

Targeting Reemployment Services in Canada: The Service and Outcome Measurement System (SOMS) Experience, Terry Colpitts and Jeffrey A. Smith

Approaching the Limit: Early National Lessons from Welfare Reform, Sheldon Danziger

Evaluation of WPRS Systems, Katherine P. Dickinson, Paul T. Decker, Suzanne D. Kreutzer, John D. Heinberg, and Walter Nicholson

Lessons Learned: Welfare Reform and Food Assistance in Rural America, Greg J. Duncan Editor, Leslie A. Whitener Editor, and Bruce A. Weber Editor

A Frontline Decision Support System for One-Stop Centers, Randall W. Eberts, Editor; Christopher J. O'Leary, Editor; Kelly DeRango; and Helen Parker

Using Statistical Assessment Tools to Target Services to Work First Participants, Randall W. Eberts

A Panel Discussion on the WPRS System, Peter Fleming, Al Jaloviar, Helen Parker, Marc Perrett, and David E. Balducchi

Small Towns and Welfare Reform: Iowa Case Studies of Families and Communities, Cynthia Needles Fletcher, Jan L. Flora, Barbara J. Gaddis, Mary Winter, and Jacquelyn S. Litt

Welfare Reform in Rural Minnesota: Experimental Findings from the Minnesota Family Investment Program, Lisa A. Gennetian, Cindy Redcross, and Cynthia Miller

Rural Labor Markets in an Era of Welfare Reform, Robert M. Gibbs

The Short-Term Impacts of Welfare Reform in Persistently Poor Rural Areas, Mark Harvey, Gene F. Summers, Kathleen Ann Pickering, and Patricia O. Richards

Reducing Food Stamp and Welfare Caseloads in the South: Are Rural Areas Less Likely to Succeed Than Urban Centers?, Mark Henry, Lynn L. Reinschmiedt, Willis Lewis, and Darren Hudson

A Panel Discussion on the Experience and Future Plans of States, Richard A. Hobbie, Jim Finch, Chuck Middlebrooks, and Jack Weidenbach

Introduction [to Helping Working Families], Saul D. Hoffman and Laurence S. Seidman

Will Attainable Jobs Be Available for TANF Recipients in Local Labor Markets? Evidence from Mississippi on Prospects for "Job-Skill Matching" of TANF adults, Frank M. Howell

How Family Structure Affects Labor Market Outcomes, Joyce P. Jacobsen

Measures of Program Performance and the Training Choices of Displaced Workers, Louis S. Jacobson, Robert J. LaLonde, Daniel G. Sullivan, and Kevin M. Hollenbeck

Location and the Low-Income Experience: Analyses of Program Dynamics in the Iowa Family Investment Program, Helen H. Jensen, Shao-Hsun Keng, and Steven Garasky

Introduction [to The Economics of Work and Family], Jean Kimmel, Editor

Introduction [to Imports, Exports, and Jobs], Lori G. Kletzer

Summary and Synthesis, Peter Joseph Kuhn Editor

Introduction [to How New Is the "New Employment Contract"?], David I. Levine, Dale Belman, Gary Charness, Erica L. Groshen, and K. C. O'Shaughnessy

Introduction [to Carve-Outs in Workers' Compensation], David I. Levine, Frank W. Neuhauser, Richard Reuben, Jeffrey S. Petersen, and Cristian Echeverria

Rural America in Transition: Poverty and Welfare at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century, Daniel T. Lichter and Leif Jensen

Food Stamps in Rural America: Special Issues and Common Themes, Sheena M. McConnell and James Ohls

The Impact of Welfare Policy on the Employment of Single Mothers Living in Rural and Urban Areas, Signe-Mary McKernan, Robert I. Lerman, Nancy Pindus, and Jesse Valente

Profiling in Self-Employment Assistance Programs, Jon C. Messenger, Carolyn Peterson-Vaccaro, Wayne Vroman, Jacob M. Benus, and Wayne Gordon

The Decline in Food Stamp Use by Rural Low-Income Households: Less Need or Less Access?, Mark Nord

Targeting Reemployment Bonuses, Christopher J. O'Leary Editor, Paul T. Decker, Stephen A. Wandner Editor, and Jennifer L. Warlick

Predicting the Exhaustion of Unemployment Compensation, Robert Buckner Olsen, Marisa Kelso, Paul T. Decker, Daniel H. Klepinger, and Mark C. Berger

Introduction [to State Enterprise Zone Programs], Alan H. Peters and Peter S. Fisher

Working for All Families? Family Leave Policies in the United States, Katherin Ross Phillips

Targeting Job Retention Services for Welfare Recipients, Anu Rangarajan, Peter Z. Schochet, Dexter Chu, Timothy J. Bartik, and Donald Oellerich

Parents' Work Time and the Family, Cordelia W. Reimers

Whose Job Is It? Employers' Views on Welfare Reform, Ellen Shelton, Greg Owen, Amy Bush Stevens, Justine Nelson-Christinedaughter, Corinna Roy, and June A. Heineman

Where All the Counties Are Above Average: Human Service Agency Directors' Perspectives on Welfare Reform, Ann Tickamyer, Julie Anne White, Barry L. Tadlock, and Debra Henderson

Targeting Employment Services under the Workforce Investment Act, Stephen A. Wandner Editor

Introduction: As the Dust Settles: Welfare Reform and Rural America, Leslie A. Whitener Editor, Bruce A. Weber Editor, and Greg J. Duncan Editor

Predicting Long-Term Unemployment in Canada: Prospects and Policy Implications, Ging Wong, Harold Henson, Arun Roy, and Jeffrey A. Smith


Managed Care and Social Welfare: What has Managed Care Really Done to the U.S. Health Care System?, Laurence Claude Baker

Working Time Over the Life Cycle, Michael Baker and Dwayne Benjamin

Deregulation and Restructuring in Telecommunications Services in the United States and Germany, Rosemary L. Batt and Owen Darbishire

