Early Career Research Awards | Funding | W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research



The Distributional Effects of Parental Job Loss on Long-Term Labor Market Outcomes, Bernhard Schmidpeter

Globalization, Trade Imbalances, and Labor Market Adjustment, Sharon Traiberman, Rafael Dix-Carneiro, and Ricardo Reyes-Heroles

Foxes and Hedgehogs: The Role of Personality in Labor Market Adjustment, Sharon Traiberman and Matthew Grant

The Impacts of Immigration on the Wage Distribution Using Both Reduced-Form and Structural Approaches, Vasil I. Yasenov


Firms and the Gender Wage Gap: Evidence from Brazil, Felipe Benguria

When Single Mothers Return to Work: Evaluating the Long-Term Impacts of Welfare Reform on Children's Outcomes, Tanya Byker

SNAP Participation and Labor Supply Decisions: Evidence from Exogenous Changes in Transaction Costs to Program Participation, Pablo A. Celhay

The Long-Term Effects of Labor Market Entry in a Recession: Evidence from the 1997-1998 Asian Financial Crisis, Eleanor Jawon Choi and Hyelim Son

ProPelled: The Effects of Grants on Graduation and Earnings, Jeffrey T. Denning

The Effect of Food Stamps on Adult Labor Supply and Health Outcomes, Chloe East

Establishment-Level Determinants of Job Quality and Wage Inequality, Eliza C. Forsythe

Full-Day Kindergarten Expansions and Maternal Employment, Chloe R. Gibbs

The Spillover Effects of Top Income Inequality, Joshua D. Gottlieb

Worksite Wellness: A Field Experiment on Participation Incentives & Selection into Worksite Wellness Programs, David Molitor and Julian Reif

The Role of Treatment Innovations and Employer Accommodations in Reducing Negative Labor Market Effects Among Cancer Patients, R. Vincent Pohl

How do Firms Respond to a Minimum Wage Hike?, Ekaterina Roshchina

Labor Market Discrimination Against Homosexuals, Miguel Sarzosa

Untethering from Industry Decline: Occupation-Specific Human Capital and Labor Mobility, Daniel Tannenbaum

U.S. Sick Pay Mandates and their Impact on Coverage Rates, Labor Costs, Wages and Employment, Nicolas R. Ziebarth


Labor Market and Program Participation Impacts of Health and Productivity Shocks: Evidence from Forest Fire Smoke, Mark Borgschulte and David Molitor

The Effect of Paid Sick Leave Mandates on Labor and Health Outcomes, Kevin Callison and Michael Pesko

Labor Market Effects of Algorithmic Hiring: Evidence from Field and Natural Experiments, Bo Cowgill

The Effects of Credit Constraints in College on Human Capital and Labor Supply, Jeffrey T. Denning

The Impact of Labor Market Shocks on Household Financial Outcomes and Migration, Rafael Dix-Carneiro, Donghoon Lee, and Wilbert van der Klaauw

Knowledge and Networking in Professional Labor Markets: Do Conferences Impact Scientific Careers?, Ina Ganguli

Gender, Peer Advising, and College Success, Seth Gershenson

The Effect of Demand Shocks on Human Capital Acquisition Strategies: The Case of Adobe Flash Workers, John Horton

The Effects of Strikes on Hospital Production: Evidence from California, Samuel Kleiner

Examining the Labor Market Effects of Public Pension Design, L. Patten Mahler

The Effect of Pension Tax Reductions on Labor Supply, Olga Malkova

Understanding the Labor Market Effects of Legalizing Undocumented Immigrants, Ferran Elias Moreno and Joan Monràs

The Temporary Migration Response to Industry-Specific Shocks: Evidence from the U.S. Shale Boom, Mallory Vachon


Differential Mortality and the Progressivity of Social Security, Shantanu Bagchi

Firm Entry Barriers, Growth Constraints, and Job Creation: Theory and Evidence from Brazil, Samuel Bazzi

Does Increased Access to Health Insurance Impact Claims for Workers' Compensation? Evidence from Massachusetts Health Care Reform, Erin Todd Bronchetti and Melissa McInerney

Trade and Informality in the Presence of Labor Market Frictions, Rafael Dix-Carneiro

Trade Shocks and Gender Wage Gap, Shushanik Hakobyan

Offshoring and Employment : Evidence from Firm Microdata, Kyle Handley

The Labor Market Effects of U.S. Shale Gas and Oil Development, Grant Jacobsen

The Effects of Increasing the Minimum Wage on Prices: Analyzing the Incidence of Policy Design and Context, Daniel MacDonald

The Effects of Disability Employment Protections on Social Security Disability Insurance, Timothy Moore

Non-Cognitive Skills and Self Employment, Nicholas Papageorge

Wage Shocks and Technological Substitution, Brian Phelan

The Human Costs of Bank Speculation, Martin Schmalz

Labor Market Effects of Offshoring Within and Across Firm Boundaries, Nicholas Sly

Dynamic Responses to Labor Demand Shocks: Evidence from the Financial Industry in Delaware, Russell Weinstein

Assessing the Value of Mandated Sick Pay Schemes for the U.S., Nicolas R. Ziebarth


Family Policies and Female Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Social Security Records, Mevlude Akbulut-Yuksel, Mutlu Yuksel, and Melanie Khamis

