kevin Hollenbeck
Publication: Presentations
Short-Term Net Impact Estimates and Rates of Return, Kevin Hollenbeck
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Some Perspectives on and Examples of Business Education Collaboration for Workforce Development, Kevin Hollenbeck
Publication: Presentations
The Return on Investment to Training Programs for Incumbent Workers, Kevin Hollenbeck
Publication: Presentations
Workforce System Net Impact Estimates and Rates of Return: Performance Measures?, Kevin Hollenbeck
Publication: Presentations
The Interaction of Workforce Development Programs and Unemployment Compensation by Individuals with Disabilities in Washington State, Kevin M. Hollenbeck
Publication: External Papers and Reports
Nonexperimental Impact Evaluations, Haeil Jung and Maureen A. Pirog
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
The Use of Market Mechanisms, Christopher T. King and Burt S. Barnow
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Customized Training, David A. Long
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Neither Easy Nor Cheap, Sheena McConnell, Peter Schochet, and Alberto Martini
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Climate Change, Employment and Local Development in Poland, Gabriela Miranda, Randall W. Eberts, Elvira González, Vanessa Foo, and Przemyslaw Kulawczuk
Publication: External Papers and Reports
Designing Reliable Impact Evaluations, Larry L. Orr, Stephen H. Bell, and Jacob A. Klerman
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Improving Impact Evaluation in Europe, Jeffrey Smith
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Options for Addressing Long-Term Unemployment as the Economy Recovers, Ralph E. Smith
Publication: Upjohn Institute Policy Papers
The Secular Rise in Unemployment Insurance Exhaustions and What Can Be Done about It, Ralph E. Smith
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Eligible Training Provider Lists and Consumer Report Cards, Carl E. Van Horn and Aaron Fichtner
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Financial Performance Incentives, Stephen A. Wandner and Michael Wiseman
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Do Temporary-Help Jobs Improve Labor Market Outcomes for Low-Skilled Workers? Evidence from "Work First", David H. Autor and Susan N. Houseman
Publication: Journal Articles
Regression Approach to Adjust WIA Performance Standards, Timothy J. Bartik, Randall W. Eberts, and Kenneth J. Kline
Publication: Presentations
Industrial and Occupational Strengths and Potential in Michigan’s Economic Regions: A Description and Presentation of a New Database, Timothy J. Bartik, George A. Erickcek, and Wei-Jang Huang
Publication: Reports
Training and Immigration in the Real World, Ernesto Cortés
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Vernon Briggs: Real-World Labor Economist, William P. Curington
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Setting and Adjusting Workforce Performance Targets, Randall W. Eberts
Publication: Conference Papers
Setting and Adjusting Workforce Performance Targets, Randall W. Eberts
Publication: Conference Papers
Staying the Course: U.S. Employment Strategy during the Great Recession, Randall W. Eberts
Publication: Periodical Articles
The Response of the U.S. Workforce System to the Needs of Workers During the Current Recession, Randall W. Eberts
Publication: Conference Papers
Talent 2025: Assessment of the West Michigan Talent Development System, George Erickcek, Brian Pittelko, Bridget F. Timmeney, and Brad R. Watts
Publication: Reports
Sectoral Approaches to Workforce Development: Toward an Effective U.S. Labor-Market Policy, Robert W. Glover and Christopher T. King
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
State Use of Workforce System Net Impact Estimates and Rates of Return, Kevin Hollenbeck
Publication: Conference Papers