Working Hard, Linda Bell and Richard B. Freeman

Permanent Partial Disability from Occupational Injuries, Jeff Biddle, Leslie I. Boden, and Robert T. Reville

Editors' Introduction [to Ensuring Health and Income security for an Aging Workforce], Peter Budetti Editor, Richard V. Burkhauser Editor, and Janice M. Gregory Editor

How Working-Age People with Disabilities Fared over the 1990s Business Cycle, Richard V. Burkhauser, Mary C. Daly, and Andrew J. Houtenville

Retirement Trends and Policies to Encourage Work among Older Americans, Gary T. Burtless and Joseph F. Quinn

Workers' Compensation and Older Workers, John F. Burton and Emily A. Spieler

National Institutional Frameworks and Innovative Industrial Organization, Steven Casper

The Effects of Job Loss on Older Workers, Sevin Chan and Ann Huff Stevens

Commentary [on Filling Gaps in Health Coverage], Deborah J. Chollet

Design of Three Field Experiments, Walter Corson and Robert G. Spiegelman Editor

Introduction and Background of the Reemployment Bonus Experiments, Walter Corson and Robert G. Spiegelman Editor

From Social Experiment to Program, Carl Davidson and Stephen A. Woodbury

Bonus Impacts on Receipt of Unemployment Insurance, Paul T. Decker, Christopher J. O'Leary, and Stephen A. Woodbury

Impacts on Employment and Earnings, Paul T. Decker, Christopher J. O'Leary, and Stephen A. Woodbury

Participation in the Reemployment Bonus Experiments, Paul T. Decker, Christopher J. O'Leary, and Stephen A. Woodbury

Self-Employment and Schedule Flexibility for Married Females, Theresa J. Devine

Work Site and Work Hours: The Labor Force Flexibility of Home-Based Female Workers, Linda N. Edwards and Elizabeth Field-Hendrey

Children's Effects on Women's Labor Market Attachment and Earnings, William Edward Even and David A. Macpherson

Institutional Effects on Skill Creation and Management Development in the United States and Germany, David Finegold and Brent Keltner

Health, Disability, and the Aging Workforce from the Employer's Perspective, Bruce G. Flynn

Health and Coverage at Risk, Robert Bruce Friedland, Laura Summer, Sophie M. Korczyk, and Douglas Hyatt

Commentary [on Is Working Longer and Retiring Later Possible?], Teresa Ghilarducci

Commentary [on Chronic Illness and Disability], Vicki Gottlich and Patricia Nemore

The Growth of Income and Employment Inequality in Australian Cities, R. G. Gregory and B. H. Hunter

Covering the Uninsured: Incremental Policy Options for the United States, Jonathan Gruber

Social Insurance and the Older Worker, Robert H. Haveman

Patterns of Foregone Potential Earnings among Working-Age Males, 1975–1992, Robert H. Haveman, Larry Buron, and Andrew Bershadker

Positive Economics and Dismal Politics: The Role of Tax Policy in the Current Health Policy Debate, Robert B. Helms

Introduction and Overview [to Working Time, Vol. II], Susan N. Houseman Editor and Alice Nakamura Editor

U.S. Health Policy and Mothers of Children with Disabilities, Janet Hunt-McCool

Risk Shifting in Workers' Compensation, Douglas Hyatt

Large Companies and the Changing Use of Temporary Workers, Shulamit Beth Kahn, Fred K. Foulkes, and Jeffrey Heisler

A Comparative Analysis of Moonlighting in Canada and the United States, Jean Kimmel and Lisa M. Powell

Risk in Employment Arrangements, Sophie M. Korczyk

Hours Constraints: Theory, Evidence, and Policy Implications, Kevin Lang and Shulamit Beth Kahn

Adults Returning to School: Payoffs from Studying at a Community College, Duane E. Leigh and Andrew M. Gill

Short-Time Work in the United States, Alec Robert Levenson

Health Insurance and the Labor Market, Brigitte C. Madrian

Commentary [on Charting the Landscape], Walter B. Maher

Commentary [on Filling Gaps in Health Coverage], Frank B. McArdle

Health Care Consumer Choice, Catherine G. McLaughlin

Supply of Hours per Day and Days per Week: Evidence from the Canadian Labour Market Activity Survey, Richard E. Mueller

Getting Older in the 21st Century, Mark V. Nadel

Measuring the Effects of Short-Time Compensation on Workforce Dynamics, Karen E. Needels and Walter Nicholson

Policy Options for Filling Gaps in the Health Insurance Coverage of Older Workers and Early Retirees, Len M. Nichols

The Not-So-Simple Economics (and Politics) of Medicare Reform, Len M. Nichols

Unemployment Compensation and Older Workers, Christopher J. O'Leary and Stephen A. Wandner

The Life Cycle of Working Time in the United States and Canada, John D. Owen

Risk Bearing in Individual and Occupational Pension Plans, James E. Pesando and John A. Turner Editor

Working Time, Wages, and Earnings Inequality among Men and Women in Canada, 1981–1993, W. G. Picot, Editor

Extending Health Insurance Coverage for Older Workers and Early Retirees, Karen Pollitz

Living Longer, but Able to Work?, Glenn Pransky

The Effect of a Job Loss on the Employment Experience, Benefits, and Retirement Savings of Bank Officers, Jill S. Quadagno, David A. Macpherson, and Jennifer Reid Keene

Employer Perspective on Retirement Trends and Policies to Encourage Work among Older Americans, Anna M. Rappaport

Summary and Policy Implications, Philip K. Robins, Editor

Trends in Hours of Work in the United States, Philip L. Rones, Jennifer M. Gardner, and Randy E. Ilg

Commentary [on Filling Gaps in Health Coverage], Diane Rowland

The Changing Workweek, Mike Sheridan, Deborah Sunter, and Brent Diverty

Economic Activities and the Demand for Work Sharing in Canada, Tom Siedule, Carol Guest, and Ging Wong

Early Retirees of a Telecommunications Firm: Patterns of Employment and Working Time, Gangaram Singh and Anil Verma