The Impact of Nurse Turnover and Quality of Care: Evidence from the Great Recession, Yaa Akosa Antwi

Veterans in Workforce Development: Participation and Labor Market Outcomes, Colleen Chrisinger

Income-Tested College Financial Aid and Labor Disincentives, Rajeev Darolia

The Dynamics of Trade Adjustment: Evidence from 25 Years of Brazilian Matched Employer-Employee Data, Rafael Dix-Carneiro

The Effect of High-Stakes Accountability Policies on Teacher Absences, Seth Gershenson

The Effect of the District of Columbia Supplemental EITC on Poverty, Employment, and Income Growth, Bradley Hardy

Moms at Work: The Dynamics of Maternal Employment, Alexandra Killewald

The Effects of Chinese Trade Unions on Workers, Mingwei Liu

Income Support during the Great Recession: New Evidence from Linked Survey and Administrative Data, Nikolas Mittag

You're In Then You're Out: The Incidence of Being Outsourced, Johannes Schmieder

The Production and Stock of College Graduates across U.S. States, John Winters

Military Personnel Retention, Bonuses, and Civilian Labor Market Conditions, Nathan Wozny

The Effects of State Workforce and Safety Net Policies on Maternity-Leave Job Quitting among Less-Educated Workers, Marci Ybarra and Heather D. Hill

Labor Markets and International Trade: Testing the Heckscher-Ohlin Trade Theory with a Natural Experiment, Assaf Zimring


Mandatory Retirement and Its Impacts on Consumption in China, Yingying Dong

Are There Returns to Experience at Low-Skill Jobs? Evidence from Single Mothers in the United States Over the 1990s, Dayanand S. Manoli

Do Hispanic Workers Face Wage Penalties in the U.S. Labor Market?, Melissa Powell McInerney and Peter McHenry

The Minimum Wage and Employment Outcomes, Jonathan Meer

Skill, Sorting and Cyclical Unemployment: Evidence from Sweden, Andreas I. Mueller

Jobless Capital? The Role of Capital Subsidies, Carlianne E. Patrick

The Effect of Health Shocks on Earnings: Evidence from Chile, Vincent Pohl

Are First Source Hiring Agreements Effective? Evidence from Oregon, Greg Schrock

Housing Policies and the Labor Market, Daniel Shoag


Valuing the Benefits of Public Infrastructure in American Cities, David Albouy

Disability and Labor Market Adjustment, Judit Vall Castello and José Ignacia Silva Becerra

Intergovernmental Free-Riding, Teacher Salaries and Teacher Pensions, Maria D. Fitzpatrick

Racial Diversity in the Medical Profession: The Impact of Affirmative Action Bans on Student of Color Enrollment in Medical Schools, Liliana M. Garces

Firm and Employment Effects of the MA Health Care Reform, Naomi Hausman

Childhood Educational Interventions: Experimental Evidence on Postsecondary Impacts, Steven W. Hemelt

A Structural Dynamic Analysis of Over-Education and Mismatch, Clement Joubert and Arnaud Maurel

Mandate-Based Health Reform and the Labor Market: Evidence from the Massachusetts Reform, Jonathan T. Kolstad and Amanda E. Kowalski

The Impact of Affirmative Action on the Employment of Minorities and Women, Fidan Ana Kurtulus

The Effect of Public Insurance on the Labor Supply of Childless Adults, Lindsey Leininger and Thomas DeLeire

Wage Setting in Internal Labor Markets, Pascal Michaillat

Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Behavior, Victoria Prowse

Employment Vulnerability of Formerly-Incarcerated Workers, Gretchen Purser

Demand Shocks, Supply Chains and Spillovers in Local Economies: The Case of the Automotive Industry, James M. Sallee and Reed Walker

The Backward Bending Search Intensity Supply Curve: How the Job Finding Rate Affects the Unemployed's Search Effort, Jeremy Schwartz


The Impacts of the 2008/2009 Recession on Immigrant Workers: Evidence from the U.S. Agricultural Labor Market, Maoyong Fan

Anti-Discrimination Legislation, Firm Behavior, and Employment Outcomes, Alexander Gelber

High School Exit Exams and Student Outcomes, Steven Hemelt

Tax Refunds and Unemployment Spells, Sara LaLumia

When Are Economic Development Incentive Grants Successful?: Evidence from a Time-Series Analysis of North Carolina’s State and Local Recruitment Deals, T. William Lester

Hit by the Recession?: Immigrant Employment in Urban America, Cathy Yang Liu

The Importance of School Infrastructure to Students and Teacher Labor Markets: Regression-Discontinuity Evidence from School Bond Elections, Kevin Stange

The Causes and Consequences of Civil Service Reform in U.S. States, Gergely Ujhelyi

Shifting Risk and Benefit to Workers?: The Effects of Recession and Recovery on Independent Contractors in Trucking, Stephen Viscelli


Undocumented Migration with Endogenous Coyote Prices, Áureo de Paula and Timothy Halliday

Labor Market Incidence of Health Insurance Mandates: The Case of Infertility Mandates, Joanna Lahey

Executive Compensation and Peer Benchmarking, Ron Laschever

The Task Content of Trade and Its Implications for US Employment and Wages, Runjuan Liu

Immigrants' Legal Status and the Opportunity Cost of Crime: Evidence from a Natural Experiment, Giovanni Mastrobuoni and Paolo Pinotti