Cost Estimate of a Promise Scholarship Program for the City of Jacksonville, Illinois, George Erickcek
Publication: Reports
Cost Estimate for a Two-Year Beloit Promise, George A. Erickcek
Publication: Reports
Estimation of the Cost of an Oregon Promise, George A. Erickcek
Publication: Reports
Estimation of the Proposed McKinney Scholarship Programs, George A. Erickcek
Publication: Reports
The Impacts of Macomb Community College on the Economy of Macomb County, George A. Erickcek and Kevin M. Hollenbeck
Publication: Reports
Estimation of the Cost of a Newark Promise, George A. Erickcek and Michelle Miller-Adams
Publication: Reports
A Second Look at Enrollment Changes after the Kalamazoo Promise, Brad J. Hershbein
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
A Second Look at Enrollment Changes after the Kalamazoo Promise, Brad J. Hershbein
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Worker Signals among New College Graduates: The Role of Selectivity and GPA, Brad J. Hershbein
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
The Distribution of College Graduate Debt, 1990 to 2008: A Decomposition Approach, Brad J. Hershbein and Kevin M. Hollenbeck
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
The Kalamazoo Promise and Changing Perceptions of the Kalamazoo Public Schools, Michelle Miller-Adams and Jenna Fiore
Publication: Upjohn Institute Policy Papers
The Impact of the Kalamazoo Promise on College Choice: An Analysis of Kalamazoo Area Math and Science Center Graduates, Michelle Miller-Adams and Bridget F. Timmeney
Publication: Upjohn Institute Policy Papers
Preschool Teaching at a Crossroads, Marcy Whitebook
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
Beating the Odds, Michael F. Addonizio and C. Philip Kearney
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
Education Reform and the Limits of Policy: Lessons from Michigan, Michael F. Addonizio and C. Philip Kearney
Publication: Upjohn Press
Introduction [to Education Reform and the Limits of Policy], Michael F. Addonizio and C. Philip Kearney
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
The Opt-In Revolution? Contraception and the Gender Gap in Wages, Martha J. Bailey, Brad J. Hershbein, and Amalia R. Miller
Publication: Journal Articles
Education and Local Economic Development: Why Skills Matter, How We're Doing, and Leverage Points for Change, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Presentations
Local Economic Benefits of Early Childhood Programs: Investing in Kids, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Presentations
What Do Early Childhood Programs Do? What Could They Do? [review of Childhood Programs and Practices in the First Decade of Life: A Human Capital Integration, Arthur J. Reynolds, Arthur J. Rolnick, Michelle N. Englund, and Judy A. Temple, eds.], Timothy J. Bartik Reviewer
Publication: Reviews
Earnings Benefits of Tulsa's Pre-K program for Different Income Groups, Timothy J. Bartik, William T. Gormley, and Shirley Adelstein
Publication: Journal Articles
The Short-Term Effects of the Kalamazoo Promise Scholarship on Student Outcomes, Timothy J. Bartik and Marta Lachowska
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Ten-Year Cost Estimation of a Proposed Lansing Promise Scholarship, George A. Erickcek
Publication: Reports
Graduating High School in a Recession: Work, Education, and Home Production, Brad J. Hershbein
Publication: Journal Articles
Return on Investment in Workforce Development Programs, Kevin M. Hollenbeck
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Will an Increased Focus on the Market Economy and Global Competition in K-12 Public Education Prepare Students to Succeed Economically?, Kevin M. Hollenbeck and Casey E. George-Jackson
Publication: Book Chapters
Bringing the Future into the Present: How Policymakers Should Deal with the Delayed Benefits of Early Childhood Programs, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Introduction [to Investing in Kids], Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Investing in Kids: Early Childhood Programs and Local Economic Development, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Upjohn Press
Presentation on Early Childhood Programs and Economic Development to American Chamber of Commerce Executives Convention, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Presentations
Responding to Skeptics of Early Childhood Programs as Local Economic Development, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Presentations
State Economic Development Policies: What Works?, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Presentations