Commentary [on Charting the Landscape], David A. Smith

A Benefit-Cost Analysis of a Bonus Offer Program, Robert G. Spiegelman Editor

Commentary [on Job Loss], Katherine Swartz

Health Insurance Coverage of People in the Ten Years before Medicare Eligibility, Katherine Swartz and Betsey Stevenson

Introduction [to Workers' Compensation], Terry Thomason, Timothy P. Schmidle, and John F. Burton

Introduction [to Pay at Risk], John A. Turner Editor

Risk Sharing through Social Security Retirement Income Systems, John A. Turner Editor

Wage and Job Risk for Workers, John A. Turner Editor

Perils of the High and Low Roads, Lowell Turner, Kirsten S. Wever, and Michael Fichter

Mutual Learning with Trade-Offs, Kirsten S. Wever

Commentary [on Chronic Illness and Disability], Barbara L. Wolfe

Perspectives on Working Time over the Life Cycle, Michael C. Wolfson and Geoff Rowe

Introduction and Overview [to Working Time, Vol. I], Ging Wong and W. G. Picot

Introduction [to The Political Economy of Health Care Reforms], Huizhong Zhou


Introduction [to Employee Benefits and Labor Markets in Canada and the United States], William T. Alpert, Editor and Stephen A. Woodbury, Editor

Local Economic Development Incentives in the United States, John E. Anderson and Robert W. Wassmer

The Impact of Sports Teams and Facilities on Neighborhood Economies: What is the Score?, Robert Allen Baade

Family Health Benefits and Worker Turnover, Dan A. Black

Current Policy Issues Towards Private Pensions in Canada and the United States, Stuart Dorsey

Market Power in Pro Sports: Problems and Solutions, Rodney D. Fort

An Economic Model of Employee Benefits and Labor Supply, Paul Fronstin

Payroll Taxation, Employer Mandates, and the Labor Market, Jonathan Gruber

Public Pension Plans in the United States and Canada, Morley Gunderson, Douglas Hyatt, and James E. Pesando

Fringe Benefits and Employment, Masanori Hashimoto

Employer-Provided versus Publicly Provided Health Insurance, Janet Hunt-McCool, Thomas Joseph McCool, and Avi Dor

Introduction [to Rising Wage Inequality], Thomas Hyclak

A Level Playing Field? Sports and Discrimination, Lawrence M. Kahn

Introduction [to The Economics of Sports], William S. Kern Editor

Changes in Income Inequality within U.S. Metropolitan Areas, Janice F. Madden

Introduction [to High School Career Academies], Nan L. Maxwell and Victor Rubin

Child Care and the Supply of Labor in Canada and the United States, Charles Michalopoulos and Philip K. Robins

Part-Time Work, Health Insurance Coverage, and the Wages of Married Women, Craig A. Olson

Labor-Market Effects of Canadian and U.S. Pension Tax Policy, James E. Pesando and John A. Turner

Did the Decline in Marginal Tax Rates during the 1980s Reduce Pension Coverage?, Patricia B. Reagan and John A. Turner

The Rise and Fall of Medicare, Andrew J. Rettenmaier and Thomas R. Saving

Does the Composition of Pay Matter?, Sherwin Rosen

Academics, Athletics, and Finances, Richard G. Sheehan

Who is Sitting in the Stands? The Income Levels of Sports Fans, John J. Siegfried and Timothy Peterson

Employee Benefits and the Distribution of Income and Wealth, Daniel Jonathan Slottje, Stephen A. Woodbury, and Rod W. Anderson

The Economics of Family and Medical Leave in Canada and the United States, Eileen Trzcinski and William T. Alpert

Economic Issues in the 1998–1999 NBA Lockout and the Problem of Competitive Balance in Professional Sports, Andrew S. Zimbalist


The End of Rent-Seeking: The End of Postcommunist Transformation, Anders Aslund

Examining the Effect of Industry Trends and Structure on Welfare Caseloads, Timothy J. Bartik and Randall W. Eberts

Introduction [to When is Transition Over?], Annette N. Brown Editor

Work, Earnings, and Well-Being after Welfare: What Do We Know?, Maria Cancian, Robert H. Haveman, Thomas Kaplan, Daniel R. Meyer, and Barbara L. Wolfe

The States, Welfare Reform, and the Business Cycle, Howard Chernick and Therese J. McGuire

Introduction: What Are the Early Lessons?, Sheldon Danziger Editor

Welfare Reform, the Business Cycle, and the Decline in AFDC Caseloads, David N. Figlio and James Patrick Ziliak

The End of Transition?, Alan H. Gelb

Introduction [to Legal U.S. Immigration], Michael J. Greenwood and John M. McDowell

Employer Demand for Welfare Recipients and the Business Cycle: Evidence from Recent Employer Surveys, Harry J. Holzer

Reforming the Welfare State in Postsocialist Economies, János Kornai

China's Unfinished Economic Transition, Nicholas R. Lardy

What is Still Missing?, Marie Lavigne

Cyclical Welfare Costs in the Post-Reform Era: Will There Be Enough Money?, Phillip B. Levine

The Effect of Pre-PRWORA Waivers on AFDC Caseloads and Female Earnings, Income, and Labor Force Behavior, Robert Moffitt

What Will the States Do When Jobs Are Not Plentiful? Policy and Implementation Challenges, LaDonna Pavetti

Introduction [to Skill-Biased Technological Change], Donald S. Siegel

The Transition is Not Over, but Note the Merits of the Central European Model, Jan Svejnar

What Goes Up Must Come Down? Explaining Recent Changes in Public Assistance Caseloads, Geoffrey Wallace and Rebecca M. Blank


Unsustainable Growth: Preserving Disability Programs for Americans with Disabilities, Andrew I. Batavia

The Great Depression as a Historical Problem, Michael A. Bernstein

The Ending of General Assistance and SSI Disability Growth in Michigan, John Bound, Sherri Ann Kossoudji, and Gema Ricart-Moes

Policies to Make Work Pay for People with Disabilities, Richard V. Burkhauser

Summing Up: Reflections on the Past and Future of Disability Policy, Richard V. Burkhauser

Understanding the Great Depression: Lessons for Current Policy, Stephen G. Cecchetti

Characteristics of SSI and DI Recipients in the Years Prior to Receiving Benefits: Evidence from the PSID, Mary C. Daly

Return to Work for SSI and DI Beneficiaries: Employment Policy Challenges, Susan M. Daniels and Jane West

Pensions and the Labor Market, Stuart Dorsey, Christopher Cornwell, and David Macpherson

Propagation of the Depression: Theories and Evidence, James S. Fackler

Growth in Federal Disability Programs and Implications for Policy, Gilbert Fisher and Melinda Upp

State and Local Incentive Competition for New Investment, Peter S. Fisher and Alan H. Peters

Policy Implications of Recent Growth in Beneficiaries with Mental Illness, Howard H. Goldman

Uneven Impacts of the Great Depression: Industries, Regions, and Nations, Carol E. Heim

The View from SSA's Concord, New Hampshire, District Office, Celeste Hemingson

The View from Michigan's Office of Disability Determination, Charles Jones

Lessons from Case Studies of Recent Program Growth in Five States, Gina Livermore, David C. Stapleton, and Andrea Zeuschner

Labor and Labor Markets in the 1930s, Robert A. Margo

The View from SSA's Philadelphia Regional Office, Larry Massanari

The Growth in Disability Programs as Seen by SSA Field Office Managers, L. Scott Muller and Peter M. Wheeler

Private Sector Disability Management Activities and the Social Security Disability Program, Patricia Owens

Rethinking the Social Security Disability Programs: Causes and Options, Jane L. Ross

The Perspective of a Public Trustee, Stanford G. Ross

Determinants of Duration on the Disability Rolls and Program Trends, Kalman Rupp and Charles G. Scott

Introduction [to Growth in Disability Benefits: Explanations and Policy Implications], Kalman Rupp Editor and David C. Stapleton Editor

Empirical Analyses of DI and SSI Application and Award Growth, David C. Stapleton, Kevin G. Coleman, Kimberly Dietrich, and Gina Livermore

The Promise and Limitations of Employment Policies for Current SSI Recipients, Craig V.D. Thornton

The History of State UI Financing, Wayne Vroman

Policy Changes to Improve Market Outcomes, Carolyn L. Weaver

Introduction [to The Economics of the Great Depression], Mark Wheeler Editor

Monetary Policy in the Great Depression and Beyond: The Sources of the Fed's Inflation Bias, David C. Wheelock

The Impact of Health Care Costs and Medicaid on SSI Participation, Aaron Yelowitz


Continuing Eligibility: Current Labor Market Attachment, Patricia M. Anderson

The Role of the Employment Service, David E. Balducchi, Terry R. Johnson, and R. Mark Gritz

Introduction [to Teacher Pay and Teacher Quality], Dale Ballou and Michael Podgursky

Introduction [to On-the-Job Training], John M. Barron, Mark C. Berger, and Dan A. Black

Coverage and Recipiency: Trends and Effects, Laurie J. Bassi and Daniel P. McMurrer

From Parent to Child: Intergenerational Relations and Intrahousehold Allocations, Jere R. Behrman

Why Has Economic Growth Been Such an Ineffective Tool Against Poverty in Recent Years?, Rebecca M. Blank

Policy Issues: An Overview, Saul J. Blaustein, Christopher J. O'Leary, and Stephen A. Wandner

Intersection of Unemployment Insurance with Other Programs and Policies, Walter Corson

Work Incentives and Disincentives, Paul T. Decker

Regional Poverty and Inequality in the United States, John P. Formby

Welfare Report—1996 Style: Will We Sacrifice the "Safety Net"?, Robert H. Haveman

Financing Benefit Payments, Phillip B. Levine

Trends in Unemployment Benefit Financing, Michael A. Miller, Robert Pavosevich, and Wayne Vroman

Introduction [to Poverty and Inequality], Jon Neill

Initial Eligibility for Unemployment Compensation, Walter Nicholson

Adequacy of the Weekly Benefit Amount, Christopher J. O'Leary and Murray Rubin

Summing Up: Achievements, Problems and Prospects, Christopher J. O'Leary and Stephen A. Wandner

Introduction [to Lessons for Welfare Reform], David M. O'Neill and June Ellenoff O'Neill

Fraud, Abuse, and Errors in the Unemployment Insurance System: Extent, Measurement, and Correction, Burman Skrable

The International Evidence on Income Distribution in Modern Economics: Where Do We Stand?, Timothy M. Smeeding

Unemployment Compensation in the Group of Seven Nations: An International Comparison, James R. Storey and Jennifer A. Neisner

The Reality of Redistribution, Gordon Tullock

Federal-State Relations, Thomas E. West and Gerard Hildebrand

The Duration of Benefits, Stephen A. Woodbury and Murray Rubin


European Experiences with Disability Policy, Leo J.M. Aarts and Philip R. de Jong

Explaining Tax Compliance, James Alm

The Prospects for Arbitration in the Nonunion Sector, Trevor Bain

Minimum Wage Policy and Research: What's a Person to Believe?, Stephen E. Baldwin and Robert S. Goldfarb

Policies for People with Disabilities in U.S. Employment and Training Programs, Burt S. Barnow

The Baby and the Bath Water: Lessons for the Next Employment and Training Program, Burt S. Barnow and Christopher T. King

Health Care, Personal Assistance and Assistive Technology: Are In-Kind Benefits Key to Independence or Dependence for People with Disabilities?, Andrew I. Batavia

Lessons from the Vocational Rehabilitation/Social Security Administration Experience, Edward D. Berkowitz and David Dean

Improving the Return to Work of Social Security Disability Beneficiaries, Monroe Berkowitz

Introduction and Overview [to Labor Law, Industrial Relations and Employee Choice], Richard N. Block, John Beck, and Daniel H. Kruger

Achieving National Economic and Social Goals: The Counterproductive Role of Post-1965 Immigration Policy, Vernon M. Briggs

Employment and Economic Well-Being Following the Onset of a Disability: The Role for Public Policy, Richard V. Burkhauser Editor and Mary C. Daly

Toward Quality Programs for At-Risk Youth, Susan P. Curnan, Alan Melchior, and Alan Zuckerman

Overseas Holdings of U.S. Currency and the Underground Economy, Edgar L. Feige

Contingent Work and the Role of Labor Market Intermediaries, Audrey Freedman

The Supply of Youths to Crime, Richard B. Freeman

People with Disabilities: Access to Health Care and Related Benefits, Robert Bruce Friedland and Alison Evans

MDTA and CETA: A Personal Revisit, Eli Ginzberg

Public Sector Job Creation: A Review of Past Experience and Its Relevance to the Future, William J. Grinker

Setting the Stage, Daniel S. Hamermesh

What Should Be Our Human Capital Investment Policy?, James J. Heckman

The Effectiveness of Financial Work Incentives in Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income: Lessons from Other Transfer Programs, Hilary Williamson Hoynes and Robert Moffitt

Disability and Work: Lessons from the Private Sector, H. Allan Hunt, Rochelle Virginia Habeck, Patricia Owens, and David Vandergoot

Employment Service Revisited, Miriam Johnson

Welfare Reform: Lessons from the JOBS Program, Irene Lurie and Colletta H. Moser

Secular Rabbi: The Life and Times of Sar A. Levitan, Garth L. Mangum

Introduction [to Of Heart and Mind: Social Policy Essays in Honor of Sar A. Levitan], Stephen L. Mangum Editor

Overview [to Disability, Work and Cash Benefits], Jerry L. Mashaw Editor and Virginia P. Reno Editor

Employment and Benefits for People with Diverse Disabilities, Walter Y. Oi

The Informal Economy: Perspectives from Latin America, Alejandro Portes

Introduction [to Exploring the Underground Economy], Susan Pozo Editor

Quantitative Outcomes of the Transitional Employment Training Demonstration: Summary of Net Impacts, Aaron Joseph Prero

The Mismeasurement of Illegal Drug Markets: The Implications of Its Irrelevance, Peter Reuter

Employment and Unemployment Statistics Revisited, Markley Roberts

Vocational Education Accountability in a "Block-Grant-to-States" World: Historical Perspective, David Walter Stevens

Young Workers, Young Families, and Child Poverty, Andrew Sum, Clifford M. Johnson, and Neal Fogg

Ethnic Differences in School Departure: Does Youth Employment Promote or Undermine Educational Attainment?, Marta Tienda and Avner Ahituv

Beating the System?, Ann Dryden Witte

Patterns of Return to Work in a Cohort of Disabled-Worker Beneficiaries, Martynas A. Yčas

The Contemporary Labor Market and the Employment Prospects of Persons with Disabilities, Edward H. Yelin and Miriam Cisternas


Methods Used to Evaluate Employment and Training Programs in the Past, Stephen H. Bell, Larry L. Orr, John D. Blomquist, and Glen G. Cain

Introduction and Summary [to Permanent Job Loss], Frank P. Brechling and Louise Laurence

Why Change?, Joel E. Cutcher-Gershenfeld, Robert B. McKersie, and Richard E. Walton

Workers' Compensation and Market Efficiency, Evangelos M. Falaris, Charles R. Link, and Michael E. Staten

Introduction and Overview [to Pension Incentives and Job Mobility], Alan L. Gustman and Thomas L. Steinmeier

Introduction [to Assisting Workers Displaced by Structural Change], Duane E. Leigh

The Trend Toward Private Pensions, John A. Turner and Noriyasu Watanabe


Introduction [to Human Capital and Economic Development], Sisay Asefa Editor and Wei-Chiao Huang Editor

Workplace Training in the United States: Is It Underprotected?, Ann Bartel

Can the U.S. System of Workplace Training Survive Global Competition?, Peter B. Doeringer

The Birth Dearth, Aging, and the Economy: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going?, Richard A. Easterlin

Can There Be Too Much Human Capital: Is There a World Population Problem?, D. Gale Johnson

Human Capital Accumulation, the Family, and Economic Development, Mark Richard Rosenzweig

The Very-Long-Run Effect of Human Capital on Human Progress, Julian Lincoln Simon


Managing Local Development: Lessons from Spain, Michael Barzelay

The Changing Unemployment Problem and Its Implications for Unemployment Insurance, Saul J. Blaustein

The Economics of Education in a World Of Change, Mary Jean Bowman

Worker Democracy in Socialist France, Bernard Edward Brown

Collaborative Restructuring Efforts: Textile and Apparel Labor-Management Innovation Network, Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania, Robert W. Coy, Saul Rubinstein, and Michael Shay

Applying Skills-Based Automation Through Participatory Management: The Center for Applied Technology, F. Emspak

The Financial Squeeze on Higher Education Institutions and Students: The Balance Between Quality and Access, W. Lee Hansen

Can Equity Be Separated from Efficiency in School Finance Debates?, Eric A. Hanushek

Economic Development and Industrial Relations in a Small-Firm Economy: The Experience of Metalworkers in Emilia-Romagna, Italy, Bruce Herman

Introduction [to Essays on the Economics of Education], Emily P. Hoffman Editor

An Introduction to Workplace Literacy Programs, Kevin Hollenbeck

Introduction [to The Costs of Worker Dislocation], Louis S. Jacobson, Robert J. LaLonde, and Daniel G. Sullivan

College Choice, Academic Achievement and Future Earnings, Estelle James and Nabeel Alsalam

Introduction, Trends, and Data Description, Douglas L. Kruse

International Competition and the Organization of Production: The Study Action Team Process at Trico Products, Peter M. Lazes

The Economics of Education for At-Risk Students, Henry M. Levin

Can Schools Be Held Accountable for Good Performance? A Critique of Common Educational Performance Indicators, Robert H. Meyer

Introduction [to Foreign Direct Investment in the United States], Jan Ondrich and Michael J. Wasylenko

