Upjohn Press Book Chapters | Upjohn Institute Publications | W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research



Introduction: China and India, Eskander Alvi Editor and Wei-Chiao Huang Editor

China’s Domestic and International Economic Challenges, David Dollar

Transforming Chinese Food Systems for Nutritional Improvement and Environmental Sustainability, Shenggen Fan

The Rise and Fall of Technology in Historical Perspective: Lessons and Experiences from China, Yasheng Huang

The Tale of the Two New Asian Tigers: Comparative Development of Selected Provinces of China and India since 1980, Dilip Mookherjee

Community Networks and Chinese Economic Development, Kaivan Munshi

The Rise and Rise of the Copycats: How Imitators Do One Better Than Innovators, Oded Shenkar


Restrictions on Health Care Profession Scope of Practice: Do They Help or Harm Patients?, Kihwan Bae and Edward Timmons

Gender Differences in (Some) Formative Inputs to Child Development, Michael Baker

Deregulation of the Legal Professions in Poland: A Trade-Off between Market Growth and Professionalism?, Piotr Białowolski and Michał Masior

A Comparison of U.S. Parents’ Time with Children by Child Gender and Family Structure, Rachel Connelly and Jean Kimmel Editor

Testing Licensing and Consumer Satisfaction for Beauty Services in the United States, Darwyyn Deyo

Accounting for Race Differences in How Family Structure Shapes the Transition into Adulthood, Paula Fomby

Behavioral Insights, Parental Decision Making, and Investments in Children’s Development, Ariel Kalil and Susan Mayer

Introduction and Overview: Intergenerational Mobility in the Modern Era, Jean Kimmel, Editor

Introduction and Overview [to Grease or Grit?: International Case Studies of Occupational Licensing and Its Effects on Efficiency and Quality], Morris M. Kleiner Editor

Occupational Licensing Outcomes in the Face of Technological Change: Ridesharing in London and Dublin, Morris M. Kleiner Editor

Concluding Thoughts and Policy Recommendations, Maria Koumenta Editor

Tougher Licensing Requirements and Quality Outcomes: Driving Instructors in the United Kingdom, Maria Koumenta Editor and Mark Williams

Household Structure and Socioeconomic Mobility: The Role of Mothers, Sarah Kroeger

Race and Intergenerational Mobility in the United States, Bhashkar Mazumder

Pharmacists in Italy, Eva Pagano, Mario Pagliero, Emanuele Pivetta, and Lorenzo Richiardi

Immigration Policy Today, Susan Pozo Editor


The Political Economy of Inequality: Introduction, Sisay Asefa Editor and Wei-Chiao Huang Editor

The Economics and Politics of the Fall and Rise of Income Inequality in the United States, Charles L. Ballard

Real-Time Measurement of Business Conditions, Macroeconomic Surprises, and Uncertainty: Is a Recession Looming?, Alessandro Barbarino and Chiara Scotti

Getting It Wrong: How Faulty Monetary Statistics Undermine the Fed, the Financial System, and the Economy, William A. Barnett and Kun He

Appendix A: Interesting or Innovative Changes/Initiatives Fostered by ARRA Funding, Burt S. Barnow Editor and Richard A. Hobbie Editor

A Closer Look at the Chicago Fed’s Activity Indexes, Scott A. Brave

Findings and Conclusions, Robert F. Cook Editor

America’s Unequal Playing Field: The Gaps between Poor and Rich Children’s Resources, Mary E. Corcoran

Rising Policy Uncertainty, Steven J. Davis

Appendix B: Data from the Public Workforce System Dataset Used in the Analysis in Chapter 9, Randall W. Eberts and Stephen A. Wandner

The New Inequality: The Distribution of Retirement and Older Working Time in OECD Countries, Teresa Ghilarducci

Nowcasting the Great Recession, Domenico Giannone, Eric Qian, Argia Sbordone, Mihir Trivedi, and Patrick Adams

Introduction [to Student Loans and the Dynamics of Debt], Brad J. Hershbein Editor and Kevin M. Hollenbeck Editor

Income Inequality, Progressive Taxation, and Tax Expenditures, James R. Hines Jr.

Introduction [to Measuring Globalization: Better Trade Statistics for Better Policy - Volume 1], Susan N. Houseman, Editor

Introduction [to The Impacts of China’s Rise on the Pacific and the World], Wei-Chiao Huang Editor and Huizhong Zhou Editor

Alternative Economic Indicators, C. James Hueng, Editor

Introduction [to Evolving Approaches to the Economics of Public Policy: Views of Award-Winning Economists], Jean Kimmel, Editor

U.S.-China Economic Relations and Value Chains in Global Production Networks, Robert B. Koopman

Why Has Income Inequality Increased while Education Inequality Has Decreased in Many Developing Countries?, David Lam

Introduction [to Measuring Globalization: Better Trade Statistics for Better Policy - Volume 2], Michael J. Mandel Editor

Introduction [to The Economics of Health], Donald J. Meyer Editor

Institutions, Structures, and Policy Paradigms: Toward Understanding Inequality in Africa, Howard Stein

Measuring Economies from Space, Adam Storeygard

Why the Unemployment Insurance Program Needs to Be Reformed, Stephen A. Wandner, Editor


Culturally Effective Organizations: Revisiting the Role of Employers in Workforce Development, Janet Boguslaw, Jessica Santos, and Trinidad Tellez

Pairing Program Administration with Evaluation to Build Evidence: The Health Profession Opportunity Grants Program and Federal Evaluation Portfolio, Hilary Bruck, Amelia Popham, and Kim Stupica-Dobbs

Program Participation in the Show Me State: Missouri Responds to the Great Recession, Colleen M. Heflin and Peter R. Mueser

UI and SNAP Receipt in the Sunshine State: The Great Recession and Its Aftermath in Florida, Colleen M. Heflin and Peter R. Mueser

Cultural Competency in Workforce Development: Perspectives from a Rural, Native American Project, Loretta Jean Heuer, Cynthia Lindquist, Marilyn G. Klug, and Mary Leff

Psychological Self-Sufficiency: An Empowerment-Based Theory for Workforce Training and Adult Education, Philip Young P. Hong Editor, Timothy O’Brien, Jang Ho Park, Rana Hong, Terri Pigott, and Brian Holland

The Importance of Social Support for Low-Income Job Seekers, Cheryl A. Hyde and Karin M. Eyrich-Garg

Concluding Observations and Policy Recommendations, Christopher T. King Editor and Philip Young P. Hong Editor

Introduction: An Overview of the Health Profession Opportunity Grants Program, Christopher T. King Editor and Philip Young P. Hong Editor

Career Pathway and Sector-Based Strategies: A Broader Look, Christopher T. King Editor and Heath J. Prince

Findings from the Tribal Health Profession Opportunity Grants Process and Outcomes Evaluation, Michael Meit, Carol Hafford, Catharine Fromknecht, Noelle Miesfeld, and Emily Phillips

Receipt of SNAP and UI Benefits in Michigan around the Great Recession, Christopher J. O'Leary, Editor

Introduction and Overview [to Strengths of the Social Safety Net in the Great Recession: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance and Unemployment Insurance], Christopher J. O'Leary Editor, David Stevens Editor, Stephen A. Wandner Editor, and Michael Wiseman Editor

UI and SNAP as a Safety Net during the Great Recession: Evidence from Georgia, Lakshmi Pandey, Peter Bluestone, Alex Hathaway, Sarah E. Larson, and Erdal Tekin

SNAP and UI as Components of a Joint Safety Net in Texas, Daniel Schroeder and Ashweeta Patnaik

Implementing Career Pathway Training with a Family Focus: The Two-Generation Approach of the Community Action Project of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Teresa Eckrich Sommer, Terri Sabol, Patricia Lindsay Chase-Lansdale, and Christopher T. King Editor

The Unemployment Insurance Program and Its Relationship to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Stephen A. Wandner, Editor and Christopher J. O'Leary, Editor

Descriptive Implementation and Outcome Findings for Health Profession Opportunity Grants 1.0: Findings from the National Implementation Evaluation, Alan Werner, Pamela Loprest, and Robin Koralek

Related Research about SNAP and UI, Michael Wiseman, Editor

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Michael Wiseman, Editor

Snap, UI, and Employment Interactions in Maryland, 2009-2015, Ting Zhang, Susan Christiansen, and Jing Li


Understanding the Consequences of Heightened Immigration Enforcement, Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes and Esther Arenas-Arroyo

The Employment Service-Unemployment Insurance Partnership: Origin, Evolution, and Revitalization, David E. Balducchi and Christopher J. O'Leary

Understanding Migration Policy: Insights from Models of International Trade, Alfonso Cebreros, Daniel Chiquiar, Monica Roa, and Martin Tobal

Research and Evidence-Building Capacity of State Workforce Agencies, Yvette Chocolaad and Stephen A. Wandner

Socioeconomic Integration of U.S. Immigrant Groups over the Long Term: The Second Generation and Beyond, Brian Duncan and Stephen J. Trejo

Combining Physical and Financial Solidarity in Asylum Policy, Jesús Fernández-Huertas Moraga and Hillel Rapoport

State Enterprise Reform in China: Grasp or Release?, Mary E. Lovely and Yang Liang

Is There a Xi Jinping Model of Economic Reform?, Barry Naughton

Unemployment Insurance Reform: Evidence-Based Policy Recommendations, Christopher J. O'Leary and Stephen A. Wandner, Editor

The Economic and Fiscal Effects of Immigration: Implications for Policy, Pia M. Orrenius and Stephanie Gullo

Immigrants and Poverty: How Do They Cope with It, How Do They Affect Natives?, Giovanni Peri

UI Reform Proposals in the Fiscal Year 2017 Obama Budget Request, Suzanne Simonetta

The United States and the China Challenge, Murray Scot Tanner

State UI Financing Response To the Great Recession, Wayne Vroman

Conclusions and Needed Reforms, Stephen A. Wandner, Editor

Why Exit Rights Are the Key to the Reduction of Urban-Rural Income Disparity in China, Guanzhong James Wen

Understanding the Major Threats to China’s Economic Growth, Wing Thye Woo

Trade, Migration, and Growth: Evidence from China, Xiaodong Zhu


Fiscal Policy and Full Employment, Laurence Ball, J. Bradford DeLong, and Lawrence H. Summers

Experimental Evaluations and the Evolution of the Reemployment and Eligibility Assessment Program, Jacob M. Benus

The Great Recession and Lessons for Policymaking, Gary T. Burtless

International Dimensions of the Great Recession and the Weak Recovery, Kathryn M.E. Dominguez

An Example of a Low-Cost Intervention to Target Services to Participants of a Local Welfare-to Work-Program, Randall W. Eberts

The Great Depression and the Great Recession in a Historical Mirror, Barry Eichengreen

Central Banking in the Great Recession: New Policies, Old Principles, Donald Kohn

Incentive Experiments in Unemployment Insurance, Christopher J. O'Leary

How On-the-Ground Realities Shape the Design, Implementation, and Results of Experimental Studies, Irma L. Perez-Johnson, Annalisa Mastri, and Samia Amin

Introduction [to Lessons Learned from Public Workforce Program Experiments], Stephen A. Wandner, Editor


The Role of Private Health Insurance in the Medicare Program, M. Kate Bundorf

The Potential Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Disability Insurance and Workers' Compensation, Marcus Dillender

Microfinance: Points of Promise, Erica Field, Abraham Holland, and Rohini Pande

The Once (But No Longer) Golden Age of Human Capital, Nancy Folbre

Payment Reform and "Bending the Curve", John Henry Goddeeris

Society and State in Determining Economic Outcomes, Avner Greif

Motivating Consummate Effort, David M. Kreps

Do Medical Care and Self-Care Compete or Complement in Health Production?, Donald J. Meyer Editor

The Economic Challenges of the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act, Edward C. Norton

We Have Met Our Enemies and They Are Us, Charles E. Phelps

Efficient and Effective Economic Regulation in a Confusing Technological Environment, Michael J. Piore


Measuring Trade in Value-Added and Beyond, Nadim Ahmad

Understanding Changes in the Distribution of Student Loan Debt over Time, Elizabeth Akers, Matthew M. Chingos, and Alice M. Henriques

Producing an Input Price Index, William Alterman

Private Student Loans and Bankruptcy: Did Four-Year Undergraduates Benefit from the Increased Collectability of Student Loans?, Xiaoling Ang and Dalié Jiménez

The Challenges of Good Governance and Leadership in Developing Countries: Cases from Africa and China, Sisay Asefa Editor and Wei-Chiao Huang Editor

Federal Student Loan Policy: Improving Loan Design, Repayment, and Consumer Protections, Lauren Asher, Debbie Cochrane, Pauline Abernathy, Diane Cheng, Joseph Mais, and Jessica Thompson

The Evolution of Student Debt in the United States, Sandy Baum

The Scope of U.S. "Factoryless Manufacturing", Kimberly Bayard, David Byrne, and Dominic Smith

Specific Trade Costs, Quality, and Import Prices, Benjamin Bridgman

Measuring Student Debt and its Performance, Meta Brown, Andrew Haughwout, Donghoon Lee, Joelle Scally, and Wilbert van der Klaauw

College Costs and Financial Constraints: Student Borrowing at For-Profit Institutions, Stephanie Riegg Cellini and Rajeev Darolia

Measuring the Benefits of Income-Based Repayment for Graduate and Professional Students, Jason Delisle, Alex Holt, and Kristin Blagg

Reflecting Factoryless Goods Production in the U.S. Statistical System, Maureen Doherty

Loans for Educational Opportunity: Making Borrowing Work for Today's Students, Susan Dynarski and Daniel Kreisman

Biases to Manufacturing Statistics from Offshoring: Evidence from Japan, Kyoji Fukao and Sonoe Arai

The Effects of Student Loans on Long-Term Household Financial Stability, Dora Gicheva and Jeffrey Thompson

Making Sense of Loan Aversion: Evidence from Wisconsin, Sara Goldrick-Rab and Robert Kelchen

The Role of Performance Management in Good Governance, Carolyn J. Heinrich

The Distribution of College Graduate Debt, 1990-2008: A Decomposition Approach, Brad J. Hershbein, Editor and Kevin M. Hollenbeck, Editor

Measuring Manufacturing : How the Computer and Semiconductor Industries Affect the Numbers and Perceptions, Susan N. Houseman, Editor; Timothy J. Bartik; and Timothy Sturgeon

Import Sourcing Bias in Manufacturing Productivity Growth: Evidence across Advanced and Emerging Economies, Robert Inklaar

Political Parties, Democracy, and "Good Governance", John Ishiyama

Governance Challenges in Education and Health Care in Developing Countries, Seema Jayachandran

Measuring "Factoryless" Manufacturing: Evidence from U.S. Surveys, Fariha Kamal, Brent R. Moulton, and Jennifer Ribarsky

The Impact of Globalization on Prices: A Test of Hedonic Price Indexes for Imports, Mina Kim and Marshall B. Reinsdorf

Assessing Price Indexes for Markets with Trading Frictions: A Quantitative Illustration, Brian K. Kovak and Ryan Michaels

Good Governance in Transition Economies: A Comparative Analysis, Susan J. Linz

Default and Repayment among Baccalaureate Degree Earners, Lance J. Lochner and Alexander Monge-Naranjo

Data, Trade, and Growth, Michael J. Mandel Editor

Sourcing Substitution and Related Price Index Biases, Alice O. Nakamura, W. Erwin Diewert, John S. Greenlees, Leonard I. Nakamura, and Marshall B. Reinsdorf

A Formulary Approach for Attributing Measured Production to Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Parents, Dylan G. Rassier and Jennifer Koncz-Bruner

Import Allocation across Industries, Import Prices across Countries, and Estimates of Industry Growth and Productivity, Jon D. Samuels, Thomas F. Howells III, Matthew Russell, and Erich H. Strassner

Governance Problems and Priorities for Local Climate Adaptation and Poverty Alleviation, Stephen C. Smith

Incomes and Jobs in Global Production of Manufactures: New Measures of Competitiveness Based on the World Input-Output Database, Marcel P. Timmer, Bart Los, and Gaaitzen J. de Vries

Import Uses and Domestic Value-Added in Chinese Exports: What Can We Learn from Chinese Microdata?, Shunli Yao, Hong Ma, and Jiansuo Pei


Barriers and Opportunities for Entrepreneurship in Older Industrial Regions, Ziona Austrian and Merissa C. Piazza

Entrepreneurial Initiatives in Chinese Markets: Why They Are Important and What Firms Need to Know, Chieh-Chen Bowen

Midwestern Urban and Regional Responses to Global Economic Transition, William M. Bowen and Kelly L. Kinahan

Reasons for Misgivings about Local Economic Development Initiatives, William M. Bowen and Chang-Shik Song

Social Security Reform in China, Tianhong Chen and John A. Turner Editor

Australian Pensions: An Equitable Solution in a Postcrisis World?, Ross Clare

Can Tax Expenditures Stimulate Growth in Rust Belt Cities?, Benjamin Y. Clark

Lost a Step: The Great Lakes Region and Entrepreneurship, David R. Elkins

Stop Shovelling: A New Workforce Strategy to Promote Regional Prosperity, Joel A. Elvery

The Efficiency of Defined Contribution Pension Plans in the Americas, Denise Gómez-Hernández and Alberto M. Ramírez de Jurado Frías

Introduction [to The Road through the Rust Belt], Edward W. Hill

Have Personal Retirement Savings Accounts Achieved Their Objectives in Ireland?, Gerard Hughes

The Norwegian Government Pension Fund as an Investor in Global Markets, Magdalena Mosionek-Schweda

The Reform of Social Security Pensions in Portugal: A Critical Assessment, Maria Clara Murteira

The Evolution of Clusters and Implications for the Revival of Old Industrial Cities, Haifeng Qian

Distinctly Cleveland: How the Arts are Helping to Revitalize Rust Belt Cities, Gregory M. Sadlek and Joan Chase

Pension Fund Governance, Adam Samborski

Social Security and Pension Income in Sweden, Gabriella Sjögren Lindquist and Eskil Wadensjö

Pension Reform and the Measurement of Risk in Occupational Pension Plans in Poland, Marek Szczepański Editor and Tomasz Brzęczek

Social Security and Pension Reform: The Views of 16 Authors, Marek Szczepański Editor and John A. Turner Editor

How Energy Policy Enabled the Decline of Midwestern Cities, and How It Can Contribute to Their Rehabilitation, Andrew R. Thomas

Social Security and Pensions in East Africa, John A. Turner Editor

Financial Literacy, Education, and Advice, John A. Turner Editor and Dana M. Muir

Social Security and Pension Trends around the World, John A. Turner, Editor and David Rajnes

Pension Reforms in Central and Eastern European Countries, 1998-2012, Maciej Źukowski


Background, Purpose, and Methodology [Introduction to The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: The Role of Workforce Programs], Burt S. Barnow Editor

State Approaches to the Recovery Act's Workforce Development Provisions, Burt S. Barnow Editor

Conceptual Basis for Identifying and Measuring Occupational Labor Shortages, Burt S. Barnow, John Trutko, and Jaclyn Schede Piatak

Unemployment Insurance, Yvette Chocolaad, Wayne Vroman, and Richard A. Hobbie Editor

Data Analysis of the Implementation of the Recovery Act Workforce Development and Unemployment Insurance Provisions, Randall W. Eberts and Stephen A. Wandner

Other Related Initiatives: Labor Market Information, Green Jobs, and Subsidized Employment, Joyce Kaiser

Wagner-Peyser Employment Services, Joyce Kaiser

Introduction and Overview [to Stages of Occupational Regulation], Morris M. Kleiner

Wagner-Peyser Act Reemployment Services, Tara C. Smith

Challenges and Accomplishments: States' Views, John Trutko and Burt S. Barnow Editor

Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs, John Trutko Editor and Burt S. Barnow Editor

Trade Adjustment Assistance Program, Stephen A. Wandner

The Employment Act in Historical Perspective, Ruth Ellen Wasem


Introduction [to Education Reform and the Limits of Policy], Michael F. Addonizio and C. Philip Kearney

Introduction [to Reconnecting to Work], Lauren D. Appelbaum Editor

Stabilizing Employment : The Role of Short-Time Compensation, Vera Brusentsev and Wayne Vroman

China's Economy from an American's Perspective, Gene H. Chang

China in 2049, Zhiwu Chen

Causality in the Relationship between Mental Health and Unemployment, Timothy M. Diette, Arthur H. Goldsmith, Darrick Hamilton, and William Darity Jr.

Foreword: What Happened to Shared Prosperity and Full Employment and How to Get Them Back: A Seussian Perspective, Richard B. Freeman

Changes in the World's Workshop: The Demographic, Social, and Political Factors behind China's Labor Movement, Mary Gallagher

Left Behind in Old Age? Sources of Support for China's Rural Elderly in a Period of Growth, Migration, and Demographic Transition, John Giles

Introduction [to Dragon versus Eagle], Wei-Chiao Huang Editor and Huizhong Zhou Editor

U.S.-China Economc Relations and Value Chains in Global Production Networks, Robert B. Koopman

Introduction [to Employment Growth], Albert N. Link and John T. Scott

Health Care Coverage in the United States, Nan L. Maxwell

Work Together to Let Everyone Work: A Study of the Cooperative Job-Placement Effort in the Netherlands, Hilbrand Oldenhuis and Louis Polstra

Labor Market Policy in the Great Recession: Lessons from Denmark and Germany, John Schmitt

Winners and Losers in China's Economic Reform, Terry Sicular

Labor Market Measures in the Crisis and the Convergence of Social Models, Michele Tiraboschi and Silvia Spattini

Job Displacements in Recessions: An Overview of Long-Term Consequences and Policy Options, Till von Wachter


Toward the Ideal Pension System for France, Lucy apRoberts and Pierre Concialdi

Lessons from the WIA Performance Measures, Burt S. Barnow

Bringing the Future into the Present: How Policymakers Should Deal with the Delayed Benefits of Early Childhood Programs, Timothy J. Bartik

Introduction [to Investing in Kids], Timothy J. Bartik

The National Perspective: How Local Business Incentives and Early Childhood Programs Affect the National Economy, Timothy J. Bartik

Who Benefits? Distributional Effects of Early Childhood Programs and Business Incentives, and Their Implications for Policy, Timothy J. Bartik

An Overview of WIA, Dianne Blank, Laura Heald, and Cynthia Fagnoni

The Challenge of Measuring Performance, William S. Borden

Forecasting Asset Prices Using Nonlinear Models, Michael D. Bradley and Dennis W. Jansen

Introduction [to The Workforce Investment Act], Phoebe H. Cottingham Editor and Douglas J. Besharov Editor

Setting the Standards: Performance Targets and Benchmarks, Pascal Courty, Carolyn J. Heinrich, and Gerald Marschke

U.S. Employment and Training Programs and Performance Standards System Design, Pascal Courty, Carolyn J. Heinrich, Gerald Marschke, and Jeffrey Smith

Measuring Government Performance: An Overview of Dysfunctional Responses, Pascal Courty and Gerald Marschke

The JTPA Incentive System: Implementing Performance Measurement and Funding, Pascal Courty and Gerald Marschke

Real-Time Forecasting, Dean Croushore

Imagining the Ideal UK Pension System, Bryn Davies

Ten Years of WIA Research, Paul T. Decker

The Ideal Pension System for Belgium, Kim De Witte

Recent Advances in Performance Measurement of Federal Workforce Development Programs, Randall W. Eberts, Timothy J. Bartik, and Wei-Jang Huang

Introduction [to What Works in Work-First Welfare], Andrew R. Feldman

One-Stop Management and the Private Sector, David Heaney

A Formal Model of a Performance Incentive System, James J. Heckman, Carolyn J. Heinrich, and Jeffrey Smith

Do Short-Run Performance Measures Predict Long-Run Impacts?, James J. Heckman, Carolyn J. Heinrich, and Jeffrey Smith

Lessons for Advancing Future Performance Standards Systems, James J. Heckman, Carolyn J. Heinrich, and Jeffrey Smith

Performance Standards and the Potential to Improve Government Performance, James J. Heckman, Carolyn J. Heinrich, and Jeffrey Smith

Do the Determinants of Program Participation Data Provide Evidence of Cream Skimming?, James J. Heckman and Jeffrey Smith

Local Responses to Performance Incentives and Implications for Program Outcomes, Carolyn J. Heinrich

A Nonexperimental Evaluation of WIA Programs, Carolyn J. Heinrich, Peter R. Mueser, Kenneth R. Troske, Kyung-Seong Jeon, and Daver C. Kahvecioglu

Advances in Economic Forecasting, Matthew L. Higgins Editor

Short-Term Net Impact Estimates and Rates of Return, Kevin Hollenbeck

Public and Private Provision of Pensions and the Ideal Pension System for Ireland, Gerard Hughes and Jim Stewart

Nonexperimental Impact Evaluations, Haeil Jung and Maureen A. Pirog

The Use of Market Mechanisms, Christopher T. King and Burt S. Barnow

Limits to Economic Forecasting, Kajal Lahiri

Combining Forecasts with Many Predictors, Tae-Hwy Lee

Aging in the Shadow of the Three Pillars: A Generation of Pension Debates in Switzerland (1972-2010), Matthieu Leimgruber

Customized Training, David A. Long

Neither Easy Nor Cheap, Sheena McConnell, Peter Schochet, and Alberto Martini

Constructing the Ideal Pension System: The Visions of Ten Country Experts, Dana M. Muir and John A. Turner

Designing Reliable Impact Evaluations, Larry L. Orr, Stephen H. Bell, and Jacob A. Klerman

The Optimal Pension System: Is Denmark Best?, Finn Østrup

Forecasting Regional and Industry-Level Variables: Challenges and Strategies, David E. Rapach

German Private Pension Law: Current State and Future Directions, Markus Roth

Improving Impact Evaluation in Europe, Jeffrey Smith

Perspectives on Evaluating Macroeconomic Forecasts, H. O. Stekler

The Role of Occupational Pension Plans in an Optimal Polish Pension System, Marek Szczepański

The Policy Challenges of Increasing Longevity: Paying the Costs of Living Longer, John A. Turner

Imagining the Ideal U.S. Pension System, John A. Turner Editor and Dana M. Muir Editor

Eligible Training Provider Lists and Consumer Report Cards, Carl E. Van Horn and Aaron Fichtner

Financial Performance Incentives, Stephen A. Wandner and Michael Wiseman

How to Establish a Better Corporate Pension System in Japan, Noriyasu Watanabe

Introduction [to The Transformation of the American Pension System], Edward N. Wolff


Introduction [to Globalization and International Development], Sisay Asefa Editor

Private Solutions to Public Disasters: Self-Reliance and Social Resilience, Peter J. Boettke and Daniel J. Smith

The Economics of Disaster: Retrospect and Prospect, Hal Cochane

Introduction [to The Time Use of Mothers in the United States at the Beginning of the 21st Century], Rachel Connelly and Jean Kimmel

Are Developing Countries Converging on Intellectual Property Rights?, Lisa D. Cook

Training and Immigration in the Real World, Ernesto Cortés

Vernon Briggs: Real-World Labor Economist, William P. Curington

The Challenges and Opportunities of Twenty-First-Century Global Markets, Hadi Salehi Esfahani

Sectoral Approaches to Workforce Development: Toward an Effective U.S. Labor-Market Policy, Robert W. Glover and Christopher T. King

Can Globalization Help?, Ian Goldin and Kenneth A. Reinert

The Misdirected Debate over the Economics of Disabilities Accommodation, Seth D. Harris

The Road to Welfare Reform, Rucker C. Johnson, Ariel Kalil, and Rachel E. Dunifon

Globalization and Inequality among Nations, Joseph P. Joyce

Introduction [to The Economics of Natural and Unnatural Disasters], William Kern

Market and Government Failure in Insuring and Mitigating Natural Catastrophes: How Long-Term Contracts Can Help, Howard C. Kunreuther and Erwann O. Michel-Kerjan

Learning Systems for a Globalized Economy: Do Americans Face Tough Choices or Tough Times?, F. Ray Marshall

Immigration and the U.S. Labor Market, Philip L. Martin

Assessing the Briggs Approach to Polictical Refugee Policy, Larry G. Nackerud

Immigration Policy and Economic Development, James T. Peach

International Migration, Remittances, and Economic Development, Susan Pozo

The Socioeconomic Impact of Tornadoes, Daniel Sutter and Kevin M. Simmons

The Composition and Allocation of Global Financial Flows: What Are Markets Doing?, Linda Tesar

Employment and Wage Prospects of Black, White, and Hispanic Women, Marta Tienda, V. Joseph Hotz, Avner Ahituv, and Michelle Bellessa Frost

Introduction to Pension Policy, John A. Turner

Introduction [to Solving the Reemployment Puzzle], Stephen A. Wandner

Introduction [to Human Resource Economics and Public Policy], Charles J. Whalen Editor

The Human Resource Economics of Vernon Briggs, Charles J. Whalen

Expectations and Unexpected Consequences of Public Policy toward Natural and Man-Made Disasters, Anthony M. Yezer


Past Trends and Projections in Wages, Work, and Occupations in the United States, David H. Autor

Survey Data Collection Methods, Janice Ballou and Jason Markesich

What We Know about the Impacts of Workforce Investment Programs, Burt S. Barnow and Jeffrey A. Smith

Poverty, Richard V. Burkhauser, Andrew J. Houtenville, and Ludmila Rovba

Household Income, Richard V. Burkhauser, Robert R. Weathers, and Ludmila Rovba

Health and Functional Status, Gerry E. Hendershot, David C. Stapleton, and Benjamin H. Harris

Introduction [to Against the Tide: Household Structure, Opportunities, and Outcomes among White and Minority Youth], Carolyn J. Hill, Harry J. Holzer, and Henry Chen

What Might Improve the Employment and Advancement Prospects of the Poor?, Harry J. Holzer

Disability Prevalence and Demographics, Andrew J. Houtenville, Elizabeth Potamites, William A. Erickson, and S. Antonio Ruiz- Quintanilla

The Earned Income Tax Credit, Welfare Reform, and the Employment of Low-Skilled Single Mothers, Hilary Williamson Hoynes

Comparing Apples to Oranges When Evaluating Community-Based Programs and Services, Robert John LaLonde

What is New, and Permanent, about the "New Economy"?, William Lazonick

Financial Aid and Older Workers: Supporting the Nontraditional Student, Bridget Terry Long

Reflections on Economic Mobility and Policy, Bruce D. Meyer Editor

A Not-So-Simple Gift, Michelle Miller-Adams

Helping Low-Wage Workers Persist in Education Programs: Lessons from Research on Welfare Training Programs and Two Promising Community College Strategies, Lashawn K. Richburg-Hayes

Can Residential Mobility Programs Improve Human Capital?: Comparing Social Mechanisms in Two Different Programs, James E. Rosenbaum

The Group Quarters Population, Peiyun She and David C. Stapleton

Purpose, Overview and Key Conclusions, David C. Stapleton, Andrew J. Houtenville, Robert R. Weathers, and Richard V. Burkhauser

Options for Improving Disability Data Collection, David C. Stapleton, Gina Livermore, and Peiyun She

Program Participants, David C. Stapleton, David C. Wittenburg, and Craig V.D. Thornton

Bringing Together Policymakers, Researchers, and Practitioners to Discuss Strategies for Improving Economic Mobility, Maude Toussaint-Comeau

Introduction [to Strategies for Improving Economic Mobility of Workers], Maude Toussaint-Comeau Editor and Bruce D. Meyer Editor

Introduction: Toward the Fourth Freedom, Joel P. Trachtman

Correctional Programs in the Age of Mass Incarceration: What Do We Know about "What Works", John H. Tyler and Jillian Berk

The Disability Data Landscape, Robert R. Weathers, Editor

Employment, Robert R. Weathers, Editor and David C. Wittenburg


Removing Barriers to Work for Older Americans, Katharine G. Abraham and Susan N. Houseman, Editor

Introduction and Overview [to A Future of Good Jobs?: America's Challenge in the Global Economy], Timothy J. Bartik, Editor and Susan N. Houseman, Editor

Design of Assistance Programs to Address Real Income Volatility, Robin W. Boadway, Katherine Cuff, and Nicolas Marceau

The Dynamics of Food Stamp Receipt After Welfare Reform Among Current and Former Welfare Recipients, Brian Cadena, Sandra K. Danziger, and Kristin S. Seefeldt

Health Coverage for Aging Baby Boomers: Findings from the Commonwealth Fund Survey of Older Adults, Sara R. Collins, Karen Davis, Cathy Schoen, Michelle M. Doty, and Jennifer L. Kriss

Introduction [to Older and Out of Work], Randall W. Eberts Editor and Richard A. Hobbie Editor

The Value of Unpaid Child Care in the United States in 2003, Nancy Folbre and Jayoung Yoon

The Age Gradient in Food Stamp Program Participation: Does Income Volatility Matter?, Craig Gundersen and James Patrick Ziliak

The Time of Our Lives, Daniel S. Hamermesh

Introduction [to Income Volatility and Food Assistance in the United States], Dean Jolliffe Editor and James P. Ziliak Editor

Trends in Income and Consumption Volatility, 1970-2000, Benjamin J. Keys

Introduction [to How Do We Spend Our Time?], Jean Kimmel, Editor

Trade and Immigration: Implications for the U.S. Labor Market, Lori G. Kletzer

The Parts of Your Vehicle, Thomas Klier and James Rubenstein

Age Discrimination and Hiring: Evidence from a Labor Market Experiment, Joanna Lahey

Are Skills the Problem?: Reforming the Education and Training System in the United States, Robert I. Lerman

Variable Effects of Earnings Volatility on Food Stamp Participation, Robert Moffitt and David C. Ribar

Income Volatility and Its Implications for School Lunch, Constance Newman

Reemployment and Earnings Recovery among Older Unemployment Insurance Claimants, Christopher J. O'Leary and Randall W. Eberts Editor

Improving Job Quality: Policies Aimed at the Demand Side of the Low-Wage Labor Market, Paul Osterman

Day, Evening, and Night Workers: A Comparison of What They Do in Their Nonwork Hours and with Whom They Interact, Anne E. Polivka

Income Volatility and Certification Duration for WIC Children, Mark A. Prell

Boosting the Earnings and Employment of Low-Skilled Workers in the United States: Making Work Pay and Removing Barriers to Employment and Social Mobility, Steven Raphael

The Fraction of Disability Caused at Work, Robert T. Reville and Robert Schoeni

Earnings Volatility and the Reasons for Leaving the Food Stamp Program, David C. Ribar and Marilyn J. Edelhoch

The Consequences of Recent Job Growth on Older Low-Income Workers, William M. Rodgers

Moving from Welfare to Work, Kristin S. Seefeldt

Disability and Retirement Among Aging Baby Boomers, Ralph Ely Smith

The Time Use of Nonworking Men, Jay Stewart

Revising Employers' Role in Sponsoring and Financing Health Insurance and Medical Care, Katherine Swartz

Improving Health Coverage before Medicare, Paul N. Van de Water

Public and Private Strategies for Assisting Older Workers, Carl E. Van Horn, Kathy Krepcio, and Neil Ridley

Household Production, Consumption, and Retirement, Jennifer L. Ward-Batts

Time to Retire the Normal Retirement Age?, Joseph White

Does Housework Continue to Narrow the Income Gap?: The Impact of American Housework on Economic Inequality, Cathleen D. Zick and W. Keith Bryant


Remittance Patterns of Latin America Immigrants in the United States, Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes

Solving the Problems of Economic Development Incentives, Timothy J. Bartik

The Fiscal Consequences of Competition for Capital, Peter S. Fisher

Introduction [to Do Community Colleges Respond to Local Needs?], Duane E. Leigh and Andrew M. Gill

Nine Concrete Ways to Curtail the Economic War among the States, Greg LeRoy

International Migration and Economic Development in Low-Income Countries: Lessons from Recent Data, Robert E. Lucas

Institutional and Political Determinants of Incentive Competition, Ann R. Markusen Editor and Katherine Nesse

Remittances in the Pacific, David J. McKenzie

Migration and Remittances, Susan Pozo

Do Better Job Creation Subsidies Hold Real Promise for Business Incentive Reformers?, William Schweke

How the EU Manages Subsidy Competition, Adinda Sinnaeve

The Effect of International Migration on Educated Unemployment, Oded Stark and C. Simon Fan

The Sources and Processes of Tax and Subsidy Competition, Kenneth P. Thomas

The Power of Home: Remittances to Families and Communities, Leah Karin VanWey

Negotiating the Ideal Deal: Which Local Governments Have the Most Bargaining Leverage?, Rachel Nicole Weber

How Does Migration Affect Local Development?: What Mexico's Experience Tells Us, Christopher Woodruff


Supreme Court Supervisory Status Decisions: The Impact on the Organizing of Nurses, Steven E. Abraham, Adrienne E. Eaton, and Paula Beth Vogel Voos

America's Union-Free Movement in Light of International Human Rights Standards, Roy J. Adams

An Introduction to the Current State of Workers' Rights, Richard N. Block Editor, Sheldon Friedman Editor, Michelle Kaminski Editor, and Andy Levin Editor

International Elections Standards and NLRB Representation Elections, David L. Cingranelli

No Safe Harbor: A Review of Significant Laws Affecting Contingent Workers, Thomas A. Coens and Alvin L. Storrs

Bad Service Jobs: Can Unions Save Them? Can They Save Unions?, Laura Dresser and Annette D. Bernhardt

Dancing with the Smoke Monster: Employer Motivations for Negotiating Neutrality and Card Check Agreements, Adrienne E. Eaton and Jill Kriesky

The Commercial Temp Agency, the Union Hiring Hall, and the Contingent Workforce: Toward a Legal Reclassification of For-Profit Labor Market Intermediaries, Harris Freeman and George Gonos

Introduction [to The Shadow Workforce], Sandra E. Gleason

Where Do We Go from Here?, Sandra E. Gleason

A Logical Extreme: Proposing Human Rights as the Foundation for Workers' Rights in the United States, James A. Gross

Employment Policies and Labor Union Activities for Part-Time Workers and Dispatched Workers in Japan, Kazunari Honda

Significant Victories: An Analysis of Union First Contracts, Tom Juravich, Kate Bronfenbrenner, and Robert Hickey

Introduction and Overview [to Licensing Occupations: Ensuring Quality or Restricting Competition?], Morris M. Kleiner

Union Responses to the Challenges of Contingent Work, M. Catherine Lundy, Karen Roberts, and Douglas Becker

Low-Skilled Jobs: The Reality behind the Popular Perceptions, Nan L. Maxwell

The United States and ILO Conventions 87 and 98: The Freedom of Association and the Right to Bargain Collectively, Richard McIntyre and Matthew M. Bodah

Temporary Agency Work in Europe, François Michon

Employer Perspectives: Competing Through a Flexible Workforce, Douglas J. Miller and Jay B. Barney

Members-Only Collective Bargaining: A Back-to-Basics Approach to Union Organizing, Charles J. Morris

Introduction [to Social Security and the Stock Market], Alicia H. Munnell and Steven A. Sass

Japan's Growing Shadow Workforce, Cynthia Ozeki and Akira Wakisaka

Spatial Concentration of American Poverty: Should We Care, and What Are the Options?, Mark D. Partridge and Dan S. Rickman

Law and Collective Bargaining Power: An Experiment to Test Labor Law Reform Proposals, Gangaram Singh and Ellen J. Dannin

Individual Accounts and Social Security Reform, John A. Turner

Operationalizing the Shadow Workforce: Toward an Understanding of the Participants in Nonstandard Employment Relationships, Courtney von Hippel, Venkat Bendapudi, Judith W. Tansky, David B. Greenberger, Stephen L. Mangum, and Robert L. Heneman

Collective Bargaining Rights in the Public Sector: Promises and Reality, Donald S. Wasserman

Public Policy and Contingent Workers, Jeffrey Brian Wenger

No More Business as Usual: Using Pension Activism to Protect Workers' Rights, Jayne E. Zanglein


The Concept of Sustainable Development: An Introduction, Sisay Asefa Editor

Revisiting Black Lung: Can the Feds Deliver Workers' Compensation for Occupational Disease?, Peter S. Barth

Overview: The Ten Principles, Michael S. Bernick

The Adequacy of Workers' Compensation Cash Benefits, Leslie I. Boden, Robert T. Reville, and Jeff Biddle

Property Rights and the Urgent Challenge of Environmental Sustainability, David W. Bromley

Permanent Partial Disability Benefits, John F. Burton

Human Resource Management and Safety: Technical Efficiency and Economic Incentives, Richard J. Butler and Yong-Seung Park

Workers' Compensation in Rhode Island: Reform through Business/Labor Cooperation, Matthew Carey

Some Neglected Aspects of Sustainable Development, Malcolm Gillis

Performance Measurement in Workers' Compensation Systems, H. Allan Hunt

Issues in Workers' Compensation Appeals System Reform, Douglas Hyatt

Welfare and Employment Transitions in the 1990s, Christopher T. King and Peter R. Mueser

How the World Survived the Population Bomb: An Economic Perspective, David Lam

Health Care and Workers' Compensation, Cameron Mustard and Sandra Sinclair

Economic Development, Inequality, and War, E. Wayne Nafziger and Juha Auvinen

How Can Behavioral Economics Inform Research on Workplace Injuries?, Robert T. Reville, Leslie I. Boden, Seth A. Seabury, and Hilary J. Rhodes

Introduction [to Workplace Injuries and Diseases], Karen Roberts

The Structure of and Incentives from Workers' Compensation Pricing, Karen Roberts

Productivity Growth in World Agriculture: Sources and Constraints, Vernon W. Ruttan

Too Poor to be Stewards? Rural Poverty and Sustainable Natural Resource Management, Scott M. Swinton

Economic Incentives and Workplace Safety, Terry Thomason

Introduction [to Unemployment Compensation Throughout the World], Wayne Vroman and Vera Brusentsev


Introduction [to Leaving Welfare], Gregory Acs and Pamela Loprest

Experience and Prospects for Labor Exchange Policy, David E. Balducchi, Editor; Randall W. Eberts, Editor; and Christopher J. O'Leary, Editor

Federal-State Relations in Labor Exchange Policy, David E. Balducchi, Editor and Alison J. Pasternak

Performance Management of U.S. Job Training Programs, Burt S. Barnow and Jeffrey A. Smith

CBOs and the One-Stop Career Center System, Ramon Borges-Mendez and Edwin Meléndez

Introduction: Policy Issues and Research Questions [to Kids at Work], Rachel Connelly, Deborah S. DeGraff, and Rachel A. Willis

Interorganizational Networks among Community-Based Organizations, Héctor R. Cordero-Guzmán

Implementation Issues in Delivering Training Services to Adults Under WIA, Ronald D'Amico and Jeffrey Salzman

An Overview of the Issue, Carl Davidson and Steven J. Matusz

Individual Training Accounts, Eligible Training Provider Lists, and Consumer Report Systems, Paul T. Decker and Irma L. Perez-Johnson

Overview of Labor Exchange Policies and Services, Randall W. Eberts, Editor and Harry J. Holzer

Community Colleges as Workforce Intermediaries: Building Career Ladders for Low-Wage Workers, Joan Fitzgerald

Introduction [to Adequacy of Earnings Replacement in Workers' Compensation Programs], H. Allan Hunt and National Academy of Social Insurance

The Use of Service Providers and Brokers/Consultants in Employment and Training Programs, Janet O. Javar and Stephen A. Wandner Editor

The Effectiveness of Publicly Financed Training in the United States: Implications for WIA and Related Programs, Christopher T. King

International Experience with Job Training: Lessons for the United States, Lori G. Kletzer and William L. Koch

The Scope of Employer-Provided Training in the United States: Who, What, Where, and How Much?, Robert I. Lerman, Signe-Mary McKernan, and Stephanie Riegg

Public Provision of Employment Services in Selected OECD Countries: The Job Brokerage Function, Douglas Lippoldt and Melvin Brodsky

Innovators Under Duress: Community Colleges in New York's Workfare Setting, Lynn McCormick

Communities and Workforce Development in the Era of Devolution, Edwin Meléndez

Community Colleges, Welfare Reform, and Workforce Development, Edwin Meléndez, Luis M. Falcón, Carlos Suárez-Boulangger, Lynn McCormick, and Alexandra de Montrichard

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Labor Exchange Services, Christopher J. O'Leary

Public Job Training: Experience and Prospects, Christopher J. O'Leary Editor, Robert A. Straits Editor, and Stephen A. Wandner Editor

U.S. Job Training: Types, Participants, and History, Christopher J. O'Leary Editor, Robert A. Straits Editor, and Stephen A. Wandner Editor

Introduction [to Does 'Trickle Down' Work?], Joseph Persky, Daniel Felsenstein, and Virginia Carlson

State and Local Labor Exchange Services, Neil Ridley and William Tracy

Competing for Contracts: Nonprofit Survival in an Age of Privatization, Mary Bryna Sanger

Addressing the Employment Challenge for the Formerly Homeless: Supportive Housing in New York City, Alex Schwartz, Edwin Meléndez, and Sarah Gallagher

Community Technology Centers: Training Disadvantaged Workers for Information Technology Jobs, Lisa J. Servon

Labor Exchange Performance Measurement, David Paul Smole

Workforce Development in the Information Technology Age, Michael A. Stoll

Corporate-Community Workforce Development Collaborations, Stacey A. Sutton

Union-Sponsored Workforce Development Initiatives, Beverly Takahashi and Edwin Meléndez

Workplace Justice in the United States: An Introduction, Hoyt N. Wheeler, Brian S. Klaas, and Douglas M. Mahony

An Overview of the U.S. Child Care Industry, Marcy Whitebook and Laura Sakai

Beyond the First Job: Career Ladder Initiatives in Information Technology Industries, Laura Wolf-Powers

Information, Tools, and Technology: Informing Labor Exchange Participants, Jim Woods and Pamela L. Frugoli


Introduction and Previous Research, Amanda L. Ahlstrand, Laurie J. Bassi, and Daniel P. McMurrer

The Impact of Collective Bargaining on Competitiveness and Employment, Dale Belman and Richard N. Block, Editor

Is It Time to Declare the ADA a Failed Law?, Peter David Blanck, Susan Schwochau, and Chen Song

Basic Aluminum, Richard N. Block, Editor

Case Study Methodology, Richard N. Block, Editor

Competitiveness and Employment Protection and Creation, Richard N. Block, Editor

Overview and Conclusions, Richard N. Block, Editor

Auto Assembly, Richard N. Block Editor and Peter Berg

Collective Bargaining in Context, Richard N. Block and Peter Berg

Introduction [to Labor Standards in the United States and Canada], Richard N. Block, Karen Roberts, and R. Oliver Clarke

A User's Guide to Current Statistics on the Employment of People with Disabilities, Richard V. Burkhauser Editor, Andrew J. Houtenville, and David C. Wittenburg

A Review of the Evidence and Its Implications for Policy Change, Richard V. Burkhauser Editor and David C. Stapleton Editor

Introduction [to The Decline in Employment of People with Disabilities], Richard V. Burkhauser Editor and David C. Stapleton Editor

Nonstandard Work Arrangements in France and the United States: Institutional Contexts, Labor Market Conditions, and Patterns of Use, Françoise J. Carré

Work Arrangements among Women in the United States, Naomi Cassirer

Nonstandard Work in Italy and Spain: The Quest for Flexibility at the Margin in Two Supposedly Rigid Labor Markets, Inmaculada Cebrián, Luis Toharia, Gloria Moreno, Manuela Samek Lodovici, and Renata Semenza

Risk and Risk Management: Basic Concepts, Keith J. Crocker

The Americans with Disabilities Act and the Employment of People with Disabilities, Thomas C. DeLeire

Gambling with the Future: Economic and Social Perspectives on Casinos in America, William R. Eadington

Regulatory Convergence? Nonstandard Work in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, Colette Fagan and Kevin Ward

Social Security Disability Insurance and the Recent Decline in the Employment Rate of People with Disabilities, Nanette J. Goodman and Timothy Waidmann

Employment Choices and Pay Differences between Nonstandard and Standard Work in Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden, Siv Gustafsson, Eiko Kenjoh, and Cécile Wetzels

Introduction [to Human Capital in the United States from 1975 to 2000], Robert H. Haveman, Andrew Bershadker, and Jonathan A. Schwabish

Rising Health Care Expenditures and the Employment of People with High-Cost Chronic Conditions, Stephen C. Hill, Gina Livermore, and Andrew J. Houtenville

The Change in Work Arrangements in Denmark and Germany: Erosion or Renaissance of Standards?, Edeltraud Hoffmann and Ulrich Walwei

Introduction [to The Labor Market Experience of Workers with Disabilities], Julie L. Hotchkiss

Introduction [to Nonstandard Work in Developed Economies], Susan N. Houseman, Editor and Machiko Osawa, Editor

The Growth of Nonstandard Employment in Japan and the United States: A Comparison of Causes and Consequences, Susan N. Houseman and Machiko Osawa

Employment Declines among People with Disabilities, Andrew J. Houtenville and Mary C. Daly

Common Value Auctions and the Winner's Curse: Lessons from the Economics Laboratory, John H. Kagel

Work Attitudes and Nonstandard Work Arrangements in the United States, Japan, and Europe, Arne L. Kalleberg and Jeremy Reynolds

Social Policy in Emerging Market Economies, Ethan B. Kapstein and Branko Milanovic

Employment and the Changing Disability Population, H. Stephen Kaye

Introduction [to Job Creation, Job Destruction, and International Competition], Michael W. Klein, Scott Schuh, and Robert K. Triest

Nonstandard Work Arrangements in Japan and the United States: A Legal Perspective, Noriaki Kojima and Keiko Fujikawa

Does the Definition Affect the Outcome? Employment Trends under Alternative Measures of Disability, Douglas Kruse and Lisa Schur

States of the World and the State of Decision Theory, Mark J. Machina

Introduction [to The Economics of Risk], Donald J. Meyer Editor

Automobile Parts, Michael L. Moore and Richard N. Block, Editor

Introduction [to Training That Works], Richard W. Moore, Daniel R. Blake, Michael Phillips, and Daniel McConaughy

Standard and Nonstandard Work Arrangements, Pay Difference, and Choice of Work by Japanese Mothers, Nobuko Nagase

Health Care, Michael J. Polzin and Peter Berg

Risk and Agriculture: Some Issues and Evidence, Rulon D. Pope

In Search of a New Framework for Flexibility: Reregulation of Nonstandard Employment in the European Union, Isabelle Schömann and Klaus Schömannn

Have Changes in the Nature of Work or the Labor Market Reduced Employment Prospects of Workers with Disabilities?, David C. Stapleton, Andrew J. Houtenville, and Nanette J. Goodman

Sharing Very High Risks: How Government Can Make Health Insurance Markets More Efficient and More Accessible, Katherine Swartz


Displaced Workers in the United States and the Netherlands, Jaap H. Abbring, Gerard J. van den Berg, Pieter A. Gautier, A. Gijsbert C. van Lomwel, Jan C. van Ours, and Christopher J. Ruhm

Worker Displacement in Japan and Canada, Masahiro Abe, Yoshio Higuchi, Peter Joseph Kuhn Editor, Masao Nakamura, and Arthur Sweetman

Employment Protection and the Consequences for Displaced Workers: A Comparison of Belgium and Denmark, Karsten Albaek, Marc van Audenrode, and Martin Browning

Fertility, Public Policy, and Mothers in the Labor Force, Susan Averett

Worker Displacement in France and Germany, Stefan Bender, Christian Dustmann, David N. Margolis, and Costas Meghir

Thinking about Child Care Policy, Barbara R. Bergmann

Federal Child Care Policy, David Blau

They Get Knocked Down. Do They Get Up Again? Displaced Workers in Britain and Australia, Jeff Borland, Paul Gregg, Genevieve Knight, and Jonathan Wadsworth

Seasonal Employment Dynamics and Welfare Use in Agricultural and Rural California Counties, Henry E. Brady, Mary Sprague, Fredric C. Gey, and Michael Wiseman