The National Perspective: How Local Business Incentives and Early Childhood Programs Affect the National Economy, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Who Benefits? Distributional Effects of Early Childhood Programs and Business Incentives, and Their Implications for Policy, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Why Investing in Kids Makes Sense for Local Economies, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
Why Michigan (and Other States) Should Invest in Preschool, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Presentations
Earnings Benefits of Tulsa's Pre-K Program for Different Income Groups, Timothy J. Bartik, William T. Gormley, and Shirley Adelstein
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Mapping the Promise: Critical Pathways, Randall W. Eberts
Publication: Presentations
Getting Started: How Much is This Thing Going to Cost?, George A. Erickcek
Publication: Presentations
Does the Workforce Investment Act Work?, Kevin Hollenbeck
Publication: Conference Papers
Raising Academic Achievement in Michigan's K-12 Schools, Kevin Hollenbeck
Publication: Presentations
Some Perspectives on and Examples of Business Education Collaboration for Workforce Development, Kevin Hollenbeck
Publication: Presentations
Student Achievement and CTE, Kevin Hollenbeck
Publication: Presentations
Test Score Differentials and Returns to Literacy Across Race/Gender Groups, Kevin Hollenbeck
Publication: Presentations
A Career Preparation System Accountability System, Kevin M. Hollenbeck
Publication: Reports
Conducting Return on Investment Analyses for Secondary and Postsecondary CTE: A Framework, Kevin M. Hollenbeck
Publication: Reports
The Value of Universal Eligibility in Promise Scholarship Programs, Michelle Miller-Adams
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
Economic Impact of Kalamazoo College, Brad R. Watts
Publication: Reports
The Kalamazoo Promise, and Enrollment and Achievement Trends in Kalamazoo Public Schools, Timothy J. Bartik, Randall W. Eberts, and Wei-Jang Huang
Publication: Conference Papers
Higher Education, the Health Care Industry and Metropolitan Regional Economic Development: What Can "Eds & Meds" Do for the Economic Fortunes of a Metro Area’s Residents?, Timothy J. Bartik and George A. Erickcek
Publication: Conference Papers
Graduation Requirements, Skills, Postsecondary Education, and the Michigan Economy, Timothy J. Bartik and Kevin M. Hollenbeck
Publication: Testimonies
Introduction [to The Time Use of Mothers in the United States at the Beginning of the 21st Century], Rachel Connelly and Jean Kimmel
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
The Time Use of Mothers in the United States at the Beginning of the 21st Century, Rachel Connelly and Jean Kimmel
Publication: Upjohn Press
Do Bans on Affirmative Action Hurt Minority Students? Evidence from the Texas Top 10% Plan, Kalena E. Cortes
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Net Impact Analysis of Reading Recovery® in Kalamazoo Public Schools: Concept and Preliminary Findings, Randall W. Eberts and Wei-Jang Huang
Publication: Presentations
The La Crosse Promise: Economic Impact Study, George A. Erickcek
Publication: Reports
EFE-Sponsored* Data Collection Activities, Kevin Hollenbeck
Publication: Reports
State Use of Workforce System Net Impact Estimates and Rates of Return, Kevin Hollenbeck
Publication: Conference Papers
Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Net Impact Estimates and Rates of Return, Kevin Hollenbeck
Publication: Conference Papers
On the Feasibility and Advisability of Conducting a Return on Investment Analysis of the Indiana Workforce System, Kevin M. Hollenbeck
Publication: Reports
Return on Investment Analysis of a Selected Set of Workforce System Programs in Indiana, Kevin M. Hollenbeck
Publication: Reports
Evaluation of Regional Collaborations for Economic Development: Lessons from the Employment and Training Adminsitration's WIRED Initiative, Kevin M. Hollenbeck and Nancy Hewat
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
Learning Systems for a Globalized Economy: Do Americans Face Tough Choices or Tough Times?, F. Ray Marshall
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Can Universal, Place-Based Scholarships Reduce Inequality? Lessons from Kalamazoo, Michigan, Michelle Miller-Adams
Publication: Conference Papers
The Kalamazoo Promise: Building Assets for Community Change, Michelle Miller-Adams
Publication: Presentations
What's New? What's Not? The Kalamazoo Promise in the Context of Other Scholarship Programs, Michelle Miller-Adams
Publication: Presentations
Introduction [to Human Resource Economics and Public Policy], Charles J. Whalen Editor
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Introduction: Easing Labor Market Troubles in the Short Run and Developing a Skilled Workforce in the Long Run: Some Ideas