Can the End of the Social Democratic Trade Unions be the Beginning of a New Kind of Social Democratic Politics?, Charles F. Sabel

Labor and Industrial Relations Strategies in the State of Michigan, Michael Schippani

Introduction [to Economic Restructuring and Emerging Patterns of Industrial Relations], Stephen R. Sleigh Editor

Training and the New Industrial Relations: A Strategic Role for Unions, Wolfgang Streeck

Job Mobility and Pension Portability, John A. Turner


Public Financing Approaches to Improve Access to Health Care: Alternative Revenue Sources, John E. Anderson

Introduction [to Banking the Furnace], Trevor Bain

Nature and Dimensions of the Problem of Access, Rashid Bashshur and Cater Webb

Introduction [to Excellence at Work], David Bedford and Evelyn Ganzglass, Editor

Soviet Economic Reform Under Gorbachev: Trials and Errors, Abram Bergson

Reconstructing the Soviet Planned Economy, Joseph S. Berliner

State Strategies for Manufacturing Modernization, Brian Bosworth

The Economic Transformation of Eastern Europe, Josef C. Brada

Introduction [to Wage and Employment Adjustment in Local Labor Markets], Randall W. Eberts and Joe A. Stone

Just Caring: An Experiment in Health Policy Formation, Leonard M. Fleck

Combining Private Insurance with Public Programs to Achieve Universal Coverage, John Henry Goddeeris Editor

Introduction [to Improving Access to Health Care: What Can the States Do?], John Henry Goddeeris Editor and Andrew J. Hogan Editor

Soviet Bureaucracy and Economic Reform, Paul R. Gregory

Uncompensated Care: What States Are Doing, John Herrick and Joseph A. Papsidero

Piecemeal Programs of Health Insurance for the Uninsured, Andrew J. Hogan Editor

Universal Health Insurance Coverage Through a Single Public Payer, Andrew J. Hogan Editor and John Henry Goddeeris Editor

Medicaid Buy-In Programs for Uninsured Children and Nonworking Adults, Andrew J. Hogan Editor and Stephen A. Woodbury

Small Employer Health Insurance Pools, Andrew J. Hogan Editor and Stephen A. Woodbury

Introduction [to Wage Flexibility and Unemployment Dynamics in Regional Labor Markets], Thomas Hyclak and Geraint Johnes

Introduction [to Job Accessibility and the Employment and School Enrollment of Teenagers], Keith R. Ihlanfeldt

Introduction [to From Socialism to Market Economy], William S. Kern Editor

Soviet Economic Reform: The Transition Problem, Herbert Samuel Levine

Health Benefits in a Changing Economic Environment, John Luehrs

Roadblocks to Changing Economic Systems in Eastern Europe, Paul Marer

Benefit Package Considerations in a State Health Care Plan, David R. Nerenz, Barry M. Zajac, Denise P. Repasky, Patricia D. Williams, and Vinod K. Sahney

The Flexible Workplace: Implications for State Employment Policy and Regulation, Barney Olmsted and Stephen Trippe

State Strategies for Building Market-Based Workforce Preparation Systems, Robert G. Sheets and David Walter Stevens

High-Risk Pools, Dianne Miller Wolman

Labor Market Impacts of Policies to Expand Access to Health Care, Stephen A. Woodbury and Andrew J. Hogan Editor


Boon or Boondoggle? The Debate Over State and Local Economic Development Policies, Timothy J. Bartik

The Uses and Limits of Statistical Analysis in Measuring Economic Discrimination, Glen George Cain

Underclass and Overclass: Race, Class, and Economic Inequality in the Managerial Age, William A. Darity Jr.

Occupational Segregation and the Earnings Gap: Further Evidence, Marianne A. Ferber and Carole A. Green

Introduction [to Labor Unions and the Economic Performance of Firms], Barry T. Hirsch

Introduction [to Essays on the Economics of Discrimination], Emily P. Hoffman Editor

Discrimination in Labor Markets, Edward P. Lazear

The Federal Anti-Bias Effort, Jonathan S. Leonard

Discrimination Within the Family: The Treatment of Daughters and Sons, Paul Taubman

The Deteriorating Economic Circumstances of Children, Barbara L. Wolfe

Introduction [to The Tax Treatment of Fringe Benefits], Stephen A. Woodbury and Wei-Jang Huang


Evaluating Programs, Ann B. Blalock, Editor

Strategies for Supporting Comprehensive Evaluations, Ann B. Blalock, Editor

The Demonstration, Howard S. Bloom

Cooperation: Trying To Make It Work In America, William N. Cooke

Introduction [to Recent Developments in the Theory of Involuntary Unemployment], Carl Davidson

User-Centered Evaluation Planning, Deborah Feldman

Evaluating Program Implementation, David Grembowski and Ann B. Blalock, Editor

Introduction [to The Japanese Labor Market in a Comparative Perspective with the United States], Masanori Hashimoto

Introduction [to The Earned Income Tax Credit], Saul D. Hoffman and Laurence S. Seidman

Evaluating Net Program Impact, Terry R. Johnson and Ernst W. Stromsdorfer

Introduction [to The Economics of Comparable Worth], Mark R. Killingsworth

Introduction [to Does Training Work for Displaced Workers?], Duane E. Leigh

An Introduction to Tiered Compensation Structures, James E. Martin

Introduction and Overview [to Passing the Torch], Joseph F. Quinn, Richard V. Burkhauser, and Daniel A. Myers

Evaluating Gross Program Outcomes, Carl Simpson

Background of the Financing Problem, Wayne Vroman


[The State of Economic Science], Kenneth Joseph Arrow

Evidence on U.S. Experiences with Dispute Resolution Systems, Orley Ashenfelter

[The State of Economic Science], James M. Buchanan

The Changing Status of Unionism Around the World: Some Emerging Patterns, Richard B. Freeman

Introduction: What are the Issues? [to Unemployment, Vacancies and Local Labor Markets], Harry J. Holzer

Introduction [to Organized Labor at the Crossroads], Wei-Chiao Huang Editor

Setting the Stage, Robert M. Hutchens, David B. Lipsky, and Robert N. Stern

Organized Labor's Political Agenda: An Economist's Evaluation, George E. Johnson

[The State of Economic Science], Lawrence Robert Klein

Innovation or Confrontation: Alternative Directions for American Industrial Relations, Thomas A. Kochan and Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld

Introduction [to The Wage Carrot and the Pension Stick], Laurence J. Kotlikoff and David A. Wise

Introduction [to Assisting Displaced Workers], Duane E. Leigh

Worker Adjustment in Perspective, Adam Seitchik and Jeffrey Zornitsky

Introduction [to The State of Economic Science: Views of Six Nobel Laureates], Werner Sichel, Editor

[The State of Economic Science], Herbert Alexander Simon

Bargaining Realities: Responding to a Changing World, Sharon P. Smith

[The State of Economic Science], Robert M. Solow

[The State of Economic Science], James Tobin

The Promise of Profit Sharing, Martin L. Weitzman


Introduction [to World Food and Agriculture: Some Problems and Issues], Sisay Asefa Editor

Introduction [to International Differences in the Labor Market Performance of Immigrants], George J. Borjas

Introduction [to Illegal Aliens], Barry R. Chiswick

Tax Reform, Poverty, and Inequality, Sheldon Danziger

Introduction [to Advance Notice Provisions in Plant Closing Legislation], Ronald G. Ehrenberg and George H. Jakubson

Ending African Hunger: Six Challenges for Scientists, Policymakers and Politicians, Carl K. Eicher

Federal Tax Reform: State and Local Perspective, Ronald C. Fisher

Introduction [to The Economics of Tax Reform], Bassam Harik Editor

Using Worker Participation and Buyouts to Save Jobs, Arthur Hochner, Cherlyn S. Granrose, Judith Goode, Eileen Appelbaum, and Elaine Simon

Plant Closings: The Problem and Current Policy, Marie Howland

The Political Economy of Agricultural and Rural Development, Bruce F. Johnston

Fiscal Illusion and Fiscal Reality: Do the Budget "Deficits" Have Clothes?, Laurence J. Kotlikoff

Foreign Assistance and Agricultural Development: Implications of the Past 25 Years for Policy Conditionality, Capacity Building and Sustainability, Uma J. Lele

A Continued Federal Commitment, Sar A. Levitan and Frank Gallo

United States Agriculture in the Global Context, John W. Mellor

Rating Tax Reform on Growth, Joseph J. Minarik

Introduction [to The Conflict Between Equilibrium and Disequilibrium Theories], Richard E. Quandt and Harvey S. Rosen

Technical Change and Agricultural Development, Vernon W. Ruttan

Tax Reform: Theory and Practice, Joseph E. Stiglitz

Foreign Assistance and American Agriculture, C. Peter Timmer


The Development of the Black Lung Act, Peter S. Barth

Disability Among the Working-Age Population, Monroe Berkowitz and John F. Burton

Introduction [to An Incentives Approach to Improving the Unemployment Compensation System], Paul L. Burgess and Jerry L. Kingston

The Dane County, Wisconsin Dislocated Worker Project, Andrew Cohn and Kathleen McElroy

Introduction [to Worker Dislocation: Case Studies of Causes and Cures], Robert F. Cook, Editor

The Cleveland, Ohio United Labor Agency Dislocated Worker Project, Paul R. Dommel

The Economics of Plant Closure, Paul F. Gerhart

The GM-UAW Metropolitan Pontiac Retraining and Employment Program (PREP), H. Allan Hunt

Introduction [to Tax Base Sharing], Timothy L. Hunt

The Tacoma, Washington ASARCO Copper Smelter Dislocated Worker Project, David R. Knowles

The Houston Community College-Texas Employment Commission Dislocated Worker Project, Susan A. MacManus

The Cummins Engine Company Dislocated Worker Project, Duane L. Sorensen

The Missouri Dislocated Worker Program Job Search Assistance, Inc., E. Allan Tomey

The Hillsborough, North Carolina Dislocated Worker Project, Wayne Turnage

The Minnesota Iron Range Dislocated Worker Project, Lawrence A. Wohl


On Efforts to Reform Workers' Compensation for Occupational Diseases, Peter S. Barth

The Administration of Workers' Compensation, Monroe Berkowitz

U.S. Immigration Policy: What Next?, Jagdish N. Bhagwati

Immigration and the U.S. Taxpayer, Francine D. Blau

Problems in Occupational Disease Compensation, Leslie I. Boden

Immigrants and the U.S. Labor Market, George J. Borjas

The Imperative of Immigration Reform, Vernon M. Briggs

Interstate Variations in the Employers' Costs of Workers' Compensation, with Particular Reference to Connecticut, New Jersey, and New York, John F. Burton and Alan B. Krueger

The Status and Direction of Workers' Compensation: An Introduction to Current Issues, James Robert Chelius

The Illegal Alien Policy Dilemma, Barry R. Chiswick

Introduction [to Nonmonetary Eligibility in State Unemployment Insurance Programs], Walter Corson, Alan Hershey, and Stuart Kerachsky

Federal Occupational Disease Legislation: A Current Review, Donald Elisburg

Two Rounds of Workers' Compensation Reform in Michigan, H. Allan Hunt

Overview [to Clerical Employment & Technological Change], H. Allan Hunt and Timothy L. Hunt

The Minnesota Experience with Workers' Compensation Reform, Steve Keefe

The Politics of Workers' Compensation Reform, John H. Lewis

Accident Compensation as a Factor Influencing Managerial Perceptions and Behavior in New Zealand, Barbara McIntosh

Can International Migration be Controlled?, Michael J. Piore

The Many Guises of Immigration Reform, Susan Pozo

Issues in Asbestos Disease Compensation, Donald L. Spatz

Discussion of Papers on Recent State Reforms, Michael E. Staten

The 1982 Changes in California, Alan Tebb

The Funding Problem, Wayne Vroman

Workers' Compensation Insurance Rates: Their Determination and Regulation, C. Arthur Williams

Nominal Costs, Nominal Prices, and Nominal Profits, John D. Worrall


Over the Hill and Under the Weather: Age v. Health, Monroe Berkowitz

Inflation and the Economic Well-Being of Older Americans, Robert L. Clark and Daniel A. Sumner

Evolution of the National Labor Relations Act, William N. Cooke

The Public Service Employment Program, Robert F. Cook, Charles F. Adams, and V. Lane Rawlins

Introduction [to Michigan's Business Tax Costs Relative to the Other Great Lakes States], Timothy L. Hunt

Introduction and Approach [to Where the Jobs Are], William L. McKee and Richard C. Froeschle

The Outlook for Social Security in the Wake of the 1983 Amendments, Alicia Haydock Munnell

Retirement Incentives—The Carrot and the Stick: Why No One Works Beyond 65 Anymore, Joseph F. Quinn

An Overview [to The Economics of Aging], Myron H. Ross, Editor

The Economics of Aging: Doomsday or Shangrila?, James H. Schulz


A Description of Employed and Unemployed Youth in 1981, Michael E. Borus

Introduction and Summary [to Youth and the Labor Market], Michael E. Borus Editor

Choices in Education, Michael E. Borus Editor and Susan A. Carpenter

Policy Lessons from Three Labor Market Experiments, Gary T. Burtless and Robert H. Haveman

Delinquency and Employment: Substitutions or Spurious Associations, Joan E. Crowley

The Time-Use Behavior of Young Adults, Ronald D'Amico

Expanding the Knowledge Base for Informed Public Policy: The U.S. Department of Labor's Research Program 1963–1978, Eli Ginzberg

What's the Problem?, Thomas A. Kochan, Harry C. Katz, and Nancy R. Mower

Quantity of Learning and Quality of Life for Public and Private High School Youth, William R. Morgan

Changes Over the 1970s in the Employment Patterns of Black and White Young Men, Tom Kilmer Pollard

An Administrator's Reflections, Howard Rosen

The Economic Value of Academic and Vocational Training Acquired in High School, Russell W. Rumberger and Thomas N. Daymont

A Research Agenda for Employment and Training Policy in the Eighties, Daniel H. Saks

Introduction [to Union-Management Cooperation], Michael H. Schuster

Introduction [to The Plant Closure Policy Dilemma], Wayne R. Wendling


Maximizing Post-Retirement Labor Market Opportunities, Anna Marie Buchmann

Health and Retirement; Retirement and Health: Background and Future Directions, Carl Eisdorfer and Donna Cohen

Life Without Work: Does it Make Sense?, Eli Ginzberg

The Robots are Coming, H. Allan Hunt and Timothy L. Hunt

The Problem, Ethel B. Jones

Keeping Older Workers on the Job: Methods and Inducements, Daniel E. Knowles

Aging, Health, and Work, Leon F. Koyl

Age Discrimination in Employment, Stephen R. McConnell

Financing Options for Social Security, Alicia Haydock Munnell

Introduction and Overview [to Policy Issues in Work and Retirement], Herbert S. Parnes Editor

Introduction [to Federal-State Relations in Unemployment Insurance], Murray Rubin

Private Pensions, Inflation, and Employment, James H. Schulz


Longitudinal Labor Market Data: Sources, Uses, and Limitations, Orley Ashenfelter and Gary Solon

Introduction [to Unemployment Insurance Fund Insolvency and Debt in Michigan], Saul J. Blaustein

Introduction and Summary [to The Federal Supplemental Benefits Program], Walter Corson and Walter Nicholson

Establishment Data and Productivity Measurements, Elliot S. Grossman and George E. Sadler

Michigan Closed Case Survey: Origins and Technical Description, H. Allan Hunt

The Business Climate: Costs Approach, Timothy L. Hunt and H. Allan Hunt

Summing Up: Based on Selective Hearing, Sar A. Levitan

Changes at Work, Sar A. Levitan and Clifford M. Johnson

Introduction [to What's Happening to American Labor Force and Productivity Measurements?], National Council on Employment Policy

Labor Force and Productivity Measurements: Danger Ahead? A Policy Statement, National Council on Employment Policy

Introduction [to Unemployment Experience of Individuals Over a Decade], Herbert S. Parnes

Beyond Open Hostilities and Collective Bargaining, Irving Herbert Siegel and Edgar Weinberg

Measuring What Matters, Robert Taggart

The Hardship Consequences of Labor Market Problems, Robert Taggart

Policy Analysis and the Current Population Survey Data, Leon W. Taub


The History and Current Relevance of Work Sharing, Fred Best

Introduction [to Job and Income Security for Unemployed Workers], Saul J. Blaustein

North Carolina Balance-of-State: Decentralization and Discontinuity, Edward F. Dement

Introduction [to Plant Closings and Economic Dislocation], Jeanne Prial Gordus, Paul Jarley, and Louis A. Ferman

Worcester, Massachusetts: Decentralization in a Tight Labor Market, Morris Aaron Horowitz and Joanne Loscalzo

Introduction [to Inflation Protection for Workers' Compensation Claimants in Michigan], H. Allan Hunt

Summary of Findings and Recommendations, Sar A. Levitan and Garth L. Mangum

San Francisco: The Politics of Race and Sex, Garth L. Mangum

Tucson, Arizona: Orchestrated Decentralization, Garth L. Mangum

Introduction [to Work Sharing: Case Studies], Maureen E. McCarthy and Gail S. Rosenberg

Dallas, Texas: The Burdens of Prosperity, Robert E. McPherson

Montgomery County, Maryland: A Born-Again Prime Sponsor, Marion W. Pines

Seattle, Washington: A CBO Delivery System, R. Thayne Robson

Utah: The Perils of Pioneering, R. Thayne Robson

Looking Backward and Forward, Irving Herbert Siegel

Penobscot Consortium, Maine: Orientation for Change and Growth, Andrew Sum and Paul Harrington

A Review of CETA Training, Robert Taggart