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
Boosting Michigan's Economy Through Educational Improvements, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Testimonies
Distributional Effects of Early Childhood Programs and Business Incentives and Their Implications for Policy, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
How Policymakers Should Deal with the Delayed Benefits of Early Childhood Programs, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
What Works in State Economic Development?, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Book Chapters
Why Universal Preschool Is Really a Labor Market Program, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
The Kalamazoo Promise as a Model for an American Promise, Timothy J. Bartik and Michelle Miller-Adams
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
Nurturing America's Growth in the Global Marketplace Through Talent Development: An Interim Report on the Evaluation of Generations II and III of WIRED, Nancy Hewat and Kevin M. Hollenbeck
Publication: Reports
Against the Tide: Household Structure, Opportunities, and Outcomes among White and Minority Youth, Carolyn J. Hill, Harry J. Holzer, and Henry Chen
Publication: Upjohn Press
Introduction [to Against the Tide: Household Structure, Opportunities, and Outcomes among White and Minority Youth], Carolyn J. Hill, Harry J. Holzer, and Henry Chen
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Boosting the Economy through Career and Technical Education, Kevin M. Hollenbeck
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
An Alternative Pathway to a High School Diploma is Needed, Kevin M. Hollenbeck and Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Testimonies
Lessons Learned from a State-Funded Workplace Literacy Program, Kevin M. Hollenbeck and Bridget F. Timmeney
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
Lessons Learned from a State-Funded Workplace Literacy Program, Kevin M. Hollenbeck and Bridget F. Timmeney
Publication: Upjohn Institute Policy Papers
Financial Aid and Older Workers: Supporting the Nontraditional Student, Bridget Terry Long
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
A Not-So-Simple Gift, Michelle Miller-Adams
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
The Power of a Promise: Education and Economic Renewal in Kalamazoo, Michelle Miller-Adams
Publication: Upjohn Press
Toledo Promise Scholarship Concept Study, Michelle Miller-Adams, George A. Erickcek, and Bridget F. Timmeney
Publication: Reports
Helping Low-Wage Workers Persist in Education Programs: Lessons from Research on Welfare Training Programs and Two Promising Community College Strategies, Lashawn K. Richburg-Hayes
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Women, Work, and Welfare Reform, Kristin S. Seefeldt
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
Introduction and Overview [to A Future of Good Jobs?: America's Challenge in the Global Economy], Timothy J. Bartik, Editor and Susan N. Houseman, Editor
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Economic Development Benefits of Preschool Expansion in Kalamazoo County, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Upjohn Institute Working Papers
The Economic Development Effects of Early Childhood Programs, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: External Papers and Reports
The Economic Development Effects of Early Childhood Programs, Timothy J. Bartik
Publication: Reports
"Eds and Meds" and Metropolitan Economic Development, Timothy J. Bartik and George A. Erickcek
Publication: Book Chapters
"Eds & Meds" and Metropolitan Economic Development, Timothy J. Bartik and George A. Erickcek
Publication: Employment Research Newsletter
The Local Economic Impact of "Eds & Meds": How Policies to Expand Universities and Hospitals Affect Metropolitan Economies, Timothy J. Bartik and George A. Erickcek
Publication: External Papers and Reports
A Future of Good Jobs?: America's Challenge in the Global Economy, Timothy J. Bartik , Editor and Susan N. Houseman , Editor
Publication: Upjohn Press
Trends in Worker Requirements and the Need for Better Information to Make More Informed Decisions in a Global Economy, Randall W. Eberts
Publication: Book Chapters
Albion College Study: Exploring Economic Development Opportunities, George A. Erickcek and Ben Copeland
Publication: Reports
Review of the Davenport Promise Concept, George A. Erickcek, Sarah M. Klerk, and Brad R. Watts
Publication: Reports
The Value of Unpaid Child Care in the United States in 2003, Nancy Folbre and Jayoung Yoon
Publication: Upjohn Press Book Chapters
Differences in the Returns to Education for Males by Disability Status and Age of Disability Onset, Kevin Hollenbeck and Jean Kimmel
Publication: Journal